# :stopdoc:
# This module provides a set of helper functions and methods for working with Sass literals.
module Archetype::Functions::Helpers
# used for archetype meta objects on a Map
META = {
:meta => '-archetype-meta',
:has_multiples => 'has-multiple-values',
:values => 'values',
:message => 'message',
:original => 'original',
:decorators => {
:runtime_locales => 'has-runtime-locales'
# provides a convenience interface to the Compass::Logger
def self.logger
@logger ||= Compass::Logger.new
# provides a convenience interface for logging warnings
def self.warn(msg)
logger.record(:warning, msg)
# convert an Archetype::Hash to a Sass::Script::Value::List
# *Parameters*:
# - hsh {Archetype::Hash} the hash to convert
# - depth {Integer} the depth to walk down into the hash
# - separator {Symbol} the separator to use for the Sass::Script::Value::List
# *Returns*:
# - {Sass::Script::Value::List} the converted list
def self.hash_to_list(hsh, depth = 0, separator = :comma)
if hsh.is_a? Hash
list = []
hsh.each do |key, item|
item = [key, item]
# if its a hash, convert it to a List
if item.is_a? Hash or item.is_a? Array
tmp = []
item[1] = [item[1]] if not item[1].is_a? Array
item[1].each do |i|
list.push Sass::Script::Value::List.new([Sass::Script::Value::String.new(item[0]), hash_to_list(i, depth + 1)], separator)
return Sass::Script::Value::List.new(list, separator)
# if its an array, cast to a List
return Sass::Script::Value::List.new(hsh, separator) if hsh.is_a? Array
# otherwise just return it
return hsh
# convert a Sass::Script::Value::List to an Archetype::Hash
# *Parameters*:
# - list {Sass::Script::Value::List} the list to convert
# - depth {Integer} the depth to reach into nested Lists
# - nest {Array} a list of keys to treat as nested objects
# - additives {Array} a list of keys that are additive
# *Returns*:
# - {Archetype::Hash} the converted hash
def self.list_to_hash(list, depth = 0, nest = [], additives = [])
list = list.to_a
previous = nil
hsh = Archetype::Hash.new
dups = Set.new
list.each do |item|
item = item.to_a
# if a 3rd item exists, we probably forgot a comma or parens somewhere
if previous.nil? and not item[2].nil?
msg = "[#{Archetype.name}:hash] you're likely missing a comma or parens in your data structure"
warn("#{msg}: #{item}")
# convert the key to a string and strip off quotes
key = to_str(item[0], ' ' , :quotes)
# capture the value
value = item[1]
if key != 'nil'
if is_value(value, :blank)
if previous.nil?
previous = key
value = item[0]
key = previous
previous = nil
elsif not previous.nil?
# if we got here, something is wrong with the structure
list = list[1..-1] if to_str(list[0]) == previous # remove the first item if it's the previous key, which is now the parent key
list = list[0].to_a # now the remaining items were munged, so split them out
hsh = Archetype::Hash.new
hsh[previous] = list_to_hash(list, depth - 1, nest, additives)
return hsh
# update the hash if we have a valid key and hash
if key != 'nil' and not is_value(value, :blank)
# check if if it's a nesting hash
nested = nest.include?(key)
# if it's nested or we haven't reached out depth, recurse
if nested or depth > 0
value = list_to_hash(value, nested ? depth + 1 : depth - 1, nest, additives)
if additives.include?(key)
hsh[key] ||= []
dups << key
hsh[key] = value
dups.each do |key|
# convert it's array of values into a meta object
hsh[key] = self.array_to_meta(hsh[key])
warn("[#{Archetype.name}:hash] one of your data structures is ambiguous, please double check near `#{previous}`") unless (previous.nil? or previous.empty?)
return hsh
# convert a Sass::Script::Value::List or Sass::Script::Value::Map to an Archetype::Hash
# *Parameters*:
# - data {Sass::Script::Value::List|Sass::Script::Value::Map} the data to convert
# - depth {Integer} the depth to reach into nested Lists
# - nest {Array} a list of keys to treat as nested objects
# - additives {Array} a list of keys that are additive
# *Returns*:
# - {Archetype::Hash} the converted hash
def self.data_to_hash(data, depth = 0, nest = [], additives = [])
method = data.is_a?(Sass::Script::Value::Map) ? :map_to_hash : :list_to_hash
return self.method(method).call(data, depth, nest, additives)
# converts a Sass::Script::Value::Map to an Archetype::Hash
# - data {Sass::Script::Value::Map} the map to convert
# - depth {Integer} the depth to reach into nested Lists
# - nest {Array} a list of keys to treat as nested objects
# - additives {Array} a list of keys that are additive
# *Returns*:
# - {Archetype::Hash} the converted hash
def self.map_to_hash(data, depth = 0, nest = [], additives = [])
data = data.to_h if data.respond_to?(:to_h)
hsh = Archetype::Hash.new
# recurisvely convert sub-maps into a hash
data.each do |key, value|
key = to_str(key, ' ' , :quotes)
hsh[key] = value.is_a?(Sass::Script::Value::Map) ? map_to_hash(value) : value
return hsh
# convert an Archetype::Hash to a Sass::Script::Value::Map
# *Parameters*:
# - hsh {Archetype::Hash} the hash to convert
# - depth {Integer} the depth to walk down into the hash
# - separator {Symbol} the separator to use for the Sass::Script::Value::List
# *Returns*:
# - {Sass::Script::Value::List} the converted list
def self.hash_to_map(hsh)
if hsh.is_a? Hash
new_hsh = Archetype::Hash.new
hsh.each do |key, item|
new_hsh[Sass::Script::Value::String.new(key)] = (item.is_a? Hash) ? self.hash_to_map(item) : item
new_hsh = {}
return Sass::Script::Value::Map.new(new_hsh)
# convert an array of values into a Sass map with meta data
# *Example*:
# array_to_meta([1, "foo", "bar", 2, "baz"])
# #=> ((-archetype-meta: (has-multiple-values: true), values: (1, "foo", "bar", 2, "baz")))
# *Parameters*:
# - array {Array} the array to convert
# *Returns*:
# - {Sass::Script::Value::Map} the converted map
def self.array_to_meta(array)
return array[0] if array.size == 1
return Sass::Script::Value::Map.new({
Sass::Script::Value::String.new(META[:meta]) => Sass::Script::Value::Map.new({
Sass::Script::Value::String.new(META[:has_multiples]) => Sass::Script::Value::Bool.new(true)
Sass::Script::Value::String.new(META[:values]) => Sass::Script::Value::List.new(array, :comma)
# convert a Sass map with meta data to an array of values
# *Example*:
# meta_to_array(((-archetype-meta: (has-multiple-values: true), values: (1, "foo", "bar", 2, "baz"))))
# #=> [1, "foo", "bar", 2, "baz"]
# *Parameters*:
# - map {Sass::Script::Value::Map} the map to convert
# *Returns*:
# - {Array} the converted array
def self.meta_to_array(map)
hash = map.is_a?(Sass::Script::Value::Map) ? map_to_hash(map) : map
if hash.is_a?(Hash)
meta = hash[META[:meta]]
if not meta.nil? and not meta[META[:has_multiples]].nil? and meta[META[:has_multiples]]
return (hash[META[:values]] || []).to_a
# dunno what we got, but it wasn't meta enough, so just return the original map
return map
# decorates a value into a meta object
# *Parameters*:
# - value {*} the value to decorate
# *Returns*:
# - {Sass::Script::Value::Map} the decorated map
def self.meta_decorate(value, decorator)
return Sass::Script::Value::Null.new if is_null(value)
return Sass::Script::Value::Map.new({
Sass::Script::Value::String.new(META[:meta]) => Sass::Script::Value::Map.new({
Sass::Script::Value::String.new(META[:decorators][decorator] || decorator) => Sass::Script::Value::Bool.new(true)
Sass::Script::Value::String.new(META[:original]) => value
# adds a meta message to the hash
# *Parameters*:
# - hash {Hash} the hash to store the message onto
# - message {String} the message to store
# *Returns*:
# - {Hash} the hash with the injected message
def self.add_meta_message(hash, message)
hash[META[:meta]] = Sass::Script::Value::Map.new({
Sass::Script::Value::String.new(META[:message]) => Sass::Script::Value::String.new(message)
return hash
# retrieves a meta message from a hash
# *Parameters*:
# - hash {Hash} the hash to retrieve the message from
# *Returns*:
# - {String} the meta message stored on the hash
def self.get_meta_message(hash)
if not hash[META[:meta]].nil?
meta = map_to_hash(hash[META[:meta]])
message = meta[META[:message]]
return message.to_s if not message.nil?
return nil
# convert things to a String
# *Parameters*:
# - value {String|Sass::Script::Value::String|Sass::Script::Value::List} the thing to convert
# - separator {String} the separator to use for joining Sass::Script::Value::List
# - strip {\*} the properties to strip from the resulting string
# *Returns*:
# - {String} the converted String
def self.to_str(value, separator = ' ', strip = nil)
if not value.is_a?(String)
value = ((value.to_a).each{ |i| i.nil? ? 'nil' : (i.is_a?(String) ? i : i.is_a?(Array) ? to_str(i, separator, strip) : i.value) }).join(separator || '')
strip = /\A"|"\Z/ if strip == :quotes
return strip.nil? ? value : value.gsub(strip, '')
# simple test for `null` or `nil` (deprecated) value. this is here for back-compat support with old `nil` syntax
# *Parameters*:
# - $value {*} the value to test
# *Returns*:
# - {Boolean} whether or not the value is null
def self.is_null(value)
return true if value.nil?
is_deprecated_nil = (value.is_a?(Sass::Script::Value::String) && value.value == 'nil')
#helpers.warn("[#{Archetype.name}:nil] the usage of `nil` will be removed in a future release, please use the Sass standard `null`")
return value.is_a?(Sass::Script::Value::Null) || is_deprecated_nil
# test a value for various conditions
# *Parameters*:
# - value {String|Array|Sass::Script::Value::String|Sass::Script::Value::List} the thing to test
# - test {Symbol} the test to perform [:blank|:nil]
# *Returns*:
# - {Boolean} whether or not the value is nil/blank
def self.is_value(value, test = :nil)
is_it = nil
case test
when :blank
is_it = false
value = value.value if value.is_a?(Sass::Script::Value::String)
is_it = value.nil?
is_it = value.empty? if value.is_a?(String)
is_it = value.to_a.empty? if value.is_a?(Sass::Script::Value::List) or value.is_a?(Array)
when :nil
is_it = false
value = value.value if value.is_a?(Sass::Script::Value::String)
is_it = value.nil?
is_it = value == 'nil' if value.is_a?(String)
is_it = value.empty? if value.is_a?(Hash)
is_it = to_str(value) == 'nil' if value.is_a?(Sass::Script::Value::List) or value.is_a?(Array)
is_it = true if value.is_a?(Sass::Script::Value::Null)
when :hashy
is_it = value.is_a?(Hash) || value.is_a?(Sass::Script::Value::Map)
return is_it