require "indefinite_article" require "yaml" require "scaffolding/class_names_transformer" class Scaffolding::Transformer attr_accessor :child, :parent, :parents, :class_names_transformer, :cli_options, :additional_steps, :namespace, :suppress_could_not_find def initialize(child, parents, cli_options = {}) self.child = child self.parent = parents.first self.parents = parents self.namespace = cli_options["namespace"] || "account" self.class_names_transformer =, parent, namespace) self.cli_options = cli_options self.additional_steps = [] end RUBY_NEW_FIELDS_PROCESSING_HOOK = "# 🚅 super scaffolding will insert processing for new fields above this line." RUBY_NEW_ARRAYS_HOOK = "# 🚅 super scaffolding will insert new arrays above this line." RUBY_NEW_FIELDS_HOOK = "# 🚅 super scaffolding will insert new fields above this line." RUBY_ADDITIONAL_NEW_FIELDS_HOOK = "# 🚅 super scaffolding will also insert new fields above this line." RUBY_EVEN_MORE_NEW_FIELDS_HOOK = "# 🚅 super scaffolding will additionally insert new fields above this line." ENDPOINTS_HOOK = "# 🚅 super scaffolding will mount new endpoints above this line." ERB_NEW_FIELDS_HOOK = "<%#{RUBY_NEW_FIELDS_HOOK} %>" CONCERNS_HOOK = "# 🚅 add concerns above." ATTR_ACCESSORS_HOOK = "# 🚅 add attribute accessors above." BELONGS_TO_HOOK = "# 🚅 add belongs_to associations above." HAS_MANY_HOOK = "# 🚅 add has_many associations above." OAUTH_PROVIDERS_HOOK = "# 🚅 add oauth providers above." HAS_ONE_HOOK = "# 🚅 add has_one associations above." SCOPES_HOOK = "# 🚅 add scopes above." VALIDATIONS_HOOK = "# 🚅 add validations above." CALLBACKS_HOOK = "# 🚅 add callbacks above." DELEGATIONS_HOOK = "# 🚅 add delegations above." METHODS_HOOK = "# 🚅 add methods above." def encode_double_replacement_fix(string) string.chars.join("~!@BT@!~") end def decode_double_replacement_fix(string) string.gsub("~!@BT@!~", "") end def transform_string(string) [ # full class name plural. "Scaffolding::AbsolutelyAbstract::CreativeConcepts", "Scaffolding::CompletelyConcrete::TangibleThings", "scaffolding/absolutely_abstract/creative_concepts", "scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_things", "scaffolding/completely_concrete/_tangible_things", "scaffolding_absolutely_abstract_creative_concepts", "scaffolding_completely_concrete_tangible_things", "scaffolding-absolutely-abstract-creative-concepts", "scaffolding-completely-concrete-tangible-things", # full class name singular. "Scaffolding::AbsolutelyAbstract::CreativeConcept", "Scaffolding::CompletelyConcrete::TangibleThing", "scaffolding/absolutely_abstract/creative_concept", "scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_thing", "scaffolding_absolutely_abstract_creative_concept", "scaffolding_completely_concrete_tangible_thing", "scaffolding-absolutely-abstract-creative-concept", "scaffolding-completely-concrete-tangible-thing", # class name in context plural. "absolutely_abstract_creative_concepts", "completely_concrete_tangible_things", "absolutely_abstract/creative_concepts", "completely_concrete/tangible_things", "absolutely-abstract-creative-concepts", "completely-concrete-tangible-things", # class name in context singular. "absolutely_abstract_creative_concept", "completely_concrete_tangible_thing", "absolutely_abstract/creative_concept", "completely_concrete/tangible_thing", "absolutely-abstract-creative-concept", "completely-concrete-tangible-thing", # just class name singular. "creative_concepts", "tangible_things", "creative-concepts", "tangible-things", "Creative Concepts", "Tangible Things", # just class name plural. "creative_concept", "tangible_thing", "creative-concept", "tangible-thing", "Creative Concept", "Tangible Thing", # Account namespace vs. others. ":account", "/account/" ].each do |needle| string = string.gsub(needle, encode_double_replacement_fix(class_names_transformer.replacement_for(needle))) end decode_double_replacement_fix(string) end def resolve_template_path(file) # Figure out the actual location of the file. # Originally all the potential source files were in the repository alongside the application. # Now the files could be provided by an included Ruby gem, so we allow those Ruby gems to register their base # path and then we check them in order to see which template we should use. do |base_path| base_path = resolved_path = base_path.join(file).to_s File.exist?(resolved_path) ? resolved_path : nil end.compact.first || raise("Couldn't find the Super Scaffolding template for `#{file}` in any of the following locations:\n\n#{BulletTrain::SuperScaffolding.template_paths.join("\n")}") end def get_transformed_file_content(file) transformed_file_content = [] skipping = false gathering_lines_to_repeat = false parents_to_repeat_for = [] gathered_lines_for_repeating = nil do |line| if line.include?("# 🚅 skip when scaffolding.") next end if line.include?("# 🚅 skip this section if resource is nested directly under team.") skipping = true if parent == "Team" next end if line.include?("# 🚅 skip this section when scaffolding.") skipping = true next end if line.include?("# 🚅 stop any skipping we're doing now.") skipping = false next end if line.include?("# 🚅 for each child resource from team down to the resource we're scaffolding, repeat the following:") gathering_lines_to_repeat = true parents_to_repeat_for = ([child] + parents.dup).reverse gathered_lines_for_repeating = [] next end if line.include?("# 🚅 stop repeating.") gathering_lines_to_repeat = false while parents_to_repeat_for.count > 1 current_parent = parents_to_repeat_for[0] current_child = parents_to_repeat_for[1] current_transformer =, current_parent) transformed_file_content << current_transformer.transform_string(gathered_lines_for_repeating.join) parents_to_repeat_for.shift end next end if gathering_lines_to_repeat gathered_lines_for_repeating << line next end if skipping next end # remove lines with 'remove in scaffolded files.' unless line.include?("remove in scaffolded files.") # only transform it if it doesn't have the lock emoji. if line.include?("🔒") # remove any comments that start with a lock. line.gsub!(/\s+?#\s+🔒.*/, "") else line = transform_string(line) end transformed_file_content << line end end transformed_file_content.join end def scaffold_file(file) transformed_file_content = get_transformed_file_content(file) transformed_file_name = transform_string(file) transformed_directory_name = File.dirname(transformed_file_name) unless FileUtils.mkdir_p(transformed_directory_name) end puts "Writing '#{transformed_file_name}'." File.write(transformed_file_name, transformed_file_content.strip + "\n") if transformed_file_name.split(".").last == "rb" puts "Fixing Standard Ruby on '#{transformed_file_name}'." # `standardrb --fix #{transformed_file_name} 2> /dev/null` end end def scaffold_directory(directory) transformed_directory_name = transform_string(directory) begin Dir.mkdir(transformed_directory_name) rescue Errno::EEXIST => _ puts "The directory #{transformed_directory_name} already exists, skipping generation.".yellow rescue Errno::ENOENT => _ puts "Proceeding to generate '#{transformed_directory_name}'." end Dir.foreach(resolve_template_path(directory)) do |file| file = "#{directory}/#{file}" unless scaffold_file(file) end end end # pass in an array where this content should be inserted within the yml file. For example, to add content # to admin.models pass in [:admin, :models] def add_line_to_yml_file(file, content, location_array) # First check that the given location array actually exists in the yml file: yml = YAML.safe_load(!(&:to_s) return nil if yml.dig(*location_array).nil? # Should we raise an error? content += "\n" unless content[-1] == "\n" # Find the location in the file where the location_array is lines = File.readlines(file) current_needle = location_array.shift.to_s current_space = "" insert_after = 1 lines.each_with_index do |line, index| break if current_needle.nil? if line.strip == current_needle + ":" current_needle = location_array.shift.to_s insert_after = index current_space = line.match(/\s+/).to_s end end new_lines = [] current_space += " " lines.each_with_index do |line, index| new_lines << line new_lines << current_space + content if index == insert_after end File.write(file, new_lines.join) end def add_line_to_file(file, content, hook, options = {}) increase_indent = options[:increase_indent] add_before = options[:add_before] add_after = options[:add_after] transformed_file_name = file transformed_content = content transform_hook = hook begin target_file_content = rescue Errno::ENOENT => _ puts "Couldn't find '#{transformed_file_name}'".red unless suppress_could_not_find || options[:suppress_could_not_find] return false end if target_file_content.include?(transformed_content) puts "No need to update '#{transformed_file_name}'. It already has '#{transformed_content}'." else new_target_file_content = [] target_file_content.split("\n").each do |line| if options[:exact_match] ? line == transform_hook : line.match(/#{Regexp.escape(transform_hook)}\s*$/) if add_before new_target_file_content << "#{line} #{add_before}" else unless options[:prepend] new_target_file_content << line end end line =~ /^(\s*).*#{Regexp.escape(transform_hook)}.*/ leading_whitespace = $1 incoming_leading_whitespace = nil transformed_content.lines.each do |content_line| content_line.rstrip content_line =~ /^(\s*).*/ # this ignores empty lines. # it accepts any amount of whitespace if we haven't seen any whitespace yet. if content_line.present? && $1 && (incoming_leading_whitespace.nil? || $1.length < incoming_leading_whitespace.length) incoming_leading_whitespace = $1 end end incoming_leading_whitespace ||= "" transformed_content.lines.each do |content_line| new_target_file_content << "#{leading_whitespace}#{" " if increase_indent}#{content_line.gsub(/^#{incoming_leading_whitespace}/, "").rstrip}".presence end new_target_file_content << "#{leading_whitespace}#{add_after}" if add_after if options[:prepend] new_target_file_content << line end else new_target_file_content << line end end puts "Updating '#{transformed_file_name}'." File.write(transformed_file_name, new_target_file_content.join("\n").strip + "\n") end end def scaffold_add_line_to_file(file, content, hook, options = {}) file = transform_string(file) content = transform_string(content) hook = transform_string(hook) add_line_to_file(file, content, hook, options) end def replace_line_in_file(file, content, in_place_of) target_file_content = if target_file_content.include?(content) puts "No need to update '#{file}'. It already has '#{content}'." else puts "Updating '#{file}'." target_file_content.gsub!(in_place_of, content) File.write(file, target_file_content) end end def scaffold_replace_line_in_file(file, content, in_place_of) file = transform_string(file) # we specifically don't transform the content, we assume a builder function created this content. in_place_of = transform_string(in_place_of) replace_line_in_file(file, content, in_place_of) end # if class_name isn't specified, we use `child`. # if class_name is specified, then `child` is assumed to be a parent of `class_name`. # returns an array with the ability line and a boolean indicating whether the ability line should be inserted among # the abilities for admins only. (this happens when building an ability line for a resources that doesn't ultimately # belong to a Team or a User.) def build_ability_line(class_names = nil) # e.g. ['Conversations::Message', 'Conversation'] if class_names # e.g. 'Conversations::Message' class_name = class_names.shift # e.g. ['Conversation', 'Deliverable', 'Phase', 'Project', 'Team'] working_parents = class_names + [child] + parents else # e.g. 'Deliverable' class_name = child # e.g. ['Phase', 'Project', 'Team'] working_parents = parents.dup end case working_parents.last when "User" working_parents.pop ability_line = "user_id:" when "Team" working_parents.pop ability_line = "team_id: user.team_ids" else # if a resources is specified that isn't ultimately owned by a team or a user, then only admins can manage it. return ["can :manage, #{class_name}", true] end # e.g. ['Phase', 'Project'] while working_parents.any? current_parent = working_parents.pop current_transformer = || class_name, current_parent, namespace) ability_line = "#{current_transformer.parent_variable_name_in_context}: {#{ability_line}}" end # e.g. "can :manage, Deliverable, phase: {project: {team_id: user.team_ids}}" ["can :manage, #{class_name}, #{ability_line}", false] end def build_conversation_ability_line build_ability_line(["Conversations::Message", "Conversation"]) end def add_scaffolding_hooks_to_model before_scaffolding_hooks = <<~RUBY #{CONCERNS_HOOK} #{ATTR_ACCESSORS_HOOK} RUBY after_scaffolding_hooks = <<-RUBY #{BELONGS_TO_HOOK} #{HAS_MANY_HOOK} #{HAS_ONE_HOOK} #{SCOPES_HOOK} #{VALIDATIONS_HOOK} #{CALLBACKS_HOOK} #{DELEGATIONS_HOOK} #{METHODS_HOOK} RUBY # add scaffolding hooks to the model. unless File.readlines(transform_string("./app/models/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_thing.rb")).join.include?(CONCERNS_HOOK) scaffold_add_line_to_file("./app/models/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_thing.rb", before_scaffolding_hooks, "ApplicationRecord", increase_indent: true) end unless File.readlines(transform_string("./app/models/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_thing.rb")).join.include?(BELONGS_TO_HOOK) scaffold_add_line_to_file("./app/models/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_thing.rb", after_scaffolding_hooks, "end", prepend: true, increase_indent: true, exact_match: true) end end def add_ability_line_to_roles_yml(class_names = nil) model_names = class_names || [child] role_file = "./config/models/roles.yml" model_names.each do |model_name| add_line_to_yml_file(role_file, "#{model_name}: read", [:default, :models]) add_line_to_yml_file(role_file, "#{model_name}: manage", [:admin, :models]) end end def build_factory_setup class_name = child working_parents = parents.dup current_parent = working_parents.pop current_transformer = || class_name, [current_parent]) setup_lines = [] unless current_parent == "Team" || current_parent == "User" setup_lines << current_transformer.transform_string("@absolutely_abstract_creative_concept = create(:scaffolding_absolutely_abstract_creative_concept)") end previous_assignment = current_transformer.transform_string("absolutely_abstract_creative_concept: @absolutely_abstract_creative_concept") current_parent = working_parents.pop while current_parent current_transformer = || class_name, [current_parent]) setup_lines << current_transformer.transform_string("@absolutely_abstract_creative_concept = create(:scaffolding_absolutely_abstract_creative_concept, #{previous_assignment})") previous_assignment = current_transformer.transform_string("absolutely_abstract_creative_concept: @absolutely_abstract_creative_concept") current_parent = working_parents.pop end setup_lines << current_transformer.transform_string("@tangible_thing = create(:scaffolding_completely_concrete_tangible_thing, #{previous_assignment})") setup_lines end def replace_in_file(file, before, after, target_regexp = nil) puts "Replacing in '#{file}'." if target_regexp.present? target_file_content = "" do |l| l.gsub!(before, after) if !!l.match(target_regexp) target_file_content += l end else target_file_content = target_file_content.gsub!(before, after) end File.write(file, target_file_content) end def restart_server # restart the server. puts "Restarting the server so it picks up the new localization .yml file." `./bin/rails restart` end def add_locale_helper_export_fix namespaced_locale_export_hook = "# 🚅 super scaffolding will insert the export for the locale view helper here." spacer = " " indentation = spacer * 3 namespace_elements = child.underscore.pluralize.split("/") last_element = namespace_elements.shift lines_to_add = [last_element + ":"] do |namespace_element| lines_to_add << indentation + namespace_element + ":" last_element = namespace_element indentation += spacer end lines_to_add << lines_to_add.pop + " *#{last_element}" scaffold_replace_line_in_file("./config/locales/en/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_things.en.yml", lines_to_add.join("\n"), namespaced_locale_export_hook) end def scaffold_new_breadcrumbs(child, parents) scaffold_file("./app/views/account/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_things/_breadcrumbs.html.erb") puts puts "Heads up! We're only able to generate the new breadcrumb views, so you'll have to edit `#{transform_string("./config/locales/en/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_things.en.yml")}` and add the label. You can look at `./config/locales/en/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_things.en.yml` for an example of how to do this, but here's an example of what it should look like:".yellow puts puts transform_string("en:\n scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_things: &tangible_things\n label: &label Things\n breadcrumbs:\n label: *label").yellow puts end def add_has_many_association has_many_line = ["has_many :completely_concrete_tangible_things"] # TODO I _think_ this is the right way to check for whether we need `class_name` to specify the name of the model. unless transform_string("completely_concrete_tangible_things").classify == child has_many_line << "class_name: \"Scaffolding::CompletelyConcrete::TangibleThing\"" end has_many_line << "dependent: :destroy" # TODO I _think_ this is the right way to check for whether we need `foreign_key` to specify the name of the model. unless transform_string("absolutely_abstract_creative_concept_id") == "#{parent.underscore}_id" has_many_line << "foreign_key: :absolutely_abstract_creative_concept_id" # And if we need `foreign_key`, we should also specify `inverse_of`. has_many_line << "inverse_of: :absolutely_abstract_creative_concept" end has_many_string = transform_string(has_many_line.join(", ")) add_line_to_file(transform_string("./app/models/scaffolding/absolutely_abstract/creative_concept.rb"), has_many_string, HAS_MANY_HOOK, prepend: true) # Return the name of the has_many association. has_many_string.split(",").first.split(":").last end def add_has_many_through_associations(has_many_through_transformer) has_many_association = add_has_many_association has_many_through_string = has_many_through_transformer.transform_string("has_many :completely_concrete_tangible_things, through: :$HAS_MANY_ASSOCIATION") has_many_through_string.gsub!("$HAS_MANY_ASSOCIATION", has_many_association) add_line_to_file(transform_string("./app/models/scaffolding/absolutely_abstract/creative_concept.rb"), has_many_through_string, HAS_MANY_HOOK, prepend: true) end def add_attributes_to_various_views(attributes, scaffolding_options = {}) sql_type_to_field_type_mapping = { # 'binary' => '', "boolean" => "options", "date" => "date_field", "datetime" => "date_and_time_field", "decimal" => "text_field", "float" => "text_field", "integer" => "text_field", "bigint" => "text_field", # 'primary_key' => '', # 'references' => '', "string" => "text_field", "text" => "text_area" # 'time' => '', # 'timestamp' => '', } # add attributes to various views. attributes.each_with_index do |attribute, index| first_table_cell = index == 0 && scaffolding_options[:type] == :crud parts = attribute.split(":") name = parts.shift type = parts.join(":") boolean_buttons = type == "boolean" # extract any options they passed in with the field. # will extract options declared with either [] or {}. type, attribute_options = type.scan(/^(.*){(.*)}/).first || type # create a hash of the options. attribute_options = if attribute_options attribute_options.split(",").map { |s| option_name, option_value = s.split("=") [option_name.to_sym, option_value || true] }.to_h else {} end attribute_options[:label] ||= "label_string" if sql_type_to_field_type_mapping[type] type = sql_type_to_field_type_mapping[type] end is_id = name.match?(/_id$/) is_ids = name.match?(/_ids$/) # if this is the first attribute of a newly scaffolded model, that field is required. is_required = attribute_options[:required] || (scaffolding_options[:type] == :crud && index == 0) is_vanilla = attribute_options&.key?(:vanilla) is_belongs_to = is_id && !is_vanilla is_has_many = is_ids && !is_vanilla is_multiple = attribute_options&.key?(:multiple) || is_has_many is_association = is_belongs_to || is_has_many # Sometimes we need all the magic of a `*_id` field, but without the scoping stuff. # Possibly only ever used internally by `join-model`. is_unscoped = attribute_options[:unscoped] name_without_id = name.gsub(/_id$/, "") name_without_ids = name.gsub(/_ids$/, "").pluralize collection_name = is_ids ? name_without_ids : name_without_id.pluralize # field on the show view. attribute_partial ||= attribute_options[:attribute] || case type when "trix_editor", "ckeditor" "html" when "buttons", "super_select", "options", "boolean" if is_ids "has_many" elsif is_id "belongs_to" else "option#{"s" if is_multiple}" end when "cloudinary_image" attribute_options[:height] = 200 "image" when "phone_field" "phone_number" when "date_field" "date" when "date_and_time_field" "date_and_time" when "email_field" "email" when "color_picker" "code" else "text" end cell_attributes = if boolean_buttons ' class="text-center"' end # e.g. from `person_id` to `person` or `person_ids` to `people`. attribute_name = if is_ids name_without_ids elsif is_id name_without_id else name end title_case = if is_ids # user_ids should be 'Users' name_without_ids.humanize.titlecase elsif is_id name_without_id.humanize.titlecase else name.humanize.titlecase end attribute_assignment = case type when "text_field", "password_field", "text_area" "'Alternative String Value'" when "email_field" "''" when "phone_field" "'+19053871234'" end # don't do table columns for certain types of fields and attribute partials if ["trix_editor", "ckeditor", "text_area"].include?(type) || ["html", "has_many"].include?(attribute_partial) cli_options["skip-table"] = true end if type == "none" cli_options["skip-form"] = true end if attribute_partial == "none" cli_options["skip-show"] = true cli_options["skip-table"] = true end # # MODEL VALIDATIONS # unless cli_options["skip-form"] || is_unscoped file_name = "./app/models/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_thing.rb" if is_association field_content = if attribute_options[:source] <<~RUBY def valid_#{collection_name} #{attribute_options[:source]} end RUBY else add_additional_step :yellow, transform_string("You'll need to implement the `valid_#{collection_name}` method of `Scaffolding::CompletelyConcrete::TangibleThing` in `./app/models/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_thing.rb`. This is the method that will be used to populate the `#{type}` field and also validate that users aren't trying to exploit multitenancy.") <<~RUBY def valid_#{collection_name} raise "please review and implement `valid_#{collection_name}` in `app/models/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_thing.rb`." # please specify what objects should be considered valid for assigning to `#{name_without_id}`. # the resulting code should probably look something like `team.#{collection_name}`. end RUBY end scaffold_add_line_to_file(file_name, field_content, METHODS_HOOK, prepend: true) if is_belongs_to scaffold_add_line_to_file(file_name, "validates :#{name_without_id}, scope: true", VALIDATIONS_HOOK, prepend: true) end # TODO we need to add a multitenancy check for has many associations. end end # # FORM FIELD # unless cli_options["skip-form"] || attribute_options[:readonly] # add `has_rich_text` for trix editor fields. if type == "trix_editor" file_name = "./app/models/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_thing.rb" scaffold_add_line_to_file(file_name, "has_rich_text :#{name}", HAS_ONE_HOOK, prepend: true) end # field on the form. field_attributes = {method: ":#{name}"} field_options = {} if scaffolding_options[:type] == :crud && index == 0 field_options[:autofocus] = "true" end if is_id && type == "super_select" field_options[:include_blank] = "t('.fields.#{name}.placeholder')" # add_additional_step :yellow, transform_string("We've added a reference to a `placeholder` to the form for the select or super_select field, but unfortunately earlier versions of the scaffolded locales Yaml don't include a reference to `fields: *fields` under `form`. Please add it, otherwise your form won't be able to locate the appropriate placeholder label.") end # TODO: This feels incorrect. # Should we adjust the partials to only use `{multiple: true}` or `html_options: {multiple_true}`? if is_multiple if type == "super_select" field_options[:multiple] = "true" else field_attributes[:multiple] = "true" end end valid_values = if is_id "valid_#{name_without_id.pluralize}" elsif is_ids "valid_#{collection_name}" end # if field_options.any? field_options_key = if ["buttons", "super_select", "options"].include?(type) :html_options else :options end field_attributes[field_options_key] = "{" + { |key, value| "#{key}: #{value}" }.join(", ") + "}" end if is_association short = attribute_options[:class_name].underscore.split("/").last case type when "buttons", "options" field_attributes["\n options"] = "@tangible_thing.#{valid_values}.map { |#{short}| [#{short}.id, #{short}.#{attribute_options[:label]}] }" when "super_select" field_attributes["\n choices"] = "@tangible_thing.#{valid_values}.map { |#{short}| [#{short}.#{attribute_options[:label]}, #{short}.id] }" end end field_content = "<%= render 'shared/fields/#{type}'#{", " if field_attributes.any?}#{ { |key, value| "#{key}: #{value}" }.join(", ")} %>" # TODO Add more of these from other packages? is_core_model = ["Team", "User", "Membership"].include?(child) scaffold_add_line_to_file("./app/views/account/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_things/_form.html.erb", field_content, ERB_NEW_FIELDS_HOOK, prepend: true, suppress_could_not_find: is_core_model) scaffold_add_line_to_file("./app/views/account/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_things/_fields.html.erb", field_content, ERB_NEW_FIELDS_HOOK, prepend: true, suppress_could_not_find: !is_core_model) end # # SHOW VIEW # unless cli_options["skip-show"] if is_id <<~ERB <% if @tangible_thing.#{name_without_id} %> <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-form-label"><%= t('.fields.#{name}.heading') %></label> <div> <%= link_to @tangible_thing.#{name_without_id}.#{attribute_options[:label]}, [:account, @tangible_thing.#{name_without_id}] %> </div> </div> <% end %> ERB elsif is_ids <<~ERB <% if @tangible_thing.#{collection_name}.any? %> <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-form-label"><%= t('.fields.#{name}.heading') %></label> <div> <%= @tangible_thing.#{collection_name}.map { |#{name_without_ids}| link_to #{name_without_ids}.#{attribute_options[:label]}, [:account, #{name_without_ids}] }.to_sentence.html_safe %> </div> </div> <% end %> ERB end # this gets stripped and is one line, so indentation isn't a problem. field_content = <<-ERB <%= render 'shared/attributes/#{attribute_partial}', attribute: :#{attribute_name} %> ERB scaffold_add_line_to_file("./app/views/account/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_things/show.html.erb", field_content.strip, ERB_NEW_FIELDS_HOOK, prepend: true) end # # INDEX TABLE # unless cli_options["skip-table"] # table header. field_content = "<th#{cell_attributes.present? ? " " + cell_attributes : ""}><%= t('.fields.#{attribute_name}.heading') %></th>" unless ["Team", "User"].include?(child) scaffold_add_line_to_file("./app/views/account/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_things/_index.html.erb", field_content, "<%# 🚅 super scaffolding will insert new field headers above this line. %>", prepend: true) end table_cell_options = [] if first_table_cell table_cell_options << "url: [:account, tangible_thing]" end # this gets stripped and is one line, so indentation isn't a problem. field_content = <<-ERB <td#{cell_attributes}><%= render 'shared/attributes/#{attribute_partial}', attribute: :#{attribute_name}#{", #{table_cell_options.join(", ")}" if table_cell_options.any?} %></td> ERB unless ["Team", "User"].include?(child) scaffold_add_line_to_file("./app/views/account/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_things/_index.html.erb", field_content.strip, ERB_NEW_FIELDS_HOOK, prepend: true) end end # # LOCALIZATIONS # unless cli_options["skip-locales"] yaml_template = <<~YAML <%= name %>: <% if is_association %>&<%= attribute_name %><% end %> _: &#{name} #{title_case} label: *#{name} heading: *#{name} <% if type == "super_select" %> <% if is_required %> placeholder: Select <% title_case.with_indefinite_article %> <% else %> placeholder: None <% end %> <% end %> <% if boolean_buttons %> options: yes: "Yes" no: "No" <% elsif ["buttons", "super_select", "options"].include?(type) && !is_association %> options: one: One two: Two three: Three <% end %> <% if type == "color_picker" %> options: - '#9C73D2' - '#48CDFE' - '#53F3ED' - '#47E37F' - '#F2593D' - '#F68421' - '#F9DE00' - '#929292' <% end %> <% if is_association %> <%= attribute_name %>: *<%= attribute_name %> <% end %> YAML field_content = scaffold_add_line_to_file("./config/locales/en/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_things.en.yml", field_content, RUBY_NEW_FIELDS_HOOK, prepend: true) # active record's field label. scaffold_add_line_to_file("./config/locales/en/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_things.en.yml", "#{name}: *#{name}", "# 🚅 super scaffolding will insert new activerecord attributes above this line.", prepend: true) end # # STRONG PARAMETERS # unless cli_options["skip-form"] || attribute_options[:readonly] # add attributes to strong params. [ "./app/controllers/account/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_things_controller.rb" ].each do |file| if is_ids || is_multiple scaffold_add_line_to_file(file, "#{name}: [],", RUBY_NEW_ARRAYS_HOOK, prepend: true) else scaffold_add_line_to_file(file, ":#{name},", RUBY_NEW_FIELDS_HOOK, prepend: true) if type == "file_field" scaffold_add_line_to_file(file, ":#{name}_removal,", RUBY_NEW_FIELDS_HOOK, prepend: true) end end end special_processing = case type when "date_field" "assign_date(strong_params, :#{name})" when "date_and_time_field" "assign_date_and_time(strong_params, :#{name})" when "buttons" if boolean_buttons "assign_boolean(strong_params, :#{name})" elsif is_multiple "assign_checkboxes(strong_params, :#{name})" end when "super_select" if boolean_buttons "assign_boolean(strong_params, :#{name})" elsif is_multiple "assign_select_options(strong_params, :#{name})" end end scaffold_add_line_to_file("./app/controllers/account/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_things_controller.rb", special_processing, RUBY_NEW_FIELDS_PROCESSING_HOOK, prepend: true) if special_processing end # # API ENDPOINT # unless cli_options["skip-api"] # add attributes to endpoint. if name.match?(/_ids$/) scaffold_add_line_to_file("./app/controllers/api/v1/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_things_endpoint.rb", "optional :#{name}, type: Array, desc: Api.heading(:#{name})", RUBY_NEW_ARRAYS_HOOK, prepend: true) else api_type = case type when "date_field" "Date" when "date_and_time_field" "DateTime" when "buttons" if boolean_buttons "Boolean" else "String" end when "file_field" "File" else "String" end scaffold_add_line_to_file("./app/controllers/api/v1/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_things_endpoint.rb", "optional :#{name}, type: #{api_type}, desc: Api.heading(:#{name})", RUBY_NEW_FIELDS_HOOK, prepend: true) end end # # API SERIALIZER # unless cli_options["skip-api"] # TODO The serializers can't handle these `has_rich_text` attributes. unless type == "trix_editor" scaffold_add_line_to_file("./app/views/account/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_things/_tangible_thing.json.jbuilder", ":#{name},", RUBY_NEW_FIELDS_HOOK, prepend: true, suppress_could_not_find: true) scaffold_add_line_to_file("./app/serializers/api/v1/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_thing_serializer.rb", ":#{name},", RUBY_NEW_FIELDS_HOOK, prepend: true) assertion = if type == "date_field" "assert_equal Date.parse(tangible_thing_data['#{name}']), tangible_thing.#{name}" elsif type == "date_and_time_field" "assert_equal DateTime.parse(tangible_thing_data['#{name}']), tangible_thing.#{name}" else "assert_equal tangible_thing_data['#{name}'], tangible_thing.#{name}" end scaffold_add_line_to_file("./test/controllers/api/v1/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_things_endpoint_test.rb", assertion, RUBY_NEW_FIELDS_HOOK, prepend: true) end # scaffold_add_line_to_file("./test/controllers/api/v1/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_things_controller_test.rb", "assert_equal tangible_thing_attributes['#{name.gsub('_', '-')}'], tangible_thing.#{name}", RUBY_NEW_FIELDS_HOOK, prepend: true) if attribute_assignment unless attribute_options[:readonly] scaffold_add_line_to_file("./test/controllers/api/v1/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_things_endpoint_test.rb", "#{name}: #{attribute_assignment},", RUBY_ADDITIONAL_NEW_FIELDS_HOOK, prepend: true) scaffold_add_line_to_file("./test/controllers/api/v1/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_things_endpoint_test.rb", "assert_equal @tangible_thing.#{name}, #{attribute_assignment}", RUBY_EVEN_MORE_NEW_FIELDS_HOOK, prepend: true) end end end # # MODEL ASSOCATIONS # unless cli_options["skip-model"] if is_belongs_to unless attribute_options[:class_name] attribute_options[:class_name] = name_without_id.classify end file_name = "app/models/#{attribute_options[:class_name].underscore}.rb" unless File.exist?(file_name) raise "You'll need to specify a `class_name` option for `#{name}` because there is no `#{attribute_options[:class_name].classify}` model defined in `#{file_name}`. Try again with `#{name}:#{type}[class_name=SomeClassName]`." end modified_migration = false # find the database migration that defines this relationship. expected_reference = "add_reference :#{class_names_transformer.table_name}, :#{name_without_id}" migration_file_name = `grep "#{expected_reference}" db/migrate/*`.split(":").first # if that didn't work, see if we can find a creation of the reference when the table was created. unless migration_file_name confirmation_reference = "create_table :#{class_names_transformer.table_name}" confirmation_migration_file_name = `grep "#{confirmation_reference}" db/migrate/*`.split(":").first fallback_reference = "t.references :#{name_without_id}" fallback_migration_file_name = `grep "#{fallback_reference}" db/migrate/* | grep #{confirmation_migration_file_name}`.split(":").first if fallback_migration_file_name == confirmation_migration_file_name migration_file_name = fallback_migration_file_name end end unless is_required if migration_file_name replace_in_file(migration_file_name, ":#{name_without_id}, null: false", ":#{name_without_id}, null: true") modified_migration = true else add_additional_step :yellow, "We would have expected there to be a migration that defined `#{expected_reference}`, but we didn't find one. Where was the reference added to this model? It's _probably_ the original creation of the table, but we couldn't find that either. Either way, you need to rollback, change 'null: false' to 'null: true' for this column, and re-run the migration (unless, of course, that attribute _is_ required, then you need to add a validation on the model)." end end class_name_matches = name_without_id.tableize == attribute_options[:class_name]"/", "_") # but also, if namespaces are involved, just don't... if attribute_options[:class_name].include?("::") class_name_matches = false end # unless the table name matches the association name. unless class_name_matches if migration_file_name # There are two forms this association creation can take. replace_in_file(migration_file_name, "foreign_key: true", "foreign_key: {to_table: \"#{attribute_options[:class_name]"/", "_")}\"}", /t\.references :#{name_without_id}/) replace_in_file(migration_file_name, "foreign_key: true", "foreign_key: {to_table: \"#{attribute_options[:class_name]"/", "_")}\"}", /add_reference :#{"/", "_")}, :#{name_without_id}/) # TODO also solve the 60 character long index limitation. modified_migration = true else add_additional_step :yellow, "We would have expected there to be a migration that defined `#{expected_reference}`, but we didn't find one. Where was the reference added to this model? It's _probably_ the original creation of the table. Either way, you need to rollback, change \"foreign_key: true\" to \"foreign_key: {to_table: '#{attribute_options[:class_name]"/", "_")}'}\" for this column, and re-run the migration." end end optional_line = ", optional: true" unless is_required # if the `belongs_to` is already there from `rails g model`.. scaffold_replace_line_in_file( "./app/models/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_thing.rb", class_name_matches ? "belongs_to :#{name_without_id}#{optional_line}" : "belongs_to :#{name_without_id}, class_name: \"#{attribute_options[:class_name]}\"#{optional_line}", "belongs_to :#{name_without_id}" ) # if it wasn't there, the replace will not have done anything, so we insert it entirely. # however, this won't do anything if the association is already there. scaffold_add_line_to_file( "./app/models/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_thing.rb", class_name_matches ? "belongs_to :#{name_without_id}#{optional_line}" : "belongs_to :#{name_without_id}, class_name: \"#{attribute_options[:class_name]}\"#{optional_line}", BELONGS_TO_HOOK, prepend: true ) if modified_migration add_additional_step :yellow, "If you've already run the migration in `#{migration_file_name}`, you'll need to roll back and run it again." end end end # # MODEL HOOKS # unless cli_options["skip-model"] if is_required && !is_belongs_to scaffold_add_line_to_file("./app/models/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_thing.rb", "validates :#{name}, presence: true", VALIDATIONS_HOOK, prepend: true) end case type when "file_field" remove_file_methods = <<~RUBY def #{name}_removal? #{name}_removal.present? end def remove_#{name} #{name}.purge end RUBY # Generating a model with an `attachment` data type (i.e. - `rails g ModelName file:attachment`) # adds `has_one_attached` to our model, just not directly above the HAS_ONE_HOOK. # We move the string here so it's right above the HAS_ONE_HOOK. model_file_path = transform_string("./app/models/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_thing.rb") model_contents = File.readlines(model_file_path) model_without_attached_hook = model_contents.reject.each { |line| line.include?("has_one_attached :#{name}") }, "w") do |f| model_without_attached_hook.each { |line| f.write(line) } end scaffold_add_line_to_file("./app/models/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_thing.rb", "has_one_attached :#{name}", HAS_ONE_HOOK, prepend: true) scaffold_add_line_to_file("./app/models/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_thing.rb", "attr_accessor :#{name}_removal", ATTR_ACCESSORS_HOOK, prepend: true) scaffold_add_line_to_file("./app/models/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_thing.rb", remove_file_methods, METHODS_HOOK, prepend: true) scaffold_add_line_to_file("./app/models/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_thing.rb", "after_validation :remove_#{name}, if: :#{name}_removal?", CALLBACKS_HOOK, prepend: true) when "trix_editor" scaffold_add_line_to_file("./app/models/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_thing.rb", "has_rich_text :#{name}", HAS_ONE_HOOK, prepend: true) when "buttons" if boolean_buttons scaffold_add_line_to_file("./app/models/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_thing.rb", "validates :#{name}, inclusion: [true, false]", VALIDATIONS_HOOK, prepend: true) end end end end end def add_additional_step(color, message) additional_steps.push [color, message] end def scaffold_crud(attributes) if cli_options["only-index"] cli_options["skip-table"] = false cli_options["skip-views"] = true cli_options["skip-controller"] = true cli_options["skip-form"] = true cli_options["skip-show"] = true cli_options["skip-form"] = true cli_options["skip-api"] = true cli_options["skip-model"] = true cli_options["skip-parent"] = true cli_options["skip-locales"] = true cli_options["skip-routes"] = true end if cli_options["namespace"] cli_options["skip-api"] = true cli_options["skip-model"] = true cli_options["skip-locales"] = true end # TODO fix this. we can do this better. files = if cli_options["only-index"] [ "./app/views/account/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_things/_index.html.erb", "./app/views/account/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_things/index.html.erb" ] else # copy a ton of files over and do the appropriate string replace. [ "./app/controllers/account/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_things_controller.rb", "./app/views/account/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_things", ("./config/locales/en/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_things.en.yml" unless cli_options["skip-locales"]), ("./app/controllers/api/v1/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_things_endpoint.rb" unless cli_options["skip-api"]), ("./test/controllers/api/v1/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_things_endpoint_test.rb" unless cli_options["skip-api"]), ("./app/serializers/api/v1/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_thing_serializer.rb" unless cli_options["skip-api"]) # "./app/filters/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_things_filter.rb" ].compact end files.each do |name| if scaffold_directory(name) else scaffold_file(name) end end unless cli_options["skip-api"] # add endpoint to the api. scaffold_add_line_to_file("./app/controllers/api/v1/root.rb", "mount Api::V1::Scaffolding::CompletelyConcrete::TangibleThingsEndpoint", ENDPOINTS_HOOK, prepend: true) end unless cli_options["skip-model"] # find the database migration that defines this relationship. migration_file_name = `grep "create_table :#{class_names_transformer.table_name} do |t|" db/migrate/*`.split(":").first unless migration_file_name.present? raise "No migration file seems to exist for creating the table `#{class_names_transformer.table_name}`.\n" \ "Please run the following command first and try Super Scaffolding again:\n" \ "rails generate model #{child} #{parent.downcase!}:references #{attributes.join(" ")}" end # if needed, update the reference to the parent class name in the create_table migration current_transformer =, parent, namespace) unless current_transformer.parent_variable_name_in_context.pluralize == current_transformer.parent_table_name replace_in_file(migration_file_name, "foreign_key: true", "foreign_key: {to_table: '#{current_transformer.parent_table_name}'}") end # update the factory generated by `rails g`. content = if transform_string(":absolutely_abstract_creative_concept") == transform_string(":scaffolding_absolutely_abstract_creative_concept") transform_string("association :absolutely_abstract_creative_concept") else transform_string("association :absolutely_abstract_creative_concept, factory: :scaffolding_absolutely_abstract_creative_concept") end scaffold_replace_line_in_file("./test/factories/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_things.rb", content, "absolutely_abstract_creative_concept { nil }") add_has_many_association if class_names_transformer.belongs_to_needs_class_definition? scaffold_replace_line_in_file("./app/models/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_thing.rb", transform_string("belongs_to :absolutely_abstract_creative_concept, class_name: \"Scaffolding::AbsolutelyAbstract::CreativeConcept\"\n"), transform_string("belongs_to :absolutely_abstract_creative_concept\n")) end # add user permissions. add_ability_line_to_roles_yml end unless cli_options["skip-api"] scaffold_replace_line_in_file("./test/controllers/api/v1/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_things_endpoint_test.rb", build_factory_setup.join("\n"), "# 🚅 super scaffolding will insert factory setup in place of this line.") end # add children to the show page of their parent. unless cli_options["skip-parent"] || parent == "None" scaffold_add_line_to_file("./app/views/account/scaffolding/absolutely_abstract/creative_concepts/show.html.erb", "<%= render 'account/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_things/index', tangible_things: @creative_concept.completely_concrete_tangible_things, hide_back: true %>", "<%# 🚅 super scaffolding will insert new children above this line. %>", prepend: true) end unless cli_options["skip-model"] add_scaffolding_hooks_to_model end # # DELEGATIONS # unless cli_options["skip-model"] if ["Team", "User"].include?(parents.last) && parent != parents.last scaffold_add_line_to_file("./app/models/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_thing.rb", "has_one :#{parents.last.underscore}, through: :absolutely_abstract_creative_concept", HAS_ONE_HOOK, prepend: true) end end add_attributes_to_various_views(attributes, type: :crud) unless cli_options["skip-locales"] add_locale_helper_export_fix end # add sortability. if cli_options["sortable"] unless cli_options["skip-model"] scaffold_add_line_to_file("./app/models/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_thing.rb", "def collection\n absolutely_abstract_creative_concept.completely_concrete_tangible_things\nend\n\n", METHODS_HOOK, prepend: true) scaffold_add_line_to_file("./app/models/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_thing.rb", "include Sortable\n", CONCERNS_HOOK, prepend: true) end unless cli_options["skip-table"] scaffold_replace_line_in_file("./app/views/account/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_things/_index.html.erb", transform_string("<tbody data-reorder=\"<%= url_for [:reorder, :account, context, collection] %>\">"), "<tbody>") end unless cli_options["skip-controller"] scaffold_add_line_to_file("./app/controllers/account/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_things_controller.rb", "include SortableActions\n", "Account::ApplicationController", increase_indent: true) end end # titleize the localization file. unless cli_options["skip-locales"] replace_in_file(transform_string("./config/locales/en/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_things.en.yml"), child, child.underscore.humanize.titleize) end # apply routes. unless cli_options["skip-routes"] routes_namespace = cli_options["namespace"] || "account" begin routes_path = if routes_namespace == "account" "config/routes.rb" else "config/routes/#{routes_namespace}.rb" end routes_manipulator =, child, parent, cli_options) rescue Errno::ENOENT => _ puts "Creating '#{routes_path}'.".green unless"config/routes") FileUtils.mkdir_p("config/routes") end File.write(routes_path, <<~RUBY) collection_actions = [:index, :new, :create] # 🚅 Don't remove this block, it will break Super Scaffolding. begin do namespace :#{routes_namespace} do shallow do resources :teams do end end end end RUBY retry end begin routes_manipulator.apply([routes_namespace]) rescue add_additional_step :yellow, "We weren't able to automatically add your `#{routes_namespace}` routes for you. In theory this should be very rare, so if you could reach out on Slack, you could probably provide context that will help us fix whatever the problem was. In the meantime, to add the routes manually, we've got a guide at ." end routes_manipulator.write end unless cli_options["skip-parent"] if parent == "Team" || parent == "None" icon_name = nil if cli_options["sidebar"].present? icon_name = cli_options["sidebar"] else puts "" puts "Hey, models that are scoped directly off of a Team (or nothing) are eligible to be added to the sidebar. Do you want to add this resource to the sidebar menu? (y/N)" response = $stdin.gets.chomp if response.downcase[0] == "y" puts "" puts "OK, great! Let's do this! By default these menu items appear with a puzzle piece, but after you hit enter I'll open two different pages where you can view other icon options. When you find one you like, hover your mouse over it and then come back here and and enter the name of the icon you want to use. (Or hit enter to skip this step.)" $stdin.gets.chomp if `which open`.present? TerminalCommands.open_file_or_link("") if font_awesome? TerminalCommands.open_file_or_link("") end else puts "Sorry! We can't open these URLs automatically on your platform, but you can visit them manually:" puts "" puts "" if font_awesome? puts "" end puts "" end puts "" puts "Did you find an icon you wanted to use? Enter the full CSS class here (e.g. 'ti ti-world'#{" or 'fal fa-puzzle-piece'" if font_awesome?}) or hit enter to just use the puzzle piece:" icon_name = $stdin.gets.chomp puts "" unless icon_name.length > 0 || icon_name.downcase == "y" icon_name = "fal fa-puzzle-piece ti ti-gift" end end end if icon_name.present? replace_in_file(transform_string("./config/locales/en/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_things.en.yml"), "fal fa-puzzle-piece", icon_name) scaffold_add_line_to_file("./app/views/account/shared/_menu.html.erb", "<%= render 'account/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_things/menu_item' %>", "<% # added by super scaffolding. %>") end end end add_additional_step :yellow, transform_string("If you would like the table view you've just generated to reactively update when a Tangible Thing is updated on the server, please edit `app/models/scaffolding/absolutely_abstract/creative_concept.rb`, locate the `has_many :completely_concrete_tangible_things`, and add `enable_updates: true` to it.") restart_server end end