Feature: Gherkin Steps parser In order to save time and make my features clearer As a Cucumber developer I want a steps parser to make writing compound steps easier Background: Given a "en", "ruby" "steps" parser Scenario: Parsing steps Given the following text is parsed: """ Given a one step And a two step \"\"\" Here is a multiline string That follows a step With an argument #{arg} \"\"\" And a one two three step When another step Then there should be a table | one | two | three | | foo | bar | #{arg} | """ Then there should be no parse errors Scenario: Trying to parse a full feature with the step parser Given the following text is parsed: """ Feature: A Feature Scenario: Yes, there is one Given I have a step When I execute this step Then something should happen """ Then there should be parse errors on lines 1 and 2 Scenario: Tags Given the following text is parsed: """ @a_tag Given a step When I trip Then I should sign up for dancing lessons """ Then there should be a parse error on line 1