class MemeGenerator def initialize response, generator_id, image_id, line1: nil, line2: nil @response = response @generator_id = generator_id @image_id = image_id @line1 = line1 || response.matches[0][0] @line2 = line2 || response.matches[0][1] end def self.generate_meme *args new(*args).generate_meme end def generate_meme return if ignore_non_command? || missing_credentials? if meme_response && meme_response['success'] @response.reply meme_response['result']['instanceImageUrl'] else reply_with_error meme_response end end private def reply_with_error message='Unknown cause' Lita.logger.error "#{self.class}: Unable to generate a meme image: #{message}" @response.reply "Error: Unable to generate a meme image" end def meme_response @meme_response ||= begin response = http.get request_endpoint, request_options MultiJson.load(response.body) if response.status == 200 end end def missing_credentials? Lita.config.handlers.memegen.username.nil? || Lita.config.handlers.memegen.password.nil? end def ignore_non_command? Lita.config.handlers.memegen.command_only && !@response.message.command? end def http options={} default_options = { headers: { "User-Agent" => "Lita v#{Lita::VERSION}" } } options = default_options.merge options nil, options end def request_endpoint '' end def request_options { username: Lita.config.handlers.memegen.username, password: Lita.config.handlers.memegen.password, languageCode: 'en', generatorID: @generator_id, imageID: @image_id, text0: @line1, text1: @line2 } end end