[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/NetSweet/netsuite.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/NetSweet/netsuite) # NetSuite Ruby SuiteTalk Gem * This gem will act as a wrapper around the NetSuite SuiteTalk WebServices API. Wow, that is a mouthful. * The gem does not cover the entire API, only the subset that we have found useful to cover so far. * Extending the wrapper is pretty simple. Check out the [contribution help doc](https://github.com/NetSweet/netsuite/wiki/Contributing-to-the-Supported-NetSuite-API) * NetSuite development is overall a pretty poor experience. We have a list of [NetSuite Development Resources](https://github.com/NetSweet/netsuite/wiki/NetSuite-Development-Resources) that might make things a bit less painful. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'netsuite' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install netsuite This gem is built for ruby 1.9.x, checkout the [1-8-stable](https://github.com/NetSweet/netsuite/tree/1-8-stable) branch for ruby 1.8.x support. ## Testing Before contributing a patch make sure all existing tests pass. ``` git clone git://github.com/NetSweet/netsuite.git cd netsuite bundle bundle exec rspec ``` ## Usage ### Configuration Not sure how to find your account id? Search for "web service preferences" in the NetSuite global search. ```ruby NetSuite.configure do reset! # optional, defaults to 2011_2 api_version '2012_1' # optionally specify full wsdl URL (to switch to sandbox, for example) wsdl "https://webservices.sandbox.netsuite.com/wsdl/v#{api_version}_0/netsuite.wsdl" # or specify the sandbox flag if you don't want to deal with specifying a full URL sandbox true # often the netsuite servers will hang which would cause a timeout exception to be raised # if you don't mind waiting (e.g. processing NS via DJ), increasing the timeout should fix the issue read_timeout 100000 # you can specify a file or file descriptor to send the log output to (defaults to STDOUT) log File.join(Rails.root, 'log/netsuite.log') # login information email 'email@domain.com' password 'password' account '12345' role 1111 end ``` There is a [convenience method](https://github.com/NetSweet/netsuite/blob/56fe7fae92908a2e3d6812ecc56516f773cacd45/lib/netsuite.rb#L180) to configure NetSuite based on ENV variables. ### Examples #### CRUD Operations ```ruby # get a customer customer = NetSuite::Records::Customer.get(:internal_id => 4) customer.is_person # or NetSuite::Records::Customer.get(4).is_person # get a list of customers customers = NetSuite::Records::Customer.get_list(:list => [4, 5, 6]) # randomly assign a task customer_support_reps = [12345, 12346] task = NetSuite::Records::Task.new( :title => 'Take Care of a Customer', :assigned => NetSuite::Records::RecordRef.new(internal_id: customer_support_reps.sample), :due_date => DateTime.now + 1, :message => "Take care of this" ) task.add # this will only work on OS X, open a browser to the record that was just created `open https://system.sandbox.netsuite.com/app/crm/calendar/task.nl?id=#{invoice.internal_id}` task.update :message => 'New Message' # using get_select_value with a custom record NetSuite::Records::BaseRefList.get_select_value( field: 'custrecord_something', customRecordType: { '@internalId' => 10, '@xsi:type' => 'customRecord' } ) # updating a custom field list # you need to push ALL the values of ALL of the custom fields that you want set on the record # you can't just push the values of the fields that you want to update: all of the values of # other fields will then fall back to their default values contact = NetSuite::Records::Contact.get(12345) contact.custom_field_list.custentity_alistfield = { internal_id: 1 } contact.custom_field_list.custentity_abooleanfield = true contact.update(custom_field_list: contact.custom_field_list) # getting a custom record record = NetSuite::Records::CustomRecord.get( # custom record type type_id: 10, # reference to instance of the custom record type internal_id: 100 ) # getting a list of custom records records = NetSuite::Records::CustomRecord.get_list( # netsuite internalIDs list: [1,2,3], # only needed for a custom record type_id: 1234 ) # adding a custom record record = NetSuite::Records::CustomRecord.new record.rec_type = NetSuite::Records::CustomRecord.new(internal_id: 10) record.custom_field_list.custrecord_locationstate = "New Jersey" record.add # updating a custom record record = NetSuite::Records::CustomRecord.new(internal_id: 100) record.custom_field_list.custrecord_locationstate = "New Jersey" record.update(custom_field_list: record.custom_field_list, rec_type: NetSuite::Records::CustomRecord.new(internal_id: 10)) ``` #### Searching ```ruby # basic search search = NetSuite::Records::Customer.search({ basic: [ { field: 'companyName', operator: 'contains', value: company_name } ] }) `open https://system.netsuite.com/app/common/entity/custjob.nl?id=#{search.results.first.internal_id}` # searching for custom records NetSuite::Records::CustomRecord.search(basic: [ { field: 'recType', operator: 'is', # custom record type value: NetSuite::Records::CustomRecordRef.new(:internal_id => 10), }]).results # advanced search building on saved search NetSuite::Records::Customer.search({ saved: 500, # your saved search internalId basic: [ { field: 'entityId', operator: 'hasKeywords', value: 'Assumption', }, { field: 'stage', operator: 'anyOf', type: 'SearchMultiSelectCustomField', value: [ '_lead', '_customer' ] }, { field: 'customFieldList', value: [ { field: 'custentity_acustomfield', operator: 'anyOf', # type is needed for all search fields type: 'SearchMultiSelectCustomField', value: [ NetSuite::Records::CustomRecordRef.new(:internal_id => 1), NetSuite::Records::CustomRecordRef.new(:internal_id => 2), ] }, { field: 'custbody_internetorder', type: 'SearchBooleanCustomField', value: true } ] } ] }).results # advanced search from scratch NetSuite::Records::Transaction.search({ criteria: { basic: [ { field: 'type', operator: 'anyOf', type: 'SearchEnumMultiSelectField', value: [ "_invoice", "_salesOrder" ] }, { field: 'tranDate', operator: 'within', # this is needed for date range search requests, for date requests with a single param type is not needed type: 'SearchDateField', value: [ # the following format is equivilent to ISO 8601 # Date.parse("1/1/2012").strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z"), # Date.parse("30/07/2013").strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z") # need to require the time library for this to work Time.parse("01/01/2012").iso8601, Time.parse("30/07/2013").iso8601, # or you can use a string. Note that the format below is different from the format of the above code # but it matches exactly what NS returns # "2012-01-01T22:00:00.000-07:00", # "2013-07-30T22:00:00.000-07:00" ] } ], # equivilent to the 'Account' label in the GUI accountJoin: [ { field: 'internalId', operator: 'noneOf', value: [ NetSuite::Records::Account.new(:internal_id => 215) ] } ], itemJoin: [ { field: 'customFieldList', value: [ { field: 'custitem_apcategoryforsales', operator: 'anyOf', type: 'SearchMultiSelectCustomField', value: [ NetSuite::Records::Customer.new(:internal_id => 1), NetSuite::Records::Customer.new(:internal_id => 2), ] } ] } ] }, # the column syntax is a WIP. This will change in the future columns: { 'tranSales:basic' => [ 'platformCommon:internalId/' => {}, 'platformCommon:email/' => {}, 'platformCommon:tranDate/' => {} ], 'tranSales:accountJoin' => [ 'platformCommon:internalId/' => {} ], 'tranSales:contactPrimaryJoin' => [ 'platformCommon:internalId/' => {} ], 'tranSales:customerJoin' => [ 'platformCommon:internalId/' => {} ], 'tranSales:itemJoin' => [ 'platformCommon:customFieldList' => [ 'platformCore:customField/' => { '@internalId' => 'custitem_apcategoryforsales', '@xsi:type' => "platformCore:SearchColumnSelectCustomField" } ] ] }, preferences: { page_size: 10 } }).results # basic search with pagination / SearchMorewithId search = NetSuite::Records::Customer.search( criteria: { basic: [ { # no operator for booleans field: 'isInactive', value: false, }, ] }, preferences: { page_size: 10, } ) search.results_in_batches do |batch| puts batch.map(&:internal_id) end # item search NetSuite::Records::InventoryItem.search({ criteria: { basic: [ { field: 'type', operator: 'anyOf', type: 'SearchEnumMultiSelectField', value: [ '_inventoryItem', # note that the naming conventions aren't consistent: AssemblyItem != _assemblyItem # https://system.netsuite.com/help/helpcenter/en_US/srbrowser/Browser2014_1/schema/enum/itemtype.html '_assembly' ] }, { field: 'isInactive', value: false } ] } }).results.first # set body_fields_only = false to include the majority of lists associated with records in the XML response # Some lists you just can't include with searches (a customer's AddressBookList, for example) # In order to get the full record data for those records whose lists aren't included when body_fields_only = false # you will have to run a get_list call on the resulting internalIds returned from the search you've executed search = NetSuite::Records::File.search({ preferences: { body_fields_only: false, page_size: 20 } }) search.results_in_batches do |batch| batch.each do |file| next unless file.file_type == "_JAVASCRIPT" puts Base64.decode64(file.content) end end # the getList operation NetSuite::Records::CustomRecord.get_list( # netsuite internalIDs list: [1,2,3], # only needed for a custom record type_id: 1234, # allow inclomplete results (defaults to false) allow_incomplete: true ).each do |record| # do your thing... end ``` #### Non-standard Operations ```ruby # making a call that hasn't been implemented yet NetSuite::Configuration.connection.call :get_customization_id, message: { 'platformMsgs:customizationType' => { '@getCustomizationType' => 'customRecordType'}, 'platformMsgs:includeInactives' => 'false' } server_time_response = NetSuite::Configuration.connection.call :get_server_time server_time_response.body[:get_server_time_response][:get_server_time_result][:server_time] # getting a list of states states = NetSuite::Configuration.connection.call(:get_all, message: { 'platformCore:record' => { '@recordType' => 'state' } }) states.to_array.first[:get_all_response][:get_all_result][:record_list][:record].map { |r| { country: r[:country], abbr: r[:shortname], name: r[:full_name] } } ```