= Rid == Red in a different color Standalone Couchdb Application Development Suite With Rid you can easy build a standalone Couchdb application. Rid aims to bring some of the Rails beauty to Couchdb. Currently Rid supports Rails style Generators you will love, using the same awesome Thor library used in Rails 3. == Why? Why do we need a new Couchdb Application Development Suite? We already have the powerful {RidApp}[http://github.com/ridapp/ridapp]. I miss some beauty. I miss some elegance on the command line. I know my attempt is almost a small little step towards the beauty I aspire. I try to pilfer the most of now: From RidApp and Ruby on Rails. So here we go: Rid is designed to structure standalone Couchdb application development for maximum application portability. === Web development that doesn't hurt Rid is a set of open-source tools that's optimized for programmer happiness and sustainable productivity. It lets you write beautyful code by favoring convention over configuration. === Write apps using just Javascript and HTML Render HTML documents using Javascript templates run by Couchdb. You'll get parallelism and cacheability, *using only HTML and Javascript*. Building standalone Couchdb applications according to correct principles affords you options not found on other platforms. == What comes next At the moment, Rid supports generating a scaffold application, pushing to a Couchdb server and pulling from a Couchdb. Rid injects the !code and !json makros introduced by RidApp. The next big steps are: * make use of mustache.js in generators * build a lightweight Javascript library to assist client side Javascript work * enhance generators to build a full flavored scaffold with all CRUD operations == I need your help! The reason why I release that project in such an early state is that I beleave it's you, who invent that desired beauty! == Prerequisites All you need is Ruby and its packet manager RubyGems. If you do not have a Ruby environment, apt-get install ruby rubygems will probably install the required packages. If you run into any troubles, visit http://docs.rubygems.org/read/chapter/3 for in deapth installation notes for RubyGems, and http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/downloads/ for help on installing Ruby. Of course, Rid relies on Couchdb. You do not have to install your own Couchdb server if you have access to a Couchdb database over the internet, but I recommend it for development. If you are new to Couchdb, install it: apt-get install couchdb Take a look at the Couchdb Wiki, where the page http://wiki.apache.org/couchdb/Installation describes the installation for all common systems. == Installation Rid installation is easy. Rid is available as RubyGem, hosted on http://rubygems.org/ (aka Gemcutter) and Rubyforge (http://rubyforge.org). Install the gem with gem install rid == Gettings started Once installed, your system will have the brand new +rid+ command. So just type rid and relax. == Note on Patches/Pull Requests * Fork the project. * Make your feature addition or bug fix. * Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. * Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches. == Copyright Copyright (c) 2010 Johannes Jörg Schmidt, TF. See LICENSE for details.