Feature: Example elements can be modeled. Acceptance criteria All conceptual pieces of an Examples block can be modeled: 1. the examples' name 2. the examples' description 3. the examples' parameters 4. the examples' rows 5. the examples' tags 6. the examples's applied tags Background: Test file setup. Given the following feature file: """ @a_feature_level_tag Feature: The test feature name. @outline_tag Scenario Outline: The scenario outline's name. Given this *parameterized* step takes a table: | <param1> | | <param2> | Then I don't really need another step Examples:text describing the significance of the examples Anything besides the | that starts a row should be valid description at this point in the test. YMMV |param1| param2 | extra param | #A more random comment |x | y | ? | |1 | 2 | 3 | @example_tag @another_one Examples:some examples with different significance and a tag Words, words, words, words, why so many words? # | param1 | # # | a | Examples: """ And parameter delimiters of "*" and "*" When the file is read Scenario: The examples' name is modeled. Then the test example block "1" is found to have the following properties: | name | text describing the significance of the examples | And the test example block "2" is found to have the following properties: | name | some examples with different significance and a tag | And the test example block "3" is found to have the following properties: | name | | Scenario: The examples' description is modeled. Then the test example block "1" descriptive lines are as follows: | Anything besides the \| that starts a row should be valid | | description at this point in the test. YMMV | And the test example block "2" descriptive lines are as follows: | Words, words, words, words, | | why so many words? | And the test example block "3" has no descriptive lines Scenario: The examples' tags are modeled. Then the test example block "1" has no tags And the test example block "2" is found to have the following tags: | @example_tag | | @another_one | And the test example block "3" has no tags Scenario: The examples' applied tags are modeled. Then the test example block "2" is found to have the following applied tags: | @a_feature_level_tag | | @outline_tag | Scenario: The examples' parameters are modeled. Then the test example block "1" parameters are as follows: | param1 | | param2 | | extra param | And the test example block "2" parameters are as follows: | param1 | And the test example block "3" has no parameters Scenario: The examples' rows are modeled. Then the test example block "1" rows are as follows: | x,y,? | | 1,2,3 | And the test example block "2" rows are as follows: | a | And the test example block "3" has no rows Scenario Outline: Example models pass all other specifications Exact specifications detailing the API for Examples models. Given that there are "<additional specifications>" detailing models When the corresponding unit tests are run Then all of those specifications are met Examples: | additional specifications | | example_spec.rb |