module Karafka module Routing # Routes builder used as a DSL layer for drawing and describing routes # @example Build a simple (most common) route # draw do # topic :new_videos do # controller NewVideosController # end # end class Builder < Array include Singleton # Options that are being set on the route level ROUTE_OPTIONS = %i( group worker controller parser interchanger responder inline ).freeze # All those options should be set on the route level ROUTE_OPTIONS.each do |option| define_method option do |value| @current_route.public_send :"#{option}=", value end end # Creates a new route for a given topic and evalues provided block in builder context # @param topic [String, Symbol] Kafka topic name # @param block [Proc] block that will be evaluated in current context # @note Creating new topic means creating a new route # @example Define controller for a topic # topic :xyz do # controller XyzController # end def topic(topic, &block) @current_route = @current_route.topic = topic instance_eval(&block) store! end # Used to draw routes for Karafka # @note After it is done drawing it will store and validate all the routes to make sure that # they are correct and that there are no topic/group duplications (this is forbidden) # @yield Evaluates provided block in a builder context so we can describe routes # @example # draw do # topic :xyz do # end # end def draw(&block) instance_eval(&block) end private # Stores current route locally after it was built and validated def store! @current_route.validate! self << @current_route validate! :topic, Errors::DuplicatedTopicError validate! :group, Errors::DuplicatedGroupError end # Checks that among all routes a given attribute value is unique # @param attribute [Symbol] what routes attribute we want to check for uniqueness # @param error [Class] error class that should be raised when something is wrong def validate!(attribute, error) map = each_with_object({}) do |route, amounts| key = route.public_send(attribute) amounts[key] = amounts[key].to_i + 1 amounts end wrong = map.find { |_, amount| amount > 1 } raise error, wrong if wrong end end end end