require 'spec_helper' describe Intown::Artist do describe "valid response" do let(:response) { stub(:code => 200, :body => '{ "upcoming_events_count":0, "thumb_url":"http:\/\/\/Nirvana\/photo\/small.jpg", "name": "Nirvana", "image_url":"http:\/\/\/Nirvana\/photo\/medium.jpg", "mbid":"ea5883b7-68ce-48b3-b115-61746ea53b8c", "facebook_tour_dates_url":"http:\/\/\/zTPiUu" }' ) } context "searching by name" do it "should put the name in the artist url" do Intown::Artist.should_receive(:get).with(/\/artists\/Nirvana/, anything).and_return(response) Intown::Artist.fetch(:name => "Nirvana") end end context "searching by name with spaces" do it "should url encode the spaces" do Intown::Artist.should_receive(:get).with(/\/artists\/Foo%20Fighters/, anything).and_return(response) Intown::Artist.fetch(:name => "Foo Fighters") end end context "searching by name with periods in the name" do it "should URL encode the period" do Intown::Artist.should_receive(:get).with(/\/artists\/Jr%2E%20Doc/, anything).and_return(response) Intown::Artist.fetch(:name => "Jr. Doc") end end context "searching by name with a /" do it "should double encode the slash" do Intown::Artist.should_receive(:get).with(/\/artists\/Is%252FIs/, anything).and_return(response) Intown::Artist.fetch(:name => "Is/Is") end end context "searching by musicbrainz id" do it "should format the musicbrainz id in the url" do Intown::Artist.should_receive(:get).with(/\/artists\/mbid_1234567890abcd/, anything).and_return(response) Intown::Artist.fetch(:mbid => "1234567890abcd") end end context "searching with invalid params" do it "should raise an argument error" do expect { Intown::Artist.fetch(:foo_bar => "baz") }.to raise_error ArgumentError end end end describe "invalid response" do let(:status_code) { nil } let(:response_body) { '{"errors":["app_id param is required"]}' } let(:response) { stub(:body => response_body, :code => status_code) } before do Intown::Artist.should_receive(:get).and_return(response) end context "500 Internal Server Error" do let(:status_code) { 500 } it_behaves_like 'error', Intown::InternalServerError end context "502 Bad Gateway" do let(:status_code) { 502 } it_behaves_like 'error', Intown::BadGatewayError end context "404 Not Found" do let(:status_code) { 404 } it_behaves_like 'error', Intown::InvalidRequestError end context "406 Not Acceptable" do let(:status_code) { 406 } it_behaves_like 'error', Intown::InvalidRequestError end context "Invalid JSON response" do let(:status_code) { 200 } let(:response_body) { "Boom!" } it_behaves_like 'error', Intown::InvalidResponseError it "should return a useful error" do expect { Intown::Artist.fetch(:name => "Jr. Doc") }.to raise_error Intown::InvalidResponseError, "JSON parsing the Bandsintown response failed with: status_code: 200, body: Boom!" end end end end