require_relative "#{__dir__}/../lib/opal/os" require_relative "#{__dir__}/../lib/opal/cli_runners" require 'rspec/core/rake_task' OS = Opal::OS unless defined? OS do |t| t.pattern = 'spec/lib/**/*_spec.rb' end if ENV.key?('RUBYSPEC') warn "Did you mean RUBYSPECS=...? (RUBYSPEC was found among ENV variables)" exit 1 end module Testing extend self def get_random_seed(env) random_seed = env['RANDOM_SEED'] ? env['RANDOM_SEED'] : rand(100_000) puts "export RANDOM_SEED=#{random_seed} # to re-use the same randomization" random_seed end module MSpec extend self def stubs %w[ mspec/helpers/tmp mspec/helpers/environment mspec/guards/block_device a_file lib/spec_helper mspec/commands/mspec-run etc rubygems ] end def specs(env = ENV) suite = env['SUITE'] pattern = env['PATTERN'] whitelist_pattern = !!env['RUBYSPECS'] env['OPAL_PLATFORM_NAME'] = RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] unless env['OPAL_PLATFORM_NAME'] excepting = [] rubyspecs ='spec/ruby_specs').lines.reject do |l| l.strip! l.start_with?('#') || l.empty? || (l.start_with?('!') && excepting.push(l.sub('!', 'spec/') + '.rb')) end.flat_map do |path| path = "spec/#{path}" ? Dir[path+'/*.rb'] : "#{path}.rb" end - excepting opalspecs = Dir['spec/{opal,lib/parser}/**/*_spec.rb'] userspecs = Dir[pattern] if pattern userspecs &= rubyspecs if whitelist_pattern specs = [] add_specs = ->(name, new_specs) do puts "Adding #{new_specs.size.to_s.rjust(3)} files (#{name})" specs += new_specs end if pattern add_specs["PATTERN=#{pattern}", userspecs.sort] elsif suite == 'opal' add_specs['spec/opal', opalspecs.sort] elsif suite == 'ruby' add_specs['spec/ruby', rubyspecs.sort] else warn 'Please provide at lease one of the following environment variables:' warn 'PATTERN # e.g. PATTERN=spec/ruby/core/numeric/**_spec.rb' warn 'SUITE # can be either SUITE=opal or SUITE=ruby' exit 1 end specs end def filters(suite) opalspec_filters = Dir['spec/filters/**/*_opal.rb'] if ENV['INVERT_RUNNING_MODE'] # When we run an inverted test suite we should run only 'bugs'. # Unsupported features are not supported anyway rubyspec_filters = Dir['spec/filters/bugs/*.rb'] - opalspec_filters else rubyspec_filters = Dir['spec/filters/**/*.rb'] - opalspec_filters end suite == 'opal' ? opalspec_filters : rubyspec_filters end def write_file(filename, filters, specs, env) bm_filepath = env['BM_FILEPATH'] [filters, specs].each do |files|! { |s| "'#{s.sub(/^spec\//,'')}'" } end filter_requires = { |s| "require #{s}" }.join("\n") spec_requires = { |s| "requirable_spec_file #{s}" }.join("\n") spec_registration = specs.join(",\n ") if bm_filepath enter_benchmarking_mode = "OpalBM.main.register(#{Integer(env['BM'])}, '#{bm_filepath}')" end random_seed = Testing.get_random_seed(env) env_data ={ |k,v| "ENV[#{k.inspect}] = #{v.to_s.inspect}" unless v.nil? }.join("\n") File.write filename, <<~RUBY require 'opal/platform' # in node ENV is replaced #{env_data} require 'opal/full' require 'spec_helper' require 'securerandom' #{enter_benchmarking_mode} #{filter_requires} #{spec_requires} MSpec.register_files [ #{spec_registration} ] srand(#{random_seed}) MSpec.randomize = true # legacy MSpec def frozen_error_class FrozenError end MSpec.process OSpecFilter.main.unused_filters_message(list: #{!!ENV['LIST_UNUSED_FILTERS']}) exit MSpec.exit_code RUBY end def bm_filepath mkdir_p 'tmp/bench' index = 0 begin index += 1 filepath = "tmp/bench/Spec#{index}" end while File.exist?(filepath) filepath end end module Minitest extend self extend FileUtils def write_file(filename, files = [], env = {}) env_data ={ |k,v| "ENV[#{k.inspect}] = #{v.to_s.inspect}" unless v.nil? }.join("\n") requires ={|f| "require '#{f}'"} mkdir_p File.dirname(filename) random_seed = Testing.get_random_seed(env) File.write filename, <<-RUBY require 'opal/platform' # in node ENV is replaced require 'opal-parser' #{env_data} srand(#{random_seed}) #{requires.join("\n")} RUBY end end class SauceLabs include FileUtils def initialize(options = {}) @host = options.fetch(:host, '') @port = options.fetch(:port, '3000') @username = options.fetch(:username) @access_key = options.fetch(:access_key) @tunnel = options.fetch(:tunnel, nil) end attr_reader :host, :port, :username, :access_key, :tunnel def with_server cd 'examples/rack' system 'bundle install' or raise 'bundle install failed' begin server = Process.spawn "bundle exec rackup --host #{host} --port #{port}" puts 'Waiting for server…' sleep 0.1 until system "curl -s 'http://#{host}:#{port}/' > /dev/null" puts 'Server ready.' yield self ensure Process.kill(:TERM, server) Process.wait(server) end end def on_platform(options = {}) browser = options.fetch(:browser) version = options.fetch(:version) platform = options.fetch(:platform, nil) device = options.fetch(:device, nil) puts "=============== Testing on browser: #{browser} v#{version} #{"(#{platform})" if platform}" require "selenium/webdriver" caps = {} caps[:platform] = platform if platform caps[:browserName] = browser if browser caps[:version] = version if version caps[:device] = device if device caps['tunnel-identifier'] = tunnel if tunnel driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for( :remote, url: "http://#{username}:#{access_key}@localhost:4445/wd/hub", desired_capabilities: caps ) driver.get("http://#{host}:#{port}/") yield driver driver.quit end def test_title(driver) if (title = driver.title) == 'Bob is authenticated' puts "SUCCESS! title of webpage is: #{title}" else raise "FAILED! title of webpage is: #{title}" end end def run(**options) on_platform(**options) do |driver| test_title(driver) end end end class HTTPServer def with_server begin server = Process.spawn 'ruby test/opal/http_server.rb' puts 'Waiting for server…' sleep 0.1 until sinatra_server_running? puts 'Server ready.' yield self ensure if # # system("taskkill /f /pid #{pid}") Process.kill("KILL", server) else Process.kill(:TERM, server) end Process.wait(server) end end def sinatra_server_running? puts "Connecting to localhost:4567..."'localhost', '4567').close true rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED, Errno::EADDRNOTAVAIL false end end end pattern_usage = <<-DESC Use PATTERN environment variable to manually set the glob for specs: # Will run all specs matching the specified pattern. # (Note: the ruby_specs filters will still apply) bundle exec rake mspec_nodejs PATTERN=spec/ruby/core/module/class_variable*_spec.rb bundle exec rake mspec_nodejs PATTERN=spec/ruby/core/numeric/**_spec.rb DESC runners = { |r| r == 'compiler' } platforms = (%w[opalopal_nodejs] + runners).sort node_platforms = %w[nodejs opalopal_nodejs] mspec_suites = %w[ruby opal] minitest_suites = %w[cruby] require 'opal/paths' opalopal_cmdline = "-sreadline -rnodejs -rcorelib/string/unpack -popal/cli_runners/nodejs exe/opal -- #{{|i| "-I#{i}"}.join(" ")} --no-source-map " platforms.each do |platform| mspec_suites.each do |suite| desc "Run the MSpec test suite on Opal::Builder/#{platform}" + pattern_usage task :"mspec_#{suite}_#{platform}" do filename = "tmp/mspec_#{platform}.rb" if platform.start_with? "opalopal_" platform = platform.split('_').last cmdline = opalopal_cmdline end mkdir_p File.dirname(filename) bm_filepath = Testing::MSpec.bm_filepath if ENV['BM'] specs_env = { 'SUITE' => suite, 'FORMATTER' => platform, # Use the current platform as the default formatter 'BM_FILEPATH' => bm_filepath, }.merge(ENV.to_hash) Testing::MSpec.write_file filename, Testing::MSpec.filters(suite), Testing::MSpec.specs(specs_env), specs_env stubs ={|s| "-s#{s}"}.join(' ') sh "ruby -w -rbundler/setup -r#{__dir__}/testing/mspec_special_calls "\ "exe/opal #{cmdline} -Ispec/mspec/lib -Ispec -Ilib #{stubs} -R#{platform} -Dwarning -A --enable-source-location #{filename}" if bm_filepath puts "Benchmark results have been written to #{bm_filepath}" puts "To view the results, run bundle exec rake bench:report" end end end minitest_suites.each do |suite| desc "Run the Minitest suite on Opal::Builder/#{platform}" + pattern_usage task :"minitest_#{suite}_#{platform}" do if ENV.key? 'FILES' files = Dir[ENV['FILES']] includes = "-Itmp" else includes = "-Itest/cruby/test" files = %w[ benchmark/test_benchmark.rb ruby/test_call.rb opal/test_keyword.rb opal/test_base64.rb opal/test_openuri.rb opal/test_uri.rb opal/unsupported_and_bugs.rb opal/test_matrix.rb opal/promisev2/test_always.rb opal/promisev2/test_error.rb opal/promisev2/test_rescue.rb opal/promisev2/test_then.rb opal/promisev2/test_trace.rb opal/promisev2/test_value.rb opal/promisev2/test_when.rb ] end do |session| filename = "tmp/minitest_#{suite}_#{platform}.rb" if platform.start_with? "opalopal_" platform = platform.split('_').last cmdline = opalopal_cmdline end files.push('nodejs') if platform == 'nodejs' Testing::Minitest.write_file(filename, files, ENV) stubs = "-soptparse -sio/console -stimeout -smutex_m -srubygems -stempfile -smonitor" includes = "-Itest -Ilib -Ivendored-minitest #{includes}" sh "ruby -rbundler/setup "\ "exe/opal #{cmdline} #{includes} #{stubs} -R#{platform} -Dwarning -A --enable-source-location #{filename}" end end end end node_platforms.each do |platform| # The name ends with the platform, which is of course mandated in this case desc "Run the Node.js Minitest suite on #{platform}" task :"minitest_node_#{platform}" do if platform.start_with? "opalopal_" platform = platform.split('_').last cmdline = opalopal_cmdline end files = %w[ nodejs opal-parser nodejs/test_dir.rb nodejs/test_env.rb nodejs/test_error.rb nodejs/test_file.rb nodejs/test_file_encoding.rb nodejs/test_io.rb nodejs/test_opal_builder.rb nodejs/test_string.rb nodejs/test_await.rb ] filename = "tmp/minitest_node_nodejs.rb" Testing::Minitest.write_file(filename, files, ENV) stubs = "-soptparse -sio/console -stimeout -smutex_m -srubygems -stempfile -smonitor" includes = "-Itest -Ilib -Ivendored-minitest" use_strict_opt = ENV['USE_STRICT'] ? ' --use-strict' : '' sh "ruby -rbundler/setup "\ "exe/opal #{cmdline} #{includes} #{stubs} -R#{platform} -Dwarning -A --enable-source-location#{use_strict_opt} #{filename}" end end desc 'Run smoke tests with opal-rspec to see if something is broken' task :smoke_test do opal_rspec_dir = File.expand_path('tmp/smoke_test_opal_rspec') gemfile_name = 'opal_rspec_smoketest.Gemfile' actual_output_path = "#{opal_rspec_dir}/output.txt" # Travis caching might be creating this, manage the state idempotently unless File.exist?(File.join(opal_rspec_dir, '.git')) rm_rf opal_rspec_dir sh "git clone #{opal_rspec_dir}" end cp "tasks/testing/#{gemfile_name}", "#{opal_rspec_dir}/Gemfile" cd opal_rspec_dir do Bundler.with_unbundled_env do sh 'bundle check && bundle update opal-rspec || bundle install' sh %{bundle exec opal-rspec --color --default-path=../../spec ../../spec/lib/deprecations_spec.rb > #{actual_output_path}} actual_output = begin require 'rspec/expectations' extend RSpec::Matchers expect(actual_output.lines[0]).to eq("..\n") expect(actual_output.lines[1]).to eq("\n") expect(actual_output.lines[2]).to match(%r{Top 2 slowest examples \(\d+\.\d+ seconds, \d+\.\d+% of total time\):\n}) expect(actual_output.lines[4]).to match(%r{ \[1m\d+\.\d+\[0m \[1mseconds\[0m .*deprecations_spec\.rb:7\n}) expect(actual_output.lines[6]).to match(%r{ \[1m\d+\.\d+\[0m \[1mseconds\[0m .*deprecations_spec\.rb:12\n}) expect(actual_output.lines[7]).to eq("\n") expect(actual_output.lines[8]).to match(%r{^Finished in \d+\.\d+ seconds \(files took \d+\.\d+ seconds to load\)\n$}) expect(actual_output.lines[9]).to eq("2 examples, 0 failures\n") expect([ actual_output.lines[3], actual_output.lines[5], ]).to contain_exactly( " Opal::Deprecations defaults to warn\n", " Opal::Deprecations can be set to raise\n", ) rescue RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError warn $!.message warn "\n\n== Full output:\n#{actual_output}" exit 1 end end end puts "Smoke test was successful!" end desc 'Run browser tests with SauceLabs' task :browser_test do credentials = { username: ENV['SAUCE_USERNAME'] || warn('missing SAUCE_USERNAME env var'), access_key: ENV['SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY'] || warn('missing SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY env var'), tunnel: ENV['TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER'], } # Exit if we're missing credentials. exit unless credentials[:username] && credentials[:access_key] do |session| 'Internet Explorer', version: '9') 'Internet Explorer', version: '10') 'Internet Explorer', version: '11') # 'Edge', version: '13') # something goes wrong 'Firefox', version: '47') 'Firefox', version: '48') # 'Chrome', version: '52') # chrome webdriver is broken # 'Chrome', version: '53') # chrome webdriver is broken 'Safari', version: '8') 'Safari', version: '9') 'Safari', version: '10') end end platforms.each do |platform| desc "Run the whole MSpec suite on #{platform}" task :"mspec_#{platform}" => { |suite| :"mspec_#{suite}_#{platform}" } end platforms.each do |platform| desc "Run the whole Minitest suite on #{platform}" task :"minitest_#{platform}" => { |suite| :"minitest_#{suite}_#{platform}" } end desc "Run the whole MSpec suite on all platforms" task :mspec => [:mspec_chrome, :mspec_nodejs] desc "Run the whole Minitest suite on all platforms" task :minitest => [:minitest_chrome, :minitest_nodejs, :minitest_node_nodejs] desc "Run all tests" task :test_all => [:rspec, :mspec, :minitest] # deprecated, can be removed after 0.11 task(:cruby_tests) { warn "The task 'cruby_tests' has been renamed to 'minitest_cruby_nodejs'."; exit 1 } task(:test_cruby) { warn "The task 'test_cruby' has been renamed to 'minitest_cruby_nodejs'."; exit 1 } task(:test_nodejs) { warn "The task 'test_nodejs' has been renamed to 'minitest_node_nodejs'."; exit 1 }