module OrigenAppGenerators module TestEngineering require 'origen_app_generators/sub_block_parser' # Generates a generic application shell class StandAloneApplication < Application desc 'A stand alone test engineering application' # Any methods that are not protected will get invoked in the order that they are # defined when the generator is run, method naming is irrelevant unless you want # to override a method that is defined by the parent class def get_user_input # The methods to get the common user input that applies to all applications will # get called at the start automatically, you have a chance here to ask any additional # questions that are specific to the type of application being generated get_top_level_names get_sub_block_names end def generate_files # Calling this will build all files, directories and symlinks contained in the # hash returned by the filelist method build_filelist end def modify_files # If you want to modify any of the generated files you can do so now, you have access # to all of the Thor Action methods described here: # # See the enable method in lib/app_generators/new.rb for some examples of using these. end def conclude # Print out anything you think the user should know about their new application at the end puts "New app created at: #{destination_root}" end protected def sub_block_parser @sub_block_parser ||= end def get_top_level_names puts puts 'NAME YOUR TOP-LEVEL DEVICE(S)' puts puts 'What do you want to call the top-level class that represents your device?' puts 'By default it will be called TopLevel, but if you want this application to support multiple devices you should' puts 'give them unique names.' puts 'Separate multiple names with a comma: Falcon, Eagle, Vulture' puts valid = false until valid @top_level_names = get_text(single: true, default: 'TopLevel').strip.split(',').map do |name| name.strip.gsub(/\s+/, '_').camelize end unless @top_level_names.empty? # Should we check anything here? valid = true end end @top_level_names end def get_sub_block_names puts puts 'DEFINE YOUR SUB-BLOCKS' puts puts 'What sub-blocks does this device contain?' puts 'You can leave this blank, but entering some details of the sub-blocks you will want to involve in your tests' puts 'will save you some manual setup of the associated models and controllers.' puts 'You can specify layers of hierarchy and multiple instantiations, here are some examples:' puts puts ' A RAM, OSC, PLL and 2 ATDs at the top-level: ram, osc, pll, atd(2)' puts ' With 3 COMMS blocks with embedded components: ram, osc, pll, atd(2), comms[ram(2), osc](3)' if @top_level_names.size > 1 puts puts 'If you want different modules for each of your top-level devices you can do:' puts puts " #{@top_level_names[0]}[ram, atd(2)], #{@top_level_names[1]}[ram(2), atd(4)]" end puts valid = false until valid input = get_text(single: true).strip if input.empty? @sub_blocks_lookup = {} valid = true else begin @sub_blocks_lookup = sub_block_parser.parse(input) valid = true rescue valid = false end end end @sub_blocks_lookup end # Returns a hash that looks like: # # {"Falcon"=>{"RAM"=>{}, "ATD"=>{:instances=>2}}, "Eagle"=>{"RAM"=>{:instances=>2}, "ATD"=>{:instances=>4}}} def top_level_sub_blocks blocks = {} # Make sure that each top-level object has a sub blocks assignment if @top_level_names.any? { |n| @sub_blocks_lookup[n] } @top_level_names.each do |name| if @sub_blocks_lookup[name] blocks[name] = @sub_blocks_lookup[name][:children] || {} else blocks[name] = {} end end # Duplicate the given sub blocks to all top-level objects if none have been specified else @top_level_names.each do |name| blocks[name] = @sub_blocks_lookup end end blocks end # Returns a hash with all sub-blocks at the top-level, e.g.: # # {"RAM"=>{}, "ATD"=>{}, "Comms"=>{"RAM"=>{:instances=>2}, "Osc"=>{}}, "Osc"=>{}} def sub_blocks blocks = {} top_level_sub_blocks.each do |top, attrs| extract_sub_blocks(attrs) do |name, attrs| if blocks[name] if blocks[name] != (attrs[:children] || {}) Origen.log.warning "The app builder does not currently support different sub-block definitions for block #{name}" Origen.log.warning 'Only the first defintion has been built' end else blocks[name] = attrs[:children] || {} end end end blocks end def extract_sub_blocks(blocks, &block) blocks.each do |name, attrs| yield name, attrs extract_sub_blocks(attrs[:children], &block) if attrs[:children] end end # Defines the filelist for the generator, the default list is inherited from the # parent class (Application). # The filelist can contain references to generate files, directories or symlinks in the # new application. # # Generally to make your generator more maintainable try and re-use as much as possible # from the parent generator, this means that your generator will automatically stay up # to date with the latest conventions # # The master templates live in templates/app_generators/application, but # DO NOT MODIFY THESE FILES DIRECTLY. # Either add or remove things post-generation in the modify_files method or copy the # master file to the equivalent sub-directory of templates/app_generators/test_engineering/generic_stand_alone_application # which will override the version in the master directory. # # Additional files can be added or removed from the filelist as shown below. def filelist @filelist ||= begin list = super # Always pick up the parent list # Example of how to remove a file from the parent list list.delete(:lib_top_level) list.delete(:target_debug) list.delete(:target_production) list.delete(:target_default) # Example of how to add a file, in this case the file will be compiled and copied to # the same location in the new app @top_level_names.each_with_index do |name, i| list["top_level_model_#{i}"] = { source: 'lib/top_level.rb', dest: "lib/#{@name}/#{name.underscore}.rb", options: { name: name, sub_blocks: top_level_sub_blocks[name] } } list["top_level_controller_#{i}"] = { source: 'lib/top_level_controller.rb', dest: "lib/#{@name}/#{name.underscore}_controller.rb", options: { name: name } } list["target_#{name}"] = { source: 'target/top_level.rb', dest: "target/#{name.underscore}.rb", options: { name: name } } if i == 0 list[:target_default] = { source: "#{name.underscore}.rb", # Relative to the file being linked to dest: 'target/default.rb', # Relative to destination_root type: :symlink } end end sub_blocks.each do |name, blocks| list["ip_block_#{name}"] = { source: 'lib/ip_block.rb', dest: "lib/#{@name}/#{name.underscore}.rb", options: { name: name, sub_blocks: blocks } } list["ip_block_controller_#{name}"] = { source: 'lib/ip_block_controller.rb', dest: "lib/#{@name}/#{name.underscore}_controller.rb" } end list[:environment_j750] = { source: 'environment/j750.rb' } list[:environment_uflex] = { source: 'environment/uflex.rb' } list[:environment_v93k] = { source: 'environment/v93k.rb' } list[:environment_jlink] = { source: 'environment/jlink.rb' } # Alternatively specifying a different destination, typically you would do this when # the final location is dynamic # list[:gemspec] = { source: 'gemspec.rb', dest: "#{@name}.gemspec" } # Example of how to create a directory # list[:pattern_dir] = { dest: "pattern", type: :directory } # Example of how to create a symlink list[:environment_default] = { source: 'j750.rb', # Relative to the file being linked to dest: 'environment/default.rb', # Relative to destination_root type: :symlink } list[:pattern_example] = { source: 'pattern/example.rb' } # Remember to return the final list list end end end end end