require 'spec_helper' describe Zeppelin do let(:device_token) { '1234567890ABCDEF1234567890ABCDEF1234567890ABCDEF1234567890ABCDEF' } let(:app_key) { 'app key' } let(:master_secret) { 'app master secret' } let(:options) { { :ssl => { :ca_path => '/dev/null' } } } subject {, master_secret, options) } describe '.new' do its(:application_key) { should eq(app_key) } its(:application_master_secret) { should eq(master_secret) } its(:options) { should eq(options) } end describe '#connection' do it { subject.connection.should be_a(Faraday::Connection) } it { subject.connection.scheme.should eq('https') } it { eq('') } it { subject.connection.builder.handlers.should include(Faraday::Adapter::NetHttp) } it { subject.connection.builder.handlers.should include(FaradayMiddleware::EncodeJson) } it { subject.connection.builder.handlers.should include(FaradayMiddleware::ParseJson) } it { subject.connection.builder.handlers.should include(Zeppelin::Middleware::ResponseRaiseError) } it { subject.connection.headers['Authorization'].should eq('Basic YXBwIGtleTphcHAgbWFzdGVyIHNlY3JldA==') } end describe '#register_device_token' do let(:uri) { "/api/device_tokens/#{device_token}" } let(:payload) { { :alias => 'CapnKernul' } } it 'registers a device with the service' do stub_requests do |stub| stub.put(uri) { [201, {}, ''] } end subject.register_device_token(device_token).should be_true end it 'accepts a payload' do stub_requests do |stub| stub.put(uri) { [201, {}, ''] } end subject.register_device_token(device_token, payload) end it 'responds with false when an error occurs' do stub_requests do |stub| stub.put(uri) { [500, {}, ''] } end expect { subject.register_device_token(device_token) }.to raise_error(Zeppelin::ClientError) end end describe '#device_token' do let(:uri) { "/api/device_tokens/#{device_token}" } let(:response_body) { { 'foo' => 'bar' } } it 'gets information about a device' do stub_requests do |stub| stub.get(uri) { [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }, JSON.dump(response_body)] } end subject.device_token(device_token).should eq(response_body) end it 'raises an error when the request fails' do stub_requests do |stub| stub.get(uri) { [404, {}, ''] } end expect { subject.device_token(device_token) }.to raise_error(Zeppelin::ResourceNotFound) end end describe '#delete_device_token' do let(:uri) { "/api/device_tokens/#{device_token}" } it 'is true when successful' do stub_requests do |stub| stub.delete(uri) { [204, {}, ''] } end subject.delete_device_token(device_token).should be_true end it 'raises an error when the request fails' do stub_requests do |stub| stub.delete(uri) { [404, {}, ''] } end expect { subject.delete_device_token(device_token) }.to raise_error(Zeppelin::ResourceNotFound) end end describe '#device_tokens' do let(:results_without_next_page) { { 'device_tokens_count' => 1, 'device_tokens' => [ { 'device_token' => 'example device token', 'active' => true, 'alias' => nil, 'last_registration' => Time.mktime(2009, 6, 26, 19, 4, 43).to_s } ], 'current_page' => 1, 'num_pages' => 1, 'active_device_tokens' => 1 } } let(:results_with_next_page) { results_without_next_page.merge('next_page' => '') } it 'requests a page of device tokens' do stub_requests do |stub| stub.get('/api/device_tokens/?page=') { [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }, JSON.dump(results_without_next_page)] } end subject.device_tokens.should eq(results_without_next_page) end it 'includes the page number of the next page' do stub_requests do |stub| stub.get('/api/device_tokens/?page=') { [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }, JSON.dump(results_with_next_page)] } end subject.device_tokens['next_page'].should eq(2) end it 'does not include the page number if there are no additional pages' do stub_requests do |stub| stub.get('/api/device_tokens/?page=') { [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }, JSON.dump(results_without_next_page)] } end subject.device_tokens.should_not have_key('next_page') end it 'requests a specified page of device_tokens' do stub_requests do |stub| stub.get('/api/device_tokens/?page=4') { [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }, JSON.dump(results_without_next_page)] } end subject.device_tokens(4) end it 'raises an error when the request fails' do stub_requests do |stub| stub.get('/api/device_tokens/?page=') { [500, {}, ''] } end expect { subject.device_tokens }.to raise_error(Zeppelin::ClientError) end end describe '#register_apid' do let(:uri) { "/api/apids/#{device_token}" } let(:payload) { { :alias => 'CapnKernul' } } it 'registers a device with the service' do stub_requests do |stub| stub.put(uri) { [201, {}, ''] } end subject.register_apid(device_token).should be_true end it 'accepts a payload' do stub_requests do |stub| stub.put(uri, JSON.dump(payload)) { [200, {}, ''] } end subject.register_apid(device_token, payload).should be_true end it 'raises an error when the request fails' do stub_requests do |stub| stub.put(uri) { [500, {}, ''] } end expect { subject.register_apid(device_token) }.to raise_error(Zeppelin::ClientError) end end describe '#apid' do let(:uri) { "/api/apids/#{device_token}" } let(:response_body) { { 'foo' => 'bar' } } it 'responds with information about a device when request is successful' do stub_requests do |stub| stub.get(uri) { [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }, JSON.dump(response_body)] } end subject.apid(device_token).should eq(response_body) end it 'raises an error when the request fails' do stub_requests do |stub| stub.get("/api/apids/#{device_token}") { [404, {}, ''] } end expect { subject.apid(device_token) }.to raise_error(Zeppelin::ResourceNotFound) end end describe '#delete_apid' do let(:uri) { "/api/apids/#{device_token}" } it 'responds with true when request successful' do stub_requests do |stub| stub.delete(uri) { [204, {}, ''] } end subject.delete_apid(device_token).should be_true end it 'raises an error when the request fails' do stub_requests do |stub| stub.delete(uri) { [404, {}, ''] } end expect { subject.delete_apid(device_token) }.to raise_error(Zeppelin::ResourceNotFound) end end describe '#apids' do let(:results_without_next_page) { { 'apids' => [ { 'apid' => 'example apid', 'active' => true, 'alias' => '', 'tags' => [] } ] } } let(:results_with_next_page) { results_without_next_page.merge('next_page' => '') } it 'requests a page of APIDs' do stub_requests do |stub| stub.get('/api/apids/?page=') { [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }, JSON.dump(results_without_next_page)] } end subject.apids.should eq(results_without_next_page) end it 'includes the page number of the next page' do stub_requests do |stub| stub.get('/api/apids/?page=') { [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }, JSON.dump(results_with_next_page)] } end subject.apids['next_page'].should eq(2) end it 'does not include the page number if there are no additional pages' do stub_requests do |stub| stub.get('/api/apids/?page=') { [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }, JSON.dump(results_without_next_page)] } end subject.apids.should_not have_key('next_page') end it 'requests a specified page of APIDs' do stub_requests do |stub| stub.get('/api/apids/?page=4') { [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }, JSON.dump(results_without_next_page)] } end subject.apids(4) end it 'raises an error when the request fails' do stub_requests do |stub| stub.get('/api/apids/?page=') { [500, {}, ''] } end expect { subject.apids }.to raise_error(Zeppelin::ClientError) end end describe '#push' do let(:uri) { '/api/push/' } let(:payload) { { :device_tokens => [device_token], :aps => { :alert => 'Hello from Urban Airship!' } } } it 'is true when the request is successful' do stub_requests do |stub|, JSON.dump(payload)) { [200, {}, ''] } end subject.push(payload).should be_true end it 'raises an error when the request fails' do stub_requests do |stub|, '{}') { [400, {}, ''] } end expect { subject.push({}) }.to raise_error(Zeppelin::ClientError) end end describe '#batch_push' do let(:device_token) { '123456789' } let(:message1) { { :device_tokens => [device_token], :aps => { :alert => 'Hello from Urban Airship!' } } } let(:message2) { { :device_tokens => [], :aps => { :alert => 'Yet another hello from Urban Airship!' } } } let(:payload) { [message1, message2] } let(:uri) { '/api/push/batch/' } it 'is true when the request was successful' do stub_requests do |stub|, JSON.dump(payload)) { [200, {}, ''] } end subject.batch_push(message1, message2).should be_true end it 'raises an error when the request fails' do stub_requests do |stub|'/api/push/batch/', '[{},{}]') { [400, {}, ''] } end expect { subject.batch_push({}, {}) }.to raise_error(Zeppelin::ClientError) end end describe '#broadcast' do let(:payload) { { :aps => { :alert => 'Hello from Urban Airship!' } } } let(:uri) { '/api/push/broadcast/' } it 'is true when the request is successful' do stub_requests do |stub|, JSON.dump(payload)) { [200, {}, ''] } end subject.broadcast(payload).should be_true end it 'raises an error when the request fails' do stub_requests do |stub|, '{}') { [400, {}, ''] } end expect { subject.broadcast({}) }.to raise_error(Zeppelin::ClientError) end end describe '#feedback' do let(:response_body) { { 'foo' => 'bar' } } let(:since) { } let(:uri) { '/api/device_tokens/feedback/?since=1970-01-01T00%3A00%3A00Z' } it 'is the response body for a successful request' do stub_requests do |stub| stub.get(uri) { [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }, JSON.dump(response_body)] } end end it 'raises an error when the request fails' do stub_requests do |stub| stub.get(uri) { [400, {}, ''] } end expect { }.to raise_error(Zeppelin::ClientError) end end describe '#modify_device_token_on_tag' do let(:tag_name) { '' } let(:device_token) { 'CAFEBABE' } it 'requets to modify device tokens on a tag' do stub_requests do |stub|"/api/tags/#{tag_name}") { [200, {}, 'OK'] } end subject.modify_device_tokens_on_tag(tag_name, { 'device_tokens' => { 'add' => [device_token] } }).should be end end describe '#add_tag' do let(:tag_name) { 'chunky.bacon' } it 'is true when the request is successful' do stub_requests do |stub| stub.put("/api/tags/#{tag_name}") { [201, {}, ''] } end subject.add_tag(tag_name).should be_true end end describe '#remove_tag' do let(:tag_name) { 'cats.pajamas' } it 'is true when the request is successful' do stub_requests do |stub| stub.delete("/api/tags/#{tag_name}") { [204, {}, ''] } end subject.remove_tag(tag_name).should be_true end it 'is false when the request fails' do stub_requests do |stub| stub.delete("/api/tags/#{tag_name}") { [404, {}, ''] } end expect { subject.remove_tag(tag_name) }.to raise_error(Zeppelin::ResourceNotFound) end end describe '#device_tags' do let(:response_body) { { 'tags' => ['tag1', 'some_tag'] } } let(:uri) { "/api/device_tokens/#{device_token}/tags/" } it 'is the collection of tags on a device when request is successful' do stub_requests do |stub| stub.get(uri) { [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }, JSON.dump(response_body)] } end subject.device_tags(device_token).should eq(response_body) end it 'raises an error when the request fails' do stub_requests do |stub| stub.get(uri) { [404, {}, 'Not Found'] } end expect { subject.device_tags(device_token) }.to raise_error(Zeppelin::ResourceNotFound) end end describe '#add_tag_to_device' do let(:tag_name) { 'radio.head' } let(:uri) { "/api/device_tokens/#{device_token}/tags/#{tag_name}" } it 'is true when the request is successful' do stub_requests do |stub| stub.put(uri) { [201, {}, 'Created'] } end subject.add_tag_to_device(device_token, tag_name).should be_true end it 'raises an error when the request fails' do stub_requests do |stub| stub.put(uri) { [404, {}, ''] } end expect { subject.add_tag_to_device(device_token, tag_name) }.to raise_error(Zeppelin::ResourceNotFound) end end describe '#remove_tag_from_device' do let(:tag_name) { 'martin.fowler' } let(:uri) { "/api/device_tokens/#{device_token}/tags/#{tag_name}" } it 'is true when the request is successful' do stub_requests do |stub| stub.delete(uri) { [204, {}, 'No Content'] } end subject.remove_tag_from_device(device_token, tag_name).should be_true end it 'raises an error when the request fails' do stub_requests do |stub| stub.delete(uri) { [404, {}, ''] } end expect { subject.remove_tag_from_device(device_token, tag_name) }.to raise_error(Zeppelin::ResourceNotFound) end end describe '#tags' do let(:uri) { '/api/tags/' } let(:response_body) { { :tags => %w[foo bar baz] } } it 'is true when request is successful' do stub_requests do |stub| stub.get(uri) { [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }, JSON.dump(response_body)] } end subject.tags end it 'raises an error when the request fails' do stub_requests do |stub| stub.get(uri) { [500, {}, ''] } end expect { subject.tags }.to raise_error(Zeppelin::ClientError) end end describe '#register_pin' do let(:pin) { '12345678' } let(:uri) { "/api/device_pins/#{pin}/" } it 'is true when the request is successful' do stub_requests do |stub| stub.put(uri) { [201, {}, ''] } end subject.register_pin(pin).should be_true end it 'raises an error when the request fails' do stub_requests do |stub| stub.put(uri) { [500, {}, ''] } end expect { subject.register_pin(pin) }.to raise_error(Zeppelin::ClientError) end end describe '#pin' do let(:pin) { '12345678' } let(:uri) { "/api/device_pins/#{pin}/" } let(:response_body) { { :device_pin => pin, :alias => 'my alias', :last_registration => Time.mktime(2009, 11, 6, 20, 41, 6), :created => Time.mktime(2009, 11, 6, 20, 41, 6), :active => true, :tags => %w[one two] } } it 'responds with information about a device with a PIN when successful' do stub_requests do |stub| stub.get(uri) { [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }, response_body] } end eql(response_body) end it 'raises an error when the PIN resource cannot be found' do stub_requests do |stub| stub.get(uri) { [404, {}, ''] } end expect { }.to raise_error(Zeppelin::ResourceNotFound) end end describe '#delete_pin' do let(:pin) { '12345678' } let(:uri) { "/api/device_pins/#{pin}/" } it 'is true when the request succeeds' do stub_requests do |stub| stub.delete(uri) { [204, {}, ''] } end subject.delete_pin(pin).should be_true end it 'raises an error when the request fails' do stub_requests do |stub| stub.delete(uri) { [404, {}, ''] } end expect { subject.delete_pin(pin) }.to raise_error(Zeppelin::ResourceNotFound) end end def stub_requests subject.connection.builder.handlers.delete(Faraday::Adapter::NetHttp) subject.connection.adapter :test do |stubs| yield(stubs) end end end