#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'sys_watchdog' def red(mytext) ; "\e[31m#{mytext}\e[0m" ; end def help_msg <<~HEREDOC sys_watchdog v#{SysWatchdog::VERSION} Usage: sys_watchdog [setup|test|start|stop|once|uninstall|help|version] When called without options executes the system tests each 60 seconds. This is the normal operation when working with a system daemon starter like systemd or upstart. Options: setup Create the configuration file, create the working directory and configure periodic run with systemd or cron. test Similar to once, but also sets the log output to STDOUT. start Start periodic run. If using systemd it will run 'systemctl start sys_watchdog'. If using cron it will enable/uncomment the cronjob line. stop Stop periodic run. once Run tests once and exit, rather than run each 60 seconds which is the normal behavior. uninstall Deletes created files and services. After that, if you want to completlly uninstall, run 'gem uninstall sys_watchdog'. -v, version Prints version and exit. -h, help Prints the current message. HEREDOC end setup_commands = %w(setup start stop uninstall) case ARGV[0] when *setup_commands Setup.new.send ARGV[0].to_sym when 'test' sw = SysWatchdog.new log_file: STDOUT sw.run once: true when 'once' SysWatchdog.new.run once: true when nil SysWatchdog.new.run when 'version', '-v', '--version' puts SysWatchdog::VERSION when 'help', '-h' puts help_msg else STDERR.puts red("Error: '#{ARGV[0]}' is not a valid option.") puts "" puts help_msg end