# # ActiveFacts Generators. # Generate a Rails-friendly schema.rb from an ActiveFacts vocabulary. # # Copyright (c) 2012 Clifford Heath. Read the LICENSE file. # require 'activefacts/vocabulary' require 'activefacts/persistence' require 'activefacts/mapping/rails' module ActiveFacts module Generate module Rails # Generate a Rails-friendly schema for the vocabulary # Invoke as # afgen --rails/schema[=options] .cql class SchemaRb private include Persistence def initialize(vocabulary, *options) @vocabulary = vocabulary @vocabulary = @vocabulary.Vocabulary.values[0] if ActiveFacts::API::Constellation === @vocabulary help if options.include? "help" @exclude_fks = options.include? "exclude_fks" @include_comments = options.include? "include_comments" @closed_world = options.include? "closed_world" end def help @helping = true warn %Q{Options for --rails/schema: exclude_fks Don't generate foreign key definitions for use with Rails 4 or the foreigner gem include_comments Generate a comment for each column showing the absorption path closed_world Set this if your DBMS only allows one null in a unique index (MS SQL) } end def warn *a $stderr.puts *a end def puts s @out.puts s end public # We sort the columns here, not in the persistence layer, because it affects # the ordering of columns in an index :-(. def sorted_columns table, pk, fk_columns table.columns.sort_by do |column| [ # Emit columns alphabetically, but PK first, then FKs, then others case when i = pk.index(column) i when fk_columns.include?(column) pk.size+1 else pk.size+2 end, column.rails_name ] end end def generate_column table, pk, column name = column.rails_name type, params, constraints = *column.type length = params[:length] length &&= length.to_i scale = params[:scale] scale &&= scale.to_i rails_type, length = *column.rails_type length_name = rails_type == 'decimal' ? 'precision' : 'limit' length_option = length ? ", :#{length_name} => #{length}" : '' scale_option = scale ? ", :scale => #{scale}" : '' comment = column.comment null_option = ", :null => #{!column.is_mandatory}" if pk.size == 1 && pk[0] == column case rails_type when 'serial' rails_type = "primary_key" when 'uuid' rails_type = "uuid, :default => 'gen_random_uuid()', :primary_key => true" end else case rails_type when 'serial' rails_type = 'integer' # An integer foreign key end end (@include_comments ? [" \# #{comment}"] : []) + [ %Q{ t.column "#{name}", :#{rails_type}#{length_option}#{scale_option}#{null_option}} ] end def generate_columns table, pk, fk_columns sc = sorted_columns(table, pk, fk_columns) lines = sc.map do |column| generate_column table, pk, column end lines.flatten end def generate_table table, foreign_keys ar_table_name = table.rails_name pk = table.identifier_columns if pk[0].is_auto_assigned identity_column = pk[0] warn "Warning: redundant column(s) after #{identity_column.name} in primary key of #{ar_table_name}" if pk.size > 1 end # Get the list of references that give rise to foreign keys: fk_refs = table.references_from.select{|ref| ref.is_simple_reference } # Get the list of columns that embody the foreign keys: fk_columns = table.columns.select do |column| column.references[0].is_simple_reference end # Detect if this table is a join table. # Join tables have multi-part primary keys that are made up only of foreign keys is_join_table = pk.length > 1 and !pk.detect do |pk_column| !fk_columns.include?(pk_column) end warn "Warning: #{table.name} has a multi-part primary key" if pk.length > 1 and !is_join_table puts %Q{ create_table "#{ar_table_name}", :id => false, :force => true do |t|} columns = generate_columns table, pk, fk_columns unless @exclude_fks table.foreign_keys.each do |fk| from_columns = fk.from_columns.map{|column| column.rails_name} to_columns = fk.to_columns.map{|column| column.rails_name} foreign_keys.concat( if (from_columns.length == 1) [ " add_foreign_key :#{fk.from.rails_name}, :#{fk.to.rails_name}, :column => :#{from_columns[0]}, :primary_key => :#{to_columns[0]}, :on_delete => :cascade" ]+ Array( # Index it non-uniquely only if it's not unique already: fk.jump_reference.to_role.unique ? nil : " add_index :#{fk.from.rails_name}, [:#{from_columns[0]}], :unique => false" ) else # This probably isn't going to work without Dr Nic's CPK gem: [ " add_foreign_key :#{fk.to.rails_name}, :#{fk.from.rails_name}, :column => [:#{from_columns.join(':, ')}], :primary_key => [:#{to_columns.join(':, ')}], :on_delete => :cascade" ] end ) end end indices = table.indices index_text = [] indices.each do |index| next if index.is_primary && index.columns.size == 1 # We've handled this already index_name = index.rails_name unique = !index.columns.detect{|column| !column.is_mandatory} and !@closed_world index_text << %Q{ add_index "#{ar_table_name}", ["#{index.columns.map{|c| c.rails_name}*'", "'}"], :name => :#{index_name}#{ unique ? ", :unique => true" : '' }} end puts columns.join("\n") puts " end\n\n" puts index_text.join("\n") puts "\n" unless index_text.empty? end def generate(out = $>) #:nodoc: return if @helping @out = out foreign_keys = [] # If we get index names that need to be truncated, add a counter to ensure uniqueness dup_id = 0 puts "#\n# schema.rb auto-generated using ActiveFacts for #{@vocabulary.name} on #{Date.today}\n#\n\n" puts "ActiveRecord::Base.logger = Logger.new(STDOUT)\n" puts "ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => #{Time.now.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')}) do" puts " enable_extension 'pgcrypto' unless extension_enabled?('pgcrypto')\n" @vocabulary.tables.each do |table| generate_table table, foreign_keys end unless @exclude_fks puts ' unless ENV["EXCLUDE_FKS"]' puts foreign_keys.join("\n") puts ' end' end puts "end" end end end end end ActiveFacts::Registry.generator('rails/schema', ActiveFacts::Generate::Rails::SchemaRb)