Class Index [+]



Public Class Methods

new() click to toggle source
    # File lib/tj3ss_receiver.rb, line 23
23:     def initialize
24:       super
25:     end

Public Instance Methods

main() click to toggle source
    # File lib/tj3ss_receiver.rb, line 39
39:     def main
40:       super
41:       ts ='tj3ss_receiver')
42:       @rc.configure(ts, 'global')
43:       @rc.configure(ts, 'statussheets')
44:       @rc.configure(ts, 'statussheets.receiver')
45:       ts.workingDir = @workingDir if @workingDir
46:       ts.dryRun = @dryRun
48:       ts.processEmail
49:       0
50:     end
processArguments(argv) click to toggle source
    # File lib/tj3ss_receiver.rb, line 27
27:     def processArguments(argv)
28:       super do
29:         @opts.banner += This program can be used to receive filled-out status sheets via email.It reads the emails from STDIN and extracts the status sheet from theattached files. The status sheet is checked for correctness. Good statussheets are filed away. The sender be informed by email that the statussheets was accepted or rejected.
30:       end
31:     end

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