require 'hiera_puppet' module Puppet::Parser::Functions newfunction( :hiera_hash, :type => :rvalue, :arity => -2, :doc => <<-DOC Finds all matches of a key throughout the hierarchy and returns them in a merged hash. If any of the matched hashes share keys, the final hash uses the value from the highest priority match. This is called a [hash merge lookup]( The merge strategy is determined by Hiera's [`:merge_behavior`]( setting. The `hiera_hash` function takes up to three arguments, in this order: 1. A string key that Hiera searches for in the hierarchy. **Required**. 2. An optional default value to return if Hiera doesn't find anything matching the key. * If this argument isn't provided and this function results in a lookup failure, Puppet fails with a compilation error. 3. The optional name of an arbitrary [hierarchy level]( to insert at the top of the hierarchy. This lets you temporarily modify the hierarchy for a single lookup. * If Hiera doesn't find a matching key in the overriding hierarchy level, it continues searching the rest of the hierarchy. **Example**: Using `hiera_hash` ~~~ yaml # Assuming hiera.yaml # :hierarchy: # - # - common # Assuming common.yaml: # users: # regular: # 'cdouglas': 'Carrie Douglas' # Assuming # users: # administrators: # 'aberry': 'Amy Berry' ~~~ ~~~ puppet # Assuming we are not $allusers = hiera_hash('users', undef) # $allusers contains {regular => {"cdouglas" => "Carrie Douglas"}, # administrators => {"aberry" => "Amy Berry"}} ~~~ You can optionally generate the default value with a [lambda]( that takes one parameter. **Example**: Using `hiera_hash` with a lambda ~~~ puppet # Assuming the same Hiera data as the previous example: $allusers = hiera_hash('users') | $key | { "Key \'${key}\' not found" } # $allusers contains {regular => {"cdouglas" => "Carrie Douglas"}, # administrators => {"aberry" => "Amy Berry"}} # If hiera_hash couldn't match its key, it would return the lambda result, # "Key 'users' not found". ~~~ `hiera_hash` expects that all values returned will be hashes. If any of the values found in the data sources are strings or arrays, Puppet raises a type mismatch error. See [the documentation]( for more information about Hiera lookup functions. - Since 4.0.0 DOC ) do |*args| function_fail(["hiera_hash() has been converted to 4x API"]) end end