require 'fuzzily/trigram' require 'ostruct' module Fuzzily module Searchable def self.included(by) case ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR when 2 then by.extend Rails2ClassMethods when 3 then by.extend Rails3ClassMethods when 4 then by.extend Rails4ClassMethods end end private def _update_fuzzy!(_o) self.send(_o.trigram_association).delete_all do |trigram, score| self.send(_o.trigram_association).create!(:score => score, :trigram => trigram, :owner_type => end end module ClassMethods # fuzzily_searchable <field> [, <field>...] [, <options>] def fuzzily_searchable(*fields) options = fields.last.kind_of?(Hash) ? fields.pop : {} fields.each do |field| make_field_fuzzily_searchable(field, options) end end private def _find_by_fuzzy(_o, pattern, options={}) options[:limit] ||= 10 options[:offset] ||= 0 trigrams = _o.trigram_class_name.constantize. limit(options[:limit]). offset(options[:offset]). for_model( for_field(_o.field.to_s). matches_for(pattern) records = _load_for_ids( # order records as per trigram query (no portable way to do this in SQL) { |t| records[t.owner_id] } end def _load_for_ids(ids) {}.tap do |result| find(ids).each { |_r| result[] = _r } end end def _bulk_update_fuzzy(_o) trigram_class = _o.trigram_class_name.constantize supports_bulk_inserts = !~ /sqlite/i || connection.send(:sqlite_version) >= '3.7.11' _with_included_trigrams(_o).find_in_batches(:batch_size => 100) do |batch| inserts = [] batch.each do |record| data = data.scored_trigrams.each do |trigram, score| inserts << sanitize_sql_array(['(?,?,?,?,?)',,, _o.field.to_s, score, trigram]) end end # take care of quoting c = trigram_class.connection insert_sql = %Q{ INSERT INTO %s (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s) VALUES } % [ c.quote_table_name(trigram_class.table_name), c.quote_column_name('owner_type'), c.quote_column_name('owner_id'), c.quote_column_name('fuzzy_field'), c.quote_column_name('score'), c.quote_column_name('trigram') ] trigram_class.transaction do batch.each { |record| record.send(_o.trigram_association).delete_all } break if inserts.empty? if supports_bulk_inserts trigram_class.connection.insert(insert_sql + inserts.join(", ")) else inserts.each do |insert| trigram_class.connection.insert(insert_sql + insert) end end end end end def make_field_fuzzily_searchable(field, options={}) class_variable_defined?(:"@@fuzzily_searchable_#{field}") and return _o = :field => field, :trigram_class_name => options.fetch(:class_name, 'Trigram'), :trigram_association => "trigrams_for_#{field}".to_sym, :update_trigrams_method => "update_fuzzy_#{field}!".to_sym ) _add_trigram_association(_o) singleton_class.send(:define_method,"find_by_fuzzy_#{field}".to_sym) do |*args| _find_by_fuzzy(_o, *args) end singleton_class.send(:define_method,"bulk_update_fuzzy_#{field}".to_sym) do _bulk_update_fuzzy(_o) end define_method _o.update_trigrams_method do _update_fuzzy!(_o) end after_save do |record| next unless record.send("#{field}_changed?".to_sym) record.send(_o.update_trigrams_method) end class_variable_set(:"@@fuzzily_searchable_#{field}", true) self end end module Rails2Rails3ClassMethods private def _add_trigram_association(_o) has_many _o.trigram_association, :class_name => _o.trigram_class_name, :as => :owner, :conditions => { :fuzzy_field => _o.field.to_s }, :dependent => :destroy, :autosave => true end def _with_included_trigrams(_o) self.scoped(:include => _o.trigram_association) end end module Rails2ClassMethods include ClassMethods include Rails2Rails3ClassMethods def self.extended(base) base.class_eval do named_scope :offset, lambda { |*args| { :offset => args.first } } end end end module Rails3ClassMethods include ClassMethods include Rails2Rails3ClassMethods end module Rails4ClassMethods include ClassMethods private def _add_trigram_association(_o) has_many _o.trigram_association, lambda { where(:fuzzy_field => _o.field.to_s) }, :class_name => _o.trigram_class_name, :as => :owner, :dependent => :delete_all, :autosave => true end def _with_included_trigrams(_o) self.includes(_o.trigram_association) end end end end