module Datafile # note: keep Datafile in its own top-level module/namespace for now - why? why not? ZIP_RE = %r{ \.zip$ }x def self.match_zip( path, pattern: ZIP_RE ) pattern.match( path ); end ## exclude pattern ## for now exclude all files in directories starting with a dot (e.g. .git/ or .github/ or .build/ etc.) ## todo/check: rename to EXCLUDE_DOT_DIRS_RE - why? why not? EXCLUDE_RE = %r{ (?: ^|/ ) # beginning (^) or beginning of path (/) \.[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+ ## (almost) any name BUT must start with dot e.g. .git, .build, etc. / }x def self.match_exclude( path, pattern: EXCLUDE_RE ) pattern.match( path ); end class Package; end ## use a shared base class for DirPackage, ZipPackage, etc. class DirPackage < Package ## todo/check: find a better name e.g. UnzippedPackage, FilesystemPackage, etc. - why? why not? class Entry def initialize( pack, path ) @pack = pack ## parent package @path = path ## todo/fix!!!!: calculate @name (cut-off pack.path!!!) @name = path end def name() @name; end def read() @path, 'r:utf-8' ).read; end end # class DirPackage::Entry attr_reader :name, :path def initialize( path ) ## todo/fix: expand_path ?! - why? why not? if you pass in ./ basename will be . and NOT directory name, for example!!! @path = path ## rename to root_path or base_path or somehting - why? why not? basename = File.basename( path ) ## note: ALWAYS keeps "extension"-like name if present (e.g. ./ => @name = basename end def each( pattern:, extension: 'txt' ) ## todo/check: rename to glob or something - why? why not? ## use just .* for extension or remove and check if File.file? and skip - why? why not? ## note: incl. files starting with dot (.)) as candidates (normally excluded with just *) Dir.glob( "#{@path}/**/{*,.*}.#{extension}" ).each do |path| ## todo/fix: (auto) skip and check for directories if EXCLUDE_RE.match( path ) ## note: skip dot dirs (e.g. .build/, .git/, etc.) elsif pattern.match( path ) yield( self, path )) else ## puts " skipping >#{path}<" end end end def find( name ) self, "#{@path}/#{name}" ) end end # class DirPackage ## helper wrapper for datafiles in zips class ZipPackage < Package class Entry def initialize( pack, entry ) @pack = pack @entry = entry end def name(); end def read txt = ## puts "** encoding: #{txt.encoding}" #=> encoding: ASCII-8BIT txt = txt.force_encoding( Encoding::UTF_8 ) txt end end # class ZipPackage::Entry attr_reader :name, :path def initialize( path ) @path = path extname = File.extname( path ) ## todo/check: double check if extension is .zip - why? why not? basename = File.basename( path, extname ) @name = basename end def each( pattern: ) @path ) do |zipfile| zipfile.each do |entry| if next ## skip elsif entry.file? if EXCLUDE_RE.match( ) ## note: skip dot dirs (e.g. .build/, .git/, etc.) elsif pattern.match( ) yield( self, entry ) ) # wrap entry in uniform access interface / api else ## puts " skipping >#{}<" end else puts "** !!! ERROR !!! #{} is unknown zip file type in >#{@path}<, sorry" exit 1 end end end end def find( name ) entries = match_entry( name ) if entries.empty? puts "** !!! ERROR !!! zip entry >#{name}< not found in >#{@path}<; sorry" exit 1 elsif entries.size > 1 puts "** !!! ERROR !!! ambigious zip entry >#{name}<; found #{entries.size} entries in >#{@path}<:" pp entries exit 1 else self, entries[0] ) # wrap entry in uniform access interface / api end end private def match_entry( name ) ## todo/fix: use Zip::File.glob or find_entry or something better/faster? why? why not? pattern = %r{ #{Regexp.escape( name )} ## match string if ends with name $ }x entries = [] @path ) do |zipfile| zipfile.each do |entry| if next ## skip elsif entry.file? if EXCLUDE_RE.match( ) ## note: skip dot dirs (e.g. .build/, .git/, etc.) elsif pattern.match( ) entries << entry else ## no match; skip too end else puts "** !!! ERROR !!! #{} is unknown zip file type in >#{@path}<, sorry" exit 1 end end end entries end end # class ZipPackage end # module Datafile