#-- # DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE # Version 2, December 2004 # # DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE # TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION # # 0. You just DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO. #++ require 'thread' # A pool is a container of a limited amount of threads to which you can add # tasks to run. # # This is usually more performant and less memory intensive than creating a # new thread for every task. class Thread::Pool # A task incapsulates a block being ran by the pool and the arguments to pass # to it. class Task Timeout = Class.new(Exception) Asked = Class.new(Exception) attr_reader :pool, :timeout, :exception, :thread, :started_at # Create a task in the given pool which will pass the arguments to the # block. def initialize (pool, *args, &block) @pool = pool @arguments = args @block = block @running = false @finished = false @timedout = false @terminated = false end def running?; @running; end def finished?; @finished; end def timeout?; @timedout; end def terminated?; @terminated; end # Execute the task in the given thread. def execute (thread) return if terminated? || running? || finished? @thread = thread @running = true @started_at = Time.now pool.__send__ :wake_up_timeout begin @block.call(*@arguments) rescue Exception => reason if reason.is_a? Timeout @timedout = true elsif reason.is_a? Asked return else @exception = reason end end @running = false @finished = true @thread = nil end # Terminate the exception with an optionally given exception. def terminate! (exception = Asked) return if terminated? || finished? || timeout? @terminated = true return unless running? @thread.raise exception end # Force the task to timeout. def timeout! terminate! Timeout end # Timeout the task after the given time. def timeout_after (time) @timeout = time pool.timeout_for self, time self end end attr_reader :min, :max, :spawned # Create the pool with minimum and maximum threads. # # The pool will start with the minimum amount of threads created and will # spawn new threads until the max is reached in case of need. # # A default block can be passed, which will be used to {#process} the passed # data. def initialize (min, max = nil, &block) @min = min @max = max || min @block = block @cond = ConditionVariable.new @mutex = Mutex.new @todo = [] @workers = [] @timeouts = {} @spawned = 0 @waiting = 0 @shutdown = false @trim_requests = 0 @auto_trim = false @mutex.synchronize { min.times { spawn_thread } } end # Check if the pool has been shut down. def shutdown?; !!@shutdown; end # Check if auto trimming is enabled. def auto_trim? @auto_trim end # Enable auto trimming, unneeded threads will be deleted until the minimum # is reached. def auto_trim! @auto_trim = true end # Disable auto trimming. def no_auto_trim! @auto_trim = false end # Resize the pool with the passed arguments. def resize (min, max = nil) @min = min @max = max || min trim! end # Get the amount of tasks that still have to be run. def backlog @mutex.synchronize { @todo.length } end # Add a task to the pool which will execute the block with the given # argument. # # If no block is passed the default block will be used if present, an # ArgumentError will be raised otherwise. def process (*args, &block) unless block || @block raise ArgumentError, 'you must pass a block' end task = Task.new(self, *args, &(block || @block)) @mutex.synchronize { raise 'unable to add work while shutting down' if shutdown? @todo << task if @waiting == 0 && @spawned < @max spawn_thread end @cond.signal } task end alias << process # Trim the unused threads, if forced threads will be trimmed even if there # are tasks waiting. def trim (force = false) @mutex.synchronize { if (force || @waiting > 0) && @spawned - @trim_requests > @min @trim_requests -= 1 @cond.signal end } self end # Force #{trim}. def trim! trim true end # Shut down the pool instantly without finishing to execute tasks. def shutdown! @mutex.synchronize { @shutdown = :now @cond.broadcast } wake_up_timeout self end # Shut down the pool, it will block until all tasks have finished running. def shutdown @mutex.synchronize { @shutdown = :nicely @cond.broadcast } join if @timeout @shutdown = :now wake_up_timeout @timeout.join end self end # Join on all threads in the pool. def join @workers.first.join until @workers.empty? self end # Define a timeout for a task. def timeout_for (task, timeout) unless @timeout spawn_timeout_thread end @mutex.synchronize { @timeouts[task] = timeout wake_up_timeout } end # Shutdown the pool after a given amount of time. def shutdown_after (timeout) Thread.new { sleep timeout shutdown } self end private def wake_up_timeout if defined? @pipes @pipes.last.write_nonblock 'x' rescue nil end end def spawn_thread @spawned += 1 thread = Thread.new { loop do task = @mutex.synchronize { if @todo.empty? while @todo.empty? if @trim_requests > 0 @trim_requests -= 1 break end break if shutdown? @waiting += 1 @cond.wait @mutex @waiting -= 1 break !shutdown? end or break end @todo.shift } or break task.execute(thread) break if @shutdown == :now trim if auto_trim? && @spawned > @min end @mutex.synchronize { @spawned -= 1 @workers.delete thread } } @workers << thread thread end def spawn_timeout_thread @pipes = IO.pipe @timeout = Thread.new { loop do now = Time.now timeout = @timeouts.map {|task, time| next unless task.started_at now - task.started_at + task.timeout }.compact.min unless @timeouts.empty? readable, = IO.select([@pipes.first], nil, nil, timeout) break if @shutdown == :now if readable && !readable.empty? readable.first.read_nonblock 1024 end now = Time.now @timeouts.each {|task, time| next if !task.started_at || task.terminated? || task.finished? if now > task.started_at + task.timeout task.timeout! end } @timeouts.reject! { |task, _| task.terminated? || task.finished? } break if @shutdown == :now end } end end class Thread # Helper to create a pool. def self.pool (*args, &block) Thread::Pool.new(*args, &block) end end