module Middleman module Robots class Extension < ::Middleman::Extension option :rules, [], 'List of rules about sitemap.xml' option :sitemap, false, 'URI of sitemap.xml' def initialize(app, options_hash = {}, &block) super data = rules(options.rules) + sitemap(options.sitemap) data.gsub!(/\n+$/, "\n") build_dir = app.build_dir app.after_build do, "robots.txt"), "w") do |file| file.puts(data) end puts " middleman-robots: robots.txt created" end end def rules(rules) return '' if rules.empty? data = [] rules.each do |rule| row = [] if (rule["user-agent"] || rule[:user_agent]) user_agent = rule[:user_agent] || rule["user-agent"] row << "User-Agent: #{user_agent}" end if (rule[:disallow]) rule[:disallow].each do |path| path = "/" + path unless /^\// =~ path row << "Disallow: #{path}" end end if (rule[:allow]) rule[:allow].each do |path| path = "/" + path unless /^\// =~ path row << "Allow: #{path}" end end data << row.join("\n") + "\n\n" if row.length > 0 end data.join('') end def sitemap(path) path ? "Sitemap: #{path}" : "" end end end end