## Rails (October 23, 2024) ## * No changes. ## Rails (October 15, 2024) ## * No changes. ## Rails 7.2.1 (August 22, 2024) ## * No changes. ## Rails 7.2.0 (August 09, 2024) ## * Fix `delegate_missing_to allow_nil: true` when called with implict self ```ruby class Person delegate_missing_to :address, allow_nil: true def address nil end def berliner? city == "Berlin" end end Person.new.city # => nil Person.new.berliner? # undefined local variable or method `city' for an instance of Person (NameError) ``` *Jean Boussier* * Add `logger` as a dependency since it is a bundled gem candidate for Ruby 3.5 *Earlopain* * Define `Digest::UUID.nil_uuid`, which returns the so-called nil UUID. *Xavier Noria* * Support `duration` type in `ActiveSupport::XmlMini`. *heka1024* * Remove deprecated `ActiveSupport::Notifications::Event#children` and `ActiveSupport::Notifications::Event#parent_of?`. *Rafael Mendonça França* * Remove deprecated support to call the following methods without passing a deprecator: - `deprecate` - `deprecate_constant` - `ActiveSupport::Deprecation::DeprecatedObjectProxy.new` - `ActiveSupport::Deprecation::DeprecatedInstanceVariableProxy.new` - `ActiveSupport::Deprecation::DeprecatedConstantProxy.new` - `assert_deprecated` - `assert_not_deprecated` - `collect_deprecations` *Rafael Mendonça França* * Remove deprecated `ActiveSupport::Deprecation` delegation to instance. *Rafael Mendonça França* * Remove deprecated `SafeBuffer#clone_empty`. *Rafael Mendonça França* * Remove deprecated `#to_default_s` from `Array`, `Date`, `DateTime` and `Time`. *Rafael Mendonça França* * Remove deprecated support to passing `Dalli::Client` instances to `MemCacheStore`. *Rafael Mendonça França* * Remove deprecated `config.active_support.use_rfc4122_namespaced_uuids`. *Rafael Mendonça França* * Remove deprecated `config.active_support.remove_deprecated_time_with_zone_name`. *Rafael Mendonça França* * Remove deprecated `config.active_support.disable_to_s_conversion`. *Rafael Mendonça França* * Remove deprecated support to bolding log text with positional boolean in `ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber#color`. *Rafael Mendonça França* * Remove deprecated constants `ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber::CLEAR` and `ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber::BOLD`. *Rafael Mendonça França* * Remove deprecated support for `config.active_support.cache_format_version = 6.1`. *Rafael Mendonça França* * Remove deprecated `:pool_size` and `:pool_timeout` options for the cache storage. *Rafael Mendonça França* * Warn on tests without assertions. `ActiveSupport::TestCase` now warns when tests do not run any assertions. This is helpful in detecting broken tests that do not perform intended assertions. *fatkodima* * Support `hexBinary` type in `ActiveSupport::XmlMini`. *heka1024* * Deprecate `ActiveSupport::ProxyObject` in favor of Ruby's built-in `BasicObject`. *Earlopain* * `stub_const` now accepts a `exists: false` parameter to allow stubbing missing constants. *Jean Boussier* * Make `ActiveSupport::BacktraceCleaner` copy filters and silencers on dup and clone. Previously the copy would still share the internal silencers and filters array, causing state to leak. *Jean Boussier* * Updating Astana with Western Kazakhstan TZInfo identifier. *Damian Nelson* * Add filename support for `ActiveSupport::Logger.logger_outputs_to?`. ```ruby logger = Logger.new('/var/log/rails.log') ActiveSupport::Logger.logger_outputs_to?(logger, '/var/log/rails.log') ``` *Christian Schmidt* * Include `IPAddr#prefix` when serializing an `IPAddr` using the `ActiveSupport::MessagePack` serializer. This change is backward and forward compatible — old payloads can still be read, and new payloads will be readable by older versions of Rails. *Taiki Komaba* * Add `default:` support for `ActiveSupport::CurrentAttributes.attribute`. ```ruby class Current < ActiveSupport::CurrentAttributes attribute :counter, default: 0 end ``` *Sean Doyle* * Yield instance to `Object#with` block. ```ruby client.with(timeout: 5_000) do |c| c.get("/commits") end ``` *Sean Doyle* * Use logical core count instead of physical core count to determine the default number of workers when parallelizing tests. *Jonathan Hefner* * Fix `Time.now/DateTime.now/Date.today` to return results in a system timezone after `#travel_to`. There is a bug in the current implementation of #travel_to: it remembers a timezone of its argument, and all stubbed methods start returning results in that remembered timezone. However, the expected behavior is to return results in a system timezone. *Aleksei Chernenkov* * Add `ErrorReported#unexpected` to report precondition violations. For example: ```ruby def edit if published? Rails.error.unexpected("[BUG] Attempting to edit a published article, that shouldn't be possible") return false end # ... end ``` The above will raise an error in development and test, but only report the error in production. *Jean Boussier* * Make the order of read_multi and write_multi notifications for `Cache::Store#fetch_multi` operations match the order they are executed in. *Adam Renberg Tamm* * Make return values of `Cache::Store#write` consistent. The return value was not specified before. Now it returns `true` on a successful write, `nil` if there was an error talking to the cache backend, and `false` if the write failed for another reason (e.g. the key already exists and `unless_exist: true` was passed). *Sander Verdonschot* * Fix logged cache keys not always matching actual key used by cache action. *Hartley McGuire* * Improve error messages of `assert_changes` and `assert_no_changes`. `assert_changes` error messages now display objects with `.inspect` to make it easier to differentiate nil from empty strings, strings from symbols, etc. `assert_no_changes` error messages now surface the actual value. *pcreux* * Fix `#to_fs(:human_size)` to correctly work with negative numbers. *Earlopain* * Fix `BroadcastLogger#dup` so that it duplicates the logger's `broadcasts`. *Andrew Novoselac* * Fix issue where `bootstrap.rb` overwrites the `level` of a `BroadcastLogger`'s `broadcasts`. *Andrew Novoselac* * Fix compatibility with the `semantic_logger` gem. The `semantic_logger` gem doesn't behave exactly like stdlib logger in that `SemanticLogger#level` returns a Symbol while stdlib `Logger#level` returns an Integer. This caused the various `LogSubscriber` classes in Rails to break when assigned a `SemanticLogger` instance. *Jean Boussier*, *ojab* * Fix MemoryStore to prevent race conditions when incrementing or decrementing. *Pierre Jambet* * Implement `HashWithIndifferentAccess#to_proc`. Previously, calling `#to_proc` on `HashWithIndifferentAccess` object used inherited `#to_proc` method from the `Hash` class, which was not able to access values using indifferent keys. *fatkodima* Please check [7-1-stable](https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/7-1-stable/activesupport/CHANGELOG.md) for previous changes.