// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2011 Strobe Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2008-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /** @class Used to display an iframe. The source, (specified by the value property) of the iFrame should be from the same domain. (i.e. the src / value should be from the same domain) if you want to access the contents of the iframe. @extends SC.View @extends SC.Control @since SproutCore 1.0 */ SC.WebView = SC.View.extend(SC.Control, { /** @scope SC.WebView.prototype */ classNames: 'sc-web-view', displayProperties: ['value', 'shouldAutoResize'], /** The content of the iframe can be bigger than the size specifed when creating the view. If you want the view to be auto-resized to the dimensions of the iframe, then set the value of this property to YES. The web view can be auto resized only if the contents are from the same domain as the parent domain. @property{Boolean} */ shouldAutoResize: NO, render: function(context, firstTime) { var src = this.get('value'); if (firstTime) { context.push(''); } else { var iframe = this.$('iframe'); // clear out the previous src, to force a reload iframe.attr('src', 'javascript:;'); iframe.attr('src', src); } }, /** Called when the layer gets created. */ didCreateLayer: function() { var f = this.$('iframe'); // Attach an onload event to the iframe. SC.Event.add(f, 'load', this, this.iframeDidLoad); }, /** Called when iframe onload event is fired. 1. Resizes the view to fit the contents of the iframe using the scroll width and scroll height of the contents of the iframe The iframe contents can be accessed only when the src is from the same domain as the parent document @returns {void} */ iframeDidLoad: function() { //fit the iframe to size of the contents. if (this.get('shouldAutoResize') === YES){ var contentWindow; var iframeElt = this.$('iframe')[0]; if(iframeElt && iframeElt.contentWindow){ contentWindow = iframeElt.contentWindow; if(contentWindow && contentWindow.document && contentWindow.document.documentElement){ var docElement = contentWindow.document.documentElement; // setting the width before the height gives more accurate results.. // atleast for the test iframe content i'm using. //TODO: try out document flows other than top to bottom. if (!SC.browser.isIE){ this.$().width(docElement.scrollWidth); this.$().height(docElement.scrollHeight); } else { this.$().width(docElement.scrollWidth + 12); this.$().height(docElement.scrollHeight + 5); } } } } } });