# Bob Bob is a lackadaisical teenager. In conversation, his responses are very limited. Bob answers 'Sure.' if you ask him a question. He answers 'Whoa, chill out!' if you yell at him. He answers 'Calm down, I know what I'm doing!' if you yell a question at him. He says 'Fine. Be that way!' if you address him without actually saying anything. He answers 'Whatever.' to anything else. The commented tests at the bottom of the bob_test.php are **Stretch Goals**, they are optional. They may be easier to solve if you are using the `mb_string` functions, which aren't installed by default with every version of PHP. ## Running the tests 1. Go to the root of your PHP exercise directory, which is `/php`. To find the Exercism workspace run % exercism debug | grep Workspace 1. Get [PHPUnit] if you don't have it already. % wget --no-check-certificate https://phar.phpunit.de/phpunit.phar % chmod +x phpunit.phar 2. Execute the tests: % ./phpunit.phar bob/bob_test.php [PHPUnit]: http://phpunit.de ## Source Inspired by the 'Deaf Grandma' exercise in Chris Pine's Learn to Program tutorial. [http://pine.fm/LearnToProgram/?Chapter=06](http://pine.fm/LearnToProgram/?Chapter=06) ## Submitting Incomplete Solutions It's possible to submit an incomplete solution so you can see how others have completed the exercise.