class Poltergeist.WebPage @CALLBACKS = ['onAlert', 'onConsoleMessage', 'onLoadFinished', 'onInitialized', 'onLoadStarted', 'onResourceRequested', 'onResourceReceived', 'onError', 'onNavigationRequested', 'onUrlChanged', 'onPageCreated'] @DELEGATES = ['open', 'sendEvent', 'uploadFile', 'release', 'render'] @COMMANDS = ['currentUrl', 'find', 'nodeCall', 'documentSize'] constructor: (@native) -> @native or= require('webpage').create() @_source = "" @_errors = [] @_networkTraffic = {} @frames = [] @sub_pages = {} for callback in WebPage.CALLBACKS this.bindCallback(callback) this.injectAgent() for command in @COMMANDS do (command) => this.prototype[command] = (args...) -> this.runCommand(command, args) for delegate in @DELEGATES do (delegate) => this.prototype[delegate] = -> @native[delegate].apply(@native, arguments) onInitializedNative: -> @_source = null this.injectAgent() this.setScrollPosition(left: 0, top: 0) injectAgent: -> if @native.evaluate(-> typeof __poltergeist) == "undefined" @native.injectJs("#{phantom.libraryPath}/agent.js") onConsoleMessageNative: (message) -> if message == '__DOMContentLoaded' @_source = @native.content false onLoadStartedNative: -> @requestId = @lastRequestId onLoadFinishedNative: -> @_source or= @native.content onConsoleMessage: (message) -> console.log(message) onErrorNative: (message, stack) -> stackString = message stack.forEach (frame) -> stackString += "\n" stackString += " at #{frame.file}:#{frame.line}" stackString += " in #{frame.function}" if frame.function && frame.function != '' @_errors.push(message: message, stack: stackString) onResourceRequestedNative: (request) -> @lastRequestId = if request.url == @redirectURL @redirectURL = null @requestId = @_networkTraffic[] = { request: request, responseParts: [] } onResourceReceivedNative: (response) -> @_networkTraffic[]?.responseParts.push(response) if @requestId == if response.redirectURL @redirectURL = response.redirectURL else @_statusCode = response.status @_responseHeaders = response.headers networkTraffic: -> @_networkTraffic content: -> @native.frameContent source: -> @_source errors: -> @_errors clearErrors: -> @_errors = [] statusCode: -> @_statusCode responseHeaders: -> headers = {} @_responseHeaders.forEach (item) -> headers[] = item.value headers cookies: -> @native.cookies deleteCookie: (name) -> @native.deleteCookie(name) viewportSize: -> @native.viewportSize setViewportSize: (size) -> @native.viewportSize = size scrollPosition: -> @native.scrollPosition setScrollPosition: (pos) -> @native.scrollPosition = pos clipRect: -> @native.clipRect setClipRect: (rect) -> @native.clipRect = rect setUserAgent: (userAgent) -> @native.settings.userAgent = userAgent setCustomHeaders: (headers) -> @native.customHeaders = headers pushFrame: (name) -> @frames.push(name) res = @native.switchToFrame(name) this.injectAgent() res popFrame: -> @frames.pop() if @frames.length == 0 @native.switchToMainFrame() else @native.switchToFrame(@frames[@frames.length - 1]) getPage: (name) -> if @sub_pages[name] @sub_pages[name] else page = @native.getPage(name) @sub_pages[name] = new Poltergeist.WebPage(page) if page dimensions: -> scroll = this.scrollPosition() viewport = this.viewportSize() top:, bottom: + viewport.height, left: scroll.left, right: scroll.left + viewport.width, viewport: viewport document: this.documentSize() # A work around for validatedDimensions: -> dimensions = this.dimensions() document = dimensions.document if dimensions.right > document.width dimensions.left = Math.max(0, dimensions.left - (dimensions.right - document.width)) dimensions.right = document.width if dimensions.bottom > document.height = Math.max(0, - (dimensions.bottom - document.height)) dimensions.bottom = document.height this.setScrollPosition(left: dimensions.left, top: dimensions get: (id) -> new Poltergeist.Node(this, id) # Before each mouse event we make sure that the mouse is moved to where the # event will take place. This deals with e.g. :hover changes. mouseEvent: (name, x, y) -> this.sendEvent('mousemove', x, y) this.sendEvent(name, x, y) evaluate: (fn, args...) -> JSON.parse @native.evaluate("function() { return PoltergeistAgent.stringify(#{this.stringifyCall(fn, args)}) }") execute: (fn, args...) -> @native.evaluate("function() { #{this.stringifyCall(fn, args)} }") stringifyCall: (fn, args) -> if args.length == 0 "(#{fn.toString()})()" else # The JSON.stringify happens twice because the second time we are essentially # escaping the string. "(#{fn.toString()}).apply(this, JSON.parse(#{JSON.stringify(JSON.stringify(args))}))" # For some reason phantomjs seems to have trouble with doing 'fat arrow' binding here, # hence the 'that' closure. bindCallback: (name) -> that = this @native[name] = -> if that[name + 'Native']? # For internal callbacks result = that[name + 'Native'].apply(that, arguments) if result != false && that[name]? # For externally set callbacks that[name].apply(that, arguments) # Any error raised here or inside the evaluate will get reported to # phantom.onError. If result is null, that means there was an error # inside the agent. runCommand: (name, args) -> result = this.evaluate( (name, args) -> __poltergeist.externalCall(name, args), name, args ) if result.error? if result.error.message == 'PoltergeistAgent.ObsoleteNode' throw new Poltergeist.ObsoleteNode else throw new Poltergeist.JavascriptError([result.error]) else result.value