module TrkDatatables # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength # This class wraps databases format # # In future we can use some another datatables like # # # (archived) class DtParams def initialize(params) params.permit! if params.respond_to? :permit! @params = params end def dt_offset @params[:start].to_i end def dt_per_page return if @params[:length].blank? @params[:length].to_i end # def page # (dt_offset / dt_per_page) + 1 # end # Typecast so we can safelly use dt_order[0] (Integer) and # dt_order[1] (:asc/:desc) # @return # [ # [ 2, :asc ], # [ 1, :desc ], # ] def dt_orders return @dt_orders if defined? @dt_orders @dt_orders = [] return @dt_orders if @params[:order].blank? @dt_orders = \ @params[:order].each_with_object([]) do |(_index, dt_order), a| # for order we ignore key (_index) since order is preserved a << [ dt_order[:column].to_i, dt_order[:dir]&.to_s&.casecmp('ASC')&.zero? ? :asc : :desc, ] end @dt_orders end # Typecast so we can safelly use dt_column[:searchable] (Boolean), # dt_column[:orderable] (Boolean), dt_column[:search_value] (String) # # Returned size could be different from columns size, we match key from params to # insert in appropriate place, and all other values are default # @return # [ # { index: 0, searchable: true, orderable: true, search_value: 'dule' }, # ] def dt_columns return @dt_columns if defined? @dt_columns @dt_columns = [] return @dt_columns unless @params[:columns].respond_to? :each @params[:columns] do |(dt_position, dt_column)| @dt_columns[dt_position.to_i] = { index: dt_position.to_i, searchable: dt_column[:searchable].to_s != 'false', # if nil as it is in set_params, than use true orderable: dt_column[:orderable].to_s != 'false', # if nil as it is in set_params, than use true search_value: (dt_column[:search] && dt_column[:search][:value]) || '', } end @dt_columns.each_with_index do |dt_column, i| next unless dt_column.nil? @dt_columns[i] = { index: i, searchable: true, orderable: true, search_value: '', } end end def search_all @params.dig(:search, :value) || '' rescue TypeError => e raise Error, e.message + '. Global search is in a format: { "search": { "value": "ABC" } }' end def as_json(all_count, filtered_count, data, additional = {}) additional = {} if additional.nil? raise Error, 'additional_data_for_json needs to be a hash' unless additional.is_a? Hash draw = @params[:draw].to_i { draw: draw, recordsTotal: all_count, recordsFiltered: filtered_count, **additional, data: data, } end def self.param_set(column_index, value) {columns: {column_index.to_s => {search: {value: value}}}} end def self.form_field_name(column_index) "columns[#{column_index}][search][value]" end def param_get(column_index) @params.dig :columns, column_index.to_s, :search, :value rescue TypeError => e raise Error, "#{e.message}. Column search is in a format: { \"columns\": { \"0\": { \"search\": { \"value\": { \"ABC\" } } } } }" end def self.sample_view_params(options = {}) params: sample_params(options), ) end def self.sample_params(options = {}) draw: '1', start: '0', length: '10', search: { value: '', regex: 'false' }, order: { '0': {column: '0', dir: 'desc'} }, # [:columns] should have the same size as column_key_options since we # ignore keys, and use positions columns: { '0': { searchable: 'true', orderable: 'true', search: { value: '', regex: 'false' } }, '1': { searchable: 'true', orderable: 'true', search: { value: '', regex: 'false' } }, '2': { searchable: 'true', orderable: 'false', search: { value: '', regex: 'false' } }, }, ).merge options end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/ClassLength end