class Page < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_nested_set # Relationships # has_many :descendants, :class_name => "Page", :conditions => proc { "pages.lft between #{self.send(:lft)} and #{self.send(:rgt)}" } # has_many :ancestors, :class_name => "Page", :conditions => proc { "(pages.lft <= #{self.send(:lft)} AND pages.rgt >= #{self.send(:rgt)}) AND ( != #{self.send(:id)})" }, :foreign_key => false has_many :pages, :foreign_key => :parent_id has_many :page_parts, :dependent => :destroy if PageEngine.class_exists?('Role') has_many :page_roles has_many :required_roles, :through => :page_roles, :source => :required_role has_many :excluded_roles, :through => :page_roles, :source => :excluded_role end if PageEngine.class_exists?('Asset') has_assets end if PageEngine.class_exists?('User') belongs_to :user end accepts_nested_attributes_for :page_parts, :allow_destroy => true # Filters before_validation :set_permalink before_save :check_publish_window before_save :set_controller_and_action # Validations validates :title, :presence => true validates :permalink, :presence => true, :uniqueness => true, :format => { :with => /^[a-z0-9-]+$/, :message => "Must only contain lower case letters, numbers or hyphens" } validates :url, :uniqueness => true, :allow_nil => true, :allow_blank => true validates_associated :page_parts # Scopes scope :by_permalink, lambda { |permalink| where(:permalink => permalink) } scope :published, lambda { where(["(status = 'Published' and ? between publish_from and publish_to) or (status = 'Published' and publish_from is null and publish_to is null)",]) } scope :published_or_hidden, lambda { where(["(status = 'Published' and ? between publish_from and publish_to) or (status = 'Published' and publish_from is null and publish_to is null) or status = 'Hidden'",]) } scope :root_only, where(:parent_id => nil) scope :shown_in_sitemap, where({ :display_in_sitemap => true }) scope :shown_in_menu, where({ :display_in_menu => true }) scope :just_controller_and_actions, select("controller || '|' || action as taken").group('taken') attr_accessor :no_publish_window, :controller_action def no_publish_window no_publish_window_set? end def controller_action if controller && action "#{controller}|#{action}" end end def no_publish_window_set? self.publish_from.nil? && self.publish_to.nil? end def published? if self.no_publish_window_set? self.status == "Published" else self.publish_from < && self.publish_to > && self.status == "Published" end end def to_param permalink end def is_child_of? page self.parent_id == ? true : false end def is_parent_of? page == page.parent_id ? true : false end def number_of_children (self.rgt - self.lft - 1) / 2 end def duplicate page = page.title += " (copy) #{'%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')}" page.permalink = page.permalink + "-copy-#{'%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')}" page.move_to_right_of self # Duplicate each of the objects associated with the original # Page parts self.page_parts.each do |page_part| page.page_parts << page_part.duplicate end # Roles if PageEngine.class_exists?('Role') page.required_roles = self.required_roles page.excluded_roles = self.excluded_roles end # Assets if PageEngine.class_exists?('Asset') self.attachables.each do |attachable| page.attachables << attachable.duplicate end end page end def is_viewable_by? user if PageEngine.class_exists?('Role') if PageEngine.class_exists?('User') && user return true if self.roles.length == 0 self.role_ids.length != (self.role_ids - user.role_ids.uniq).length else self.roles.length == 0 end else true end end def move_children_to_parent self.children.each do |child| if self.parent child.move_to_child_of self.parent else child.move_to_root end end self.reload end def css_status return "live" if self.published? status.downcase end # Override the protected methods of awesome_nested_set so lft and rgt can be set def lft=(x) self[:lft] = x end def rgt=(x) self[:rgt] = x end class << self attr_accessor :layouts def breadcrumbs_for user, url root = Page.published.viewable_by(user).find_by_url(url) root.nil? ? [] : root.self_and_ancestors end def status_values ["Draft", "Published", "Review", "Hidden"] end def default_layout Page.layouts.first end def filters %w{ none html textile markdown erb erb+textile } end def page_parts %w{ body left right header footer } end # Scopes def viewable_by(user) if PageEngine.class_exists?('Role') && PageEngine.class_exists?('User') if user # This is a bit of a kludge until I can figure out how to get it to work properly in a single sql query includes(:page_roles).where(" in (?) or (page_roles.required_role_id is null and page_roles.excluded_role_id is null)", PageRole.viewable_page_ids_for(user)) else includes(:page_roles).where({ 'page_roles.required_role_id' => nil }) end else scoped end end def with_roles roles if Extras.class_exists?('Role') includes(:roles).where([ " IN (?)", roles.join(',') ]) else scoped end end def with_url request, params url = request.fullpath url.gsub!(/\?.*/, '') # Strip away anything after the ? as it's not needed where(["pages.permalink = ? or url = ? or (controller = ? and action = ?)", params[:permalink], url, params[:controller], params[:action]]) end end private def set_permalink self.permalink = self[:permalink].blank? ? self.title.parameterize : self[:permalink].parameterize self.menu_css_class = self.permalink if self[:menu_css_class].blank? end def set_controller_and_action if @controller_action controller_and_action = @controller_action.split('|') self.controller = controller_and_action.first self.action = controller_and_action.last else self.controller = nil self.action = nil end end def check_publish_window if @no_publish_window == "1" self.publish_to = self.publish_from = nil end end end