QuickGraph An edge that can hold a value associated property value A vertex that can hold a value Vertex associated property value A graph edge Edge unique identification number Source vertex Source vertex id, for serialization Target Vertex Source vertex id, for serialization Compares two edges Edge to compare obj is not of type Edge. Hash code, using ID Reads no data from serialization info data holder info is null info is serializing Converts to string. Converts to string by returning the formatted ID Adds nothing to serialization info data holder info is null info is not serializing A vertex with a name Vertex name Reads no data from serialization info data holder info is null info is serializing Adds nothing to serialization info data holder info is null info is not serializing A vertex with a name Vertex name Reads no data from serialization info data holder info is null info is serializing Adds nothing to serialization info data holder info is null info is not serializing A Graph Vertex. Unique identification number Compares two vertices vertex to compare obj is not of type Vertex Hash code. ID used as identification number. Reads no data from serialization info data holder info is null info is serializing Converts to string by returning the ID. Converts to string by returning the formatted ID Adds nothing to serialization info data holder info is null info is not serializing Given a Distance map, compare two vertex distance Compare the distance between vertex x and y First vertex Second vertex -1 if d[x]<d[y], 0 if d[x] equals d[y] and +1 if d[x] > d[y] A collection of elements of type Double Gets or sets the Double at the given index in this DoubleCollection. Adds an instance of type Double to the end of this DoubleCollection. The Double to be added to the end of this DoubleCollection. Adds the elements of an array to the end of this DoubleCollection. The array whose elements are to be added to the end of this DoubleCollection. Adds the elements of another DoubleCollection to the end of this DoubleCollection. The DoubleCollection whose elements are to be added to the end of this DoubleCollection. Determines whether a specfic Double value is in this DoubleCollection. The Double value to locate in this DoubleCollection. true if value is found in this DoubleCollection; false otherwise. Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the elements of this DoubleCollection. An object that implements System.Collections.IEnumerator. Return the zero-based index of the first occurrence of a specific value in this DoubleCollection The Double value to locate in the DoubleCollection. The zero-based index of the first occurrence of the _ELEMENT value if found; -1 otherwise. Inserts an element into the DoubleCollection at the specified index The index at which the Double is to be inserted. The Double to insert. Removes the first occurrence of a specific Double from this DoubleCollection. The Double value to remove from this DoubleCollection. Type-specific enumeration class, used by DoubleCollection.GetEnumerator. A collection of elements of type Edge This class cannot be inherited. Gets or sets the Edge at the given index in this EdgeCollection. Adds an instance of type Edge to the end of this EdgeCollection. The Edge to be added to the end of this EdgeCollection. Adds the elements of an array to the end of this EdgeCollection. The array whose elements are to be added to the end of this EdgeCollection. Adds the elements of another EdgeCollection to the end of this EdgeCollection. The EdgeCollection whose elements are to be added to the end of this EdgeCollection. Determines whether a specfic Edge value is in this EdgeCollection. The Edge value to locate in this EdgeCollection. true if value is found in this EdgeCollection; false otherwise. Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the elements of this EdgeCollection. An object that implements System.Collections.IEnumerator. Return the zero-based index of the first occurrence of a specific value in this EdgeCollection The Edge value to locate in the EdgeCollection. The zero-based index of the first occurrence of the _ELEMENT value if found; -1 otherwise. Inserts an element into the EdgeCollection at the specified index The index at which the Edge is to be inserted. The Edge to insert. Removes the first occurrence of a specific Edge from this EdgeCollection. The Edge value to remove from this EdgeCollection. Type-specific enumeration class, used by EdgeCollection.GetEnumerator. This class cannot be inherited. The current element. Moves cursor to next element. true if current is valid, false otherwize Resets the cursor to the position before the first element. A collection of elements of type EdgeCollection This class cannot be inherited. Gets or sets the EdgeCollection at the given index in this EdgeCollectionCollection. Adds an instance of type EdgeCollection to the end of this EdgeCollectionCollection. The EdgeCollection to be added to the end of this EdgeCollectionCollection. Adds the elements of an array to the end of this EdgeCollectionCollection. The array whose elements are to be added to the end of this EdgeCollectionCollection. Adds the elements of another EdgeCollectionCollection to the end of this EdgeCollectionCollection. The EdgeCollectionCollection whose elements are to be added to the end of this EdgeCollectionCollection. Determines whether a specfic EdgeCollection value is in this EdgeCollectionCollection. The EdgeCollection value to locate in this EdgeCollectionCollection. true if value is found in this EdgeCollectionCollection; false otherwise. Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the elements of this EdgeCollectionCollection. An object that implements System.Collections.IEnumerator. Return the zero-based index of the first occurrence of a specific value in this EdgeCollectionCollection The EdgeCollection value to locate in the EdgeCollectionCollection. The zero-based index of the first occurrence of the _ELEMENT value if found; -1 otherwise. Inserts an element into the EdgeCollectionCollection at the specified index The index at which the EdgeCollection is to be inserted. The EdgeCollection to insert. Removes the first occurrence of a specific EdgeCollection from this EdgeCollectionCollection. The EdgeCollection value to remove from this EdgeCollectionCollection. Type-specific enumeration class, used by EdgeCollectionCollection.GetEnumerator. This class cannot be inherited. Gets the current edge collection Current edge collection A dictionary with keys of type Edge and values of type GraphColor This class cannot be inherited. Gets or sets the GraphColor associated with the given Edge The Edge whose value to get or set. Gets a collection containing the keys in this EdgeGraphColorDictionary. Gets a collection containing the values in this EdgeGraphColorDictionary. Adds an element with the specified key and value to this EdgeGraphColorDictionary. The Edge key of the element to add. The GraphColor value of the element to add. Determines whether this EdgeGraphColorDictionary contains a specific key. The Edge key to locate in this EdgeGraphColorDictionary. true if this EdgeGraphColorDictionary contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false. Determines whether this EdgeGraphColorDictionary contains a specific key. The Edge key to locate in this EdgeGraphColorDictionary. true if this EdgeGraphColorDictionary contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false. Determines whether this EdgeGraphColorDictionary contains a specific value. The GraphColor value to locate in this EdgeGraphColorDictionary. true if this EdgeGraphColorDictionary contains an element with the specified value; otherwise, false. Removes the element with the specified key from this EdgeGraphColorDictionary. The Edge key of the element to remove. A dictionary with keys of type Edge and values of type Double This class cannot be inherited. Gets or sets the Double associated with the given Edge The Edge whose value to get or set. Gets a collection containing the keys in this EdgeDoubleDictionary. Gets a collection containing the values in this EdgeDoubleDictionary. Adds an element with the specified key and value to this EdgeDoubleDictionary. The Edge key of the element to add. The Double value of the element to add. Determines whether this EdgeDoubleDictionary contains a specific key. The Edge key to locate in this EdgeDoubleDictionary. true if this EdgeDoubleDictionary contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false. Determines whether this EdgeDoubleDictionary contains a specific key. The Edge key to locate in this EdgeDoubleDictionary. true if this EdgeDoubleDictionary contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false. Determines whether this EdgeDoubleDictionary contains a specific value. The Double value to locate in this EdgeDoubleDictionary. true if this EdgeDoubleDictionary contains an element with the specified value; otherwise, false. Removes the element with the specified key from this EdgeDoubleDictionary. The Edge key of the element to remove. A dictionary with keys of type IEdge and values of type IEdge This class cannot be inherited. Gets or sets the IEdge associated with the given IEdge The IEdge whose value to get or set. Gets a collection containing the keys in this EdgeEdgeDictionary. Gets a collection containing the values in this EdgeEdgeDictionary. Adds an element with the specified key and value to this EdgeEdgeDictionary. The IEdge key of the element to add. The IEdge value of the element to add. Determines whether this EdgeEdgeDictionary contains a specific key. The IEdge key to locate in this EdgeEdgeDictionary. true if this EdgeEdgeDictionary contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false. Determines whether this EdgeEdgeDictionary contains a specific key. The IEdge key to locate in this EdgeEdgeDictionary. true if this EdgeEdgeDictionary contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false. Determines whether this EdgeEdgeDictionary contains a specific value. The IEdge value to locate in this EdgeEdgeDictionary. true if this EdgeEdgeDictionary contains an element with the specified value; otherwise, false. Removes the element with the specified key from this EdgeEdgeDictionary. The IEdge key of the element to remove. A wrapper class for weak collection of IEdge This class cannot be inherited. Wrapped enumerable Return a strongly typed enumerator strongly typed enumerator Wraps up the weakly typed collection in a strongly typed (IEdge) collection. Collection to wrap Edge enumerable collection Strongly typed enumerator Current Edge Wrapped enumerator A dictionary with keys of type IEdge and values of type Int This class cannot be inherited. Gets or sets the Int associated with the given IEdge The IEdge whose value to get or set. Gets a collection containing the keys in this EdgeIntDictionary. Gets a collection containing the values in this EdgeIntDictionary. Adds an element with the specified key and value to this EdgeIntDictionary. The IEdge key of the element to add. The Int value of the element to add. Determines whether this EdgeIntDictionary contains a specific key. The IEdge key to locate in this EdgeIntDictionary. true if this EdgeIntDictionary contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false. Determines whether this EdgeIntDictionary contains a specific key. The IEdge key to locate in this EdgeIntDictionary. true if this EdgeIntDictionary contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false. Determines whether this EdgeIntDictionary contains a specific value. The Int value to locate in this EdgeIntDictionary. true if this EdgeIntDictionary contains an element with the specified value; otherwise, false. Removes the element with the specified key from this EdgeIntDictionary. The IEdge key of the element to remove. A dictionary with keys of type Edge and values of type Object This class cannot be inherited. Gets or sets the Object associated with the given Edge The Edge whose value to get or set. Gets a collection containing the keys in this EdgeObjectDictionary. Gets a collection containing the values in this EdgeObjectDictionary. Adds an element with the specified key and value to this EdgeObjectDictionary. The Edge key of the element to add. The Object value of the element to add. Determines whether this EdgeObjectDictionary contains a specific key. The Edge key to locate in this EdgeObjectDictionary. true if this EdgeObjectDictionary contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false. Determines whether this EdgeObjectDictionary contains a specific key. The Edge key to locate in this EdgeObjectDictionary. true if this EdgeObjectDictionary contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false. Determines whether this EdgeObjectDictionary contains a specific value. The Object value to locate in this EdgeObjectDictionary. true if this EdgeObjectDictionary contains an element with the specified value; otherwise, false. Removes the element with the specified key from this EdgeObjectDictionary. The Edge key of the element to remove. A dictionary with keys of type Edge and values of type String This class cannot be inherited. Gets or sets the String associated with the given Edge The Edge whose value to get or set. Gets a collection containing the keys in this EdgeStringDictionary. Gets a collection containing the values in this EdgeStringDictionary. Adds an element with the specified key and value to this EdgeStringDictionary. The Edge key of the element to add. The String value of the element to add. Determines whether this EdgeStringDictionary contains a specific key. The Edge key to locate in this EdgeStringDictionary. true if this EdgeStringDictionary contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false. Determines whether this EdgeStringDictionary contains a specific key. The Edge key to locate in this EdgeStringDictionary. true if this EdgeStringDictionary contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false. Determines whether this EdgeStringDictionary contains a specific value. The String value to locate in this EdgeStringDictionary. true if this EdgeStringDictionary contains an element with the specified value; otherwise, false. Removes the element with the specified key from this EdgeStringDictionary. The Edge key of the element to remove. Description résumée de FilteredEdgeCollection. This class cannot be inherited. Base collection Edge predicate Returns the enumerator Filetred enumerator class This class cannot be inherited. Current edge Moves the cursor to the next in-edge. True if successful, false if the iteration ended. Positions the cursor before the first element. Filtered vertex collectiohn This class cannot be inherited. Base collection Predicate Returns a filtered enumerator enumerator Filtered enumerator This class cannot be inherited. Current Vertex Moves the cursor to the next Vertex. True if successful, false if the iteration ended. Positions the cursor before the first element. A Priorithized (with respect to distance) vertex buffer. This class cannot be inherited. Push a new vertex on the buffer. new vertex Updates the buffer order modified vertex Defines the == operator A dictionary with keys of type String and values of type IEdge This class cannot be inherited. Gets or sets the IEdge associated with the given String The String whose value to get or set. Gets a collection containing the keys in this StringEdgeDictionary. Gets a collection containing the values in this StringEdgeDictionary. Adds an element with the specified key and value to this StringEdgeDictionary. The String key of the element to add. The IEdge value of the element to add. Determines whether this StringEdgeDictionary contains a specific key. The String key to locate in this StringEdgeDictionary. true if this StringEdgeDictionary contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false. Determines whether this StringEdgeDictionary contains a specific key. The String key to locate in this StringEdgeDictionary. true if this StringEdgeDictionary contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false. Determines whether this StringEdgeDictionary contains a specific value. The IEdge value to locate in this StringEdgeDictionary. true if this StringEdgeDictionary contains an element with the specified value; otherwise, false. Removes the element with the specified key from this StringEdgeDictionary. The String key of the element to remove. A dictionary with keys of type String and values of type IVertex This class cannot be inherited. Gets or sets the IVertex associated with the given String The String whose value to get or set. Gets a collection containing the keys in this StringVertexDictionary. Gets a collection containing the values in this StringVertexDictionary. Adds an element with the specified key and value to this StringVertexDictionary. The String key of the element to add. The IVertex value of the element to add. Determines whether this StringVertexDictionary contains a specific key. The String key to locate in this StringVertexDictionary. true if this StringVertexDictionary contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false. Determines whether this StringVertexDictionary contains a specific key. The String key to locate in this StringVertexDictionary. true if this StringVertexDictionary contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false. Determines whether this StringVertexDictionary contains a specific value. The IVertex value to locate in this StringVertexDictionary. true if this StringVertexDictionary contains an element with the specified value; otherwise, false. Removes the element with the specified key from this StringVertexDictionary. The String key of the element to remove. A vertex buffer that acts like a stack. The number of vertices in the buffer Returns an enumerator over the buffer Buffer enumerator Returns the latest vertex in the buffer. Leaves it in the buffer. Latest vertex Removes the latest vertex. Pushes a new vertex at the end of the buffer: Vertex to push Sorts the buffer using the comparer Comparer used to sort the buffer A collection of elements of type Vertex This class cannot be inherited. Gets or sets the Vertex at the given index in this VertexCollection. Adds an instance of type Vertex to the end of this VertexCollection. The Vertex to be added to the end of this VertexCollection. Adds the elements of an array to the end of this VertexCollection. The array whose elements are to be added to the end of this VertexCollection. Adds the elements of another to the end of this VertexCollection. The whose elements are to be added to the end of this VertexCollection. Determines whether a specfic Vertex value is in this VertexCollection. The Vertex value to locate in this VertexCollection. true if value is found in this VertexCollection; false otherwise. Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the elements of this VertexCollection. An object that implements System.Collections.IEnumerator. Return the zero-based index of the first occurrence of a specific value in this VertexCollection The Vertex value to locate in the VertexCollection. The zero-based index of the first occurrence of the _ELEMENT value if found; -1 otherwise. Inserts an element into the VertexCollection at the specified index The index at which the Vertex is to be inserted. The Vertex to insert. Removes the first occurrence of a specific Vertex from this VertexCollection. The Vertex value to remove from this VertexCollection. Type-specific enumeration class, used by VertexCollection.GetEnumerator. This class cannot be inherited. Current vertex A dictionary with keys of type Vertex and values of type GraphColor This class cannot be inherited. Gets or sets the GraphColor associated with the given Vertex The Vertex whose value to get or set. Gets a collection containing the keys in this VertexColorDictionary. Gets a collection containing the values in this VertexColorDictionary. Adds an element with the specified key and value to this VertexColorDictionary. The Vertex key of the element to add. The GraphColor value of the element to add. Determines whether this VertexColorDictionary contains a specific key. The Vertex key to locate in this VertexColorDictionary. true if this VertexColorDictionary contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false. Determines whether this VertexColorDictionary contains a specific key. The Vertex key to locate in this VertexColorDictionary. true if this VertexColorDictionary contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false. Determines whether this VertexColorDictionary contains a specific value. The GraphColor value to locate in this VertexColorDictionary. true if this VertexColorDictionary contains an element with the specified value; otherwise, false. Removes the element with the specified key from this VertexColorDictionary. The Vertex key of the element to remove. A dictionary with keys of type Vertex and values of type Double This class cannot be inherited. Gets or sets the Double associated with the given Vertex The Vertex whose value to get or set. Gets a collection containing the keys in this VertexDistanceDictionary. Gets a collection containing the values in this VertexDistanceDictionary. Adds an element with the specified key and value to this VertexDistanceDictionary. The Vertex key of the element to add. The Double value of the element to add. Determines whether this VertexDistanceDictionary contains a specific key. The Vertex key to locate in this VertexDistanceDictionary. true if this VertexDistanceDictionary contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false. Determines whether this VertexDistanceDictionary contains a specific key. The Vertex key to locate in this VertexDistanceDictionary. true if this VertexDistanceDictionary contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false. Determines whether this VertexDistanceDictionary contains a specific value. The Double value to locate in this VertexDistanceDictionary. true if this VertexDistanceDictionary contains an element with the specified value; otherwise, false. Removes the element with the specified key from this VertexDistanceDictionary. The Vertex key of the element to remove. A dictionary with keys of type IVertex and values of type DoubleCollection Gets or sets the DoubleCollection associated with the given IVertex The IVertex whose value to get or set. Gets a collection containing the keys in this VertexDoublesDictionary. Gets a collection containing the values in this VertexDoublesDictionary. Adds an element with the specified key and value to this VertexDoublesDictionary. The IVertex key of the element to add. The DoubleCollection value of the element to add. Determines whether this VertexDoublesDictionary contains a specific key. The IVertex key to locate in this VertexDoublesDictionary. true if this VertexDoublesDictionary contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false. Determines whether this VertexDoublesDictionary contains a specific key. The IVertex key to locate in this VertexDoublesDictionary. true if this VertexDoublesDictionary contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false. Determines whether this VertexDoublesDictionary contains a specific value. The DoubleCollection value to locate in this VertexDoublesDictionary. true if this VertexDoublesDictionary contains an element with the specified value; otherwise, false. Removes the element with the specified key from this VertexDoublesDictionary. The IVertex key of the element to remove. A dictionary with keys of type Vertex and values of type Edge This class cannot be inherited. Gets or sets the Edge associated with the given Vertex The Vertex whose value to get or set. Gets a collection containing the keys in this VertexEdgeDictionary. Gets a collection containing the values in this VertexEdgeDictionary. Adds an element with the specified key and value to this VertexEdgeDictionary. The Vertex key of the element to add. The Edge value of the element to add. Determines whether this VertexEdgeDictionary contains a specific key. The Vertex key to locate in this VertexEdgeDictionary. true if this VertexEdgeDictionary contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false. Determines whether this VertexEdgeDictionary contains a specific key. The Vertex key to locate in this VertexEdgeDictionary. true if this VertexEdgeDictionary contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false. Determines whether this VertexEdgeDictionary contains a specific value. The Edge value to locate in this VertexEdgeDictionary. true if this VertexEdgeDictionary contains an element with the specified value; otherwise, false. Removes the element with the specified key from this VertexEdgeDictionary. The Vertex key of the element to remove. A dictionary with keys of type Vertex and values of type EdgeCollection This class cannot be inherited. Gets or sets the EdgeCollection associated with the given Vertex The Vertex whose value to get or set. Gets a collection containing the keys in this VertexEdgesDictionary. Gets a collection containing the values in this VertexEdgesDictionary. Adds an element with the specified key and value to this VertexEdgesDictionary. The Vertex key of the element to add. The EdgeCollection value of the element to add. Determines whether this VertexEdgesDictionary contains a specific key. The Vertex key to locate in this VertexEdgesDictionary. true if this VertexEdgesDictionary contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false. Determines whether this VertexEdgesDictionary contains a specific key. The Vertex key to locate in this VertexEdgesDictionary. true if this VertexEdgesDictionary contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false. Determines whether this VertexEdgesDictionary contains a specific value. The EdgeCollection value to locate in this VertexEdgesDictionary. true if this VertexEdgesDictionary contains an element with the specified value; otherwise, false. Removes the element with the specified key from this VertexEdgesDictionary. The Vertex key of the element to remove. A simple IEnumerable class that provides an enumerator over the graph edges. This class cannot be inherited. Provides an enumerator over the graph edges An enumerator An adaptor class to enumerate edges. This class cannot be inherited. Gets the current element in the collection. The enumerator is positioned before the first element of the collection or after the last element. Advances the enumerator to the next element of the collection. true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next edge; false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. Move the vertex iterator to the next vertex. Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the first element in the collection. A wrapper class for weak collection of IVertex This class cannot be inherited. Wrapped enumerable Return a strongly typed enumerator strongly typed enumerator Wraps up the weakly typed collection in a strongly typed (IVertex) collection. Collection to wrap vertex enumerable collection Strongly typed enumerator This class cannot be inherited. Current vertex Wrapped enumerator A dictionary with keys of type Vertex and values of type int This class cannot be inherited. Gets or sets the int associated with the given Vertex The Vertex whose value to get or set. Gets a collection containing the keys in this VertexIntDictionary. Gets a collection containing the values in this VertexIntDictionary. Adds an element with the specified key and value to this VertexIntDictionary. The Vertex key of the element to add. The int value of the element to add. Determines whether this VertexIntDictionary contains a specific key. The Vertex key to locate in this VertexIntDictionary. true if this VertexIntDictionary contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false. Determines whether this VertexIntDictionary contains a specific key. The Vertex key to locate in this VertexIntDictionary. true if this VertexIntDictionary contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false. Determines whether this VertexIntDictionary contains a specific value. The int value to locate in this VertexIntDictionary. true if this VertexIntDictionary contains an element with the specified value; otherwise, false. Removes the element with the specified key from this VertexIntDictionary. The Vertex key of the element to remove. A dictionary with keys of type Vertex and values of type Object This class cannot be inherited. Gets or sets the Object associated with the given Vertex The Vertex whose value to get or set. Gets a collection containing the keys in this VertexObjectDictionary. Gets a collection containing the values in this VertexObjectDictionary. Adds an element with the specified key and value to this VertexObjectDictionary. The Vertex key of the element to add. The Object value of the element to add. Determines whether this VertexObjectDictionary contains a specific key. The Vertex key to locate in this VertexObjectDictionary. true if this VertexObjectDictionary contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false. Determines whether this VertexObjectDictionary contains a specific key. The Vertex key to locate in this VertexObjectDictionary. true if this VertexObjectDictionary contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false. Determines whether this VertexObjectDictionary contains a specific value. The Object value to locate in this VertexObjectDictionary. true if this VertexObjectDictionary contains an element with the specified value; otherwise, false. Removes the element with the specified key from this VertexObjectDictionary. The Vertex key of the element to remove. A dictionary with keys of type VertexPair and values of type double This class cannot be inherited. Gets or sets the double associated with the given VertexPair The VertexPair whose value to get or set. Returns Gets a collection containing the keys in this VertexPairDoubleDictionary. Gets a collection containing the values in this VertexPairDoubleDictionary. Adds an element with the specified key and value to this VertexPairDoubleDictionary. The VertexPair key of the element to add. The double value of the element to add. Determines whether this VertexPairDoubleDictionary contains a specific key. The VertexPair key to locate in this VertexPairDoubleDictionary. true if this VertexPairDoubleDictionary contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false. Determines whether this VertexPairDoubleDictionary contains a specific key. The VertexPair key to locate in this VertexPairDoubleDictionary. true if this VertexPairDoubleDictionary contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false. Determines whether this VertexPairDoubleDictionary contains a specific value. The double value to locate in this VertexPairDoubleDictionary. true if this VertexPairDoubleDictionary contains an element with the specified value; otherwise, false. Removes the element with the specified key from this VertexPairDoubleDictionary. The VertexPair key of the element to remove. A dictionary with keys of type IVertex and values of type PointF This class cannot be inherited. Gets or sets the PointF associated with the given IVertex The IVertex whose value to get or set. Adds an element with the specified key and value to this VertexPointFDictionary. The IVertex key of the element to add. The PointF value of the element to add. Determines whether this VertexPointFDictionary contains a specific key. The IVertex key to locate in this VertexPointFDictionary. true if this VertexPointFDictionary contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false. Determines whether this VertexPointFDictionary contains a specific key. The IVertex key to locate in this VertexPointFDictionary. true if this VertexPointFDictionary contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false. Determines whether this VertexPointFDictionary contains a specific value. The PointF value to locate in this VertexPointFDictionary. true if this VertexPointFDictionary contains an element with the specified value; otherwise, false. Removes the element with the specified key from this VertexPointFDictionary. The IVertex key of the element to remove. A dictionary with keys of type IVertex and values of type Size This class cannot be inherited. Gets or sets the Size associated with the given IVertex The IVertex whose value to get or set. Gets a collection containing the keys in this VertexSizeDictionary. Gets a collection containing the values in this VertexSizeDictionary. Adds an element with the specified key and value to this VertexSizeDictionary. The IVertex key of the element to add. The Size value of the element to add. Determines whether this VertexSizeDictionary contains a specific key. The IVertex key to locate in this VertexSizeDictionary. true if this VertexSizeDictionary contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false. Determines whether this VertexSizeDictionary contains a specific key. The IVertex key to locate in this VertexSizeDictionary. true if this VertexSizeDictionary contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false. Determines whether this VertexSizeDictionary contains a specific value. The Size value to locate in this VertexSizeDictionary. true if this VertexSizeDictionary contains an element with the specified value; otherwise, false. Removes the element with the specified key from this VertexSizeDictionary. The IVertex key of the element to remove. A dictionary with keys of type Vertex and values of type String This class cannot be inherited. Gets or sets the String associated with the given Vertex The Vertex whose value to get or set. Gets a collection containing the keys in this VertexStringDictionary. Gets a collection containing the values in this VertexStringDictionary. Adds an element with the specified key and value to this VertexStringDictionary. The Vertex key of the element to add. The String value of the element to add. Determines whether this VertexStringDictionary contains a specific key. The Vertex key to locate in this VertexStringDictionary. true if this VertexStringDictionary contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false. Determines whether this VertexStringDictionary contains a specific key. The Vertex key to locate in this VertexStringDictionary. true if this VertexStringDictionary contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false. Determines whether this VertexStringDictionary contains a specific value. The String value to locate in this VertexStringDictionary. true if this VertexStringDictionary contains an element with the specified value; otherwise, false. Removes the element with the specified key from this VertexStringDictionary. The Vertex key of the element to remove. A dictionary with keys of type IVertex and values of type Vector2D This class cannot be inherited. Gets or sets the Vector2D associated with the given IVertex The IVertex whose value to get or set. Gets a collection containing the keys in this VertexVector2DDictionary. Gets a collection containing the values in this VertexVector2DDictionary. Adds an element with the specified key and value to this VertexVector2DDictionary. The IVertex key of the element to add. The Vector2D value of the element to add. Determines whether this VertexVector2DDictionary contains a specific key. The IVertex key to locate in this VertexVector2DDictionary. true if this VertexVector2DDictionary contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false. Determines whether this VertexVector2DDictionary contains a specific key. The IVertex key to locate in this VertexVector2DDictionary. true if this VertexVector2DDictionary contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false. Determines whether this VertexVector2DDictionary contains a specific value. The Vector2D value to locate in this VertexVector2DDictionary. true if this VertexVector2DDictionary contains an element with the specified value; otherwise, false. Removes the element with the specified key from this VertexVector2DDictionary. The IVertex key of the element to remove. A dictionary with keys of type Vertex and values of type Vertex This class cannot be inherited. Gets or sets the Vertex associated with the given Vertex The Vertex whose value to get or set. Gets a collection containing the keys in this VertexVertexDictionary. Gets a collection containing the values in this VertexVertexDictionary. Adds an element with the specified key and value to this VertexVertexDictionary. The Vertex key of the element to add. The Vertex value of the element to add. Determines whether this VertexVertexDictionary contains a specific key. The Vertex key to locate in this VertexVertexDictionary. true if this VertexVertexDictionary contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false. Determines whether this VertexVertexDictionary contains a specific key. The Vertex key to locate in this VertexVertexDictionary. true if this VertexVertexDictionary contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false. Determines whether this VertexVertexDictionary contains a specific value. The Vertex value to locate in this VertexVertexDictionary. true if this VertexVertexDictionary contains an element with the specified value; otherwise, false. Removes the element with the specified key from this VertexVertexDictionary. The Vertex key of the element to remove. A class containing a pair of . Gets or sets the first instance First instance. set property, value is a null reference Gets or sets the second instance Second instance. set property, value is a null reference A filtered adjacency graph Filtered adjacency graph Vertex predicate used to filter the vertices Returns a filtered enumerable collection of adjacent vertices A filtered bidirectional graph Underlying incidence graph Gets a value indicating if the set of edges connected to v is empty true if the adjacent edge set is empty, false otherwise. v is a null reference Vertex filtered degre v to compute degree of filtered degree Returns the number of out-degree edges of v vertex to test out-degree Returns an iterable collection of the out edges of v Gets a value indicating if the set of in-edges is empty true if the in-edge set is empty, false otherwise. v is a null reference A filtered IEdgeListAndIncidenceGraph. Underlying incidence graph Wrapped filtered edge list Gets an enumerable collection of the v adjacent vertices Gets a value indicating if there is an edge between the vertices , . source vertex target vertex true if (, ) exists. u or v is a null reference Returns the number of out-degree edges of v vertex to test out-degree Returns an iterable collection of the out edges of v Gets a value indicating if the set of out-edges is empty true if the out-edge set is empty, false otherwise. v is a null reference A filtered edge list graph Underlying incidence graph Returns an iterable collection of filtered edges Returns the number of filtered edges in the graph number of edges Gets a value indicating if the vertex set is empty true if the vertex set is empty, false otherwise. Gets a value indicating if the edge is part of the list. edge to test true if part of the list, false otherwize e is a null reference Base class for filtered graphs True if underlying graph allows parallel edges Edge predicate used to filter the edges Underlying filtered graph True if underlying graph in directed Vertex predicate used to filter the vertices A filtered incidence graph Underlying incidence graph Gets an enumerable collection of the v adjacent vertices Gets a value indicating if there is an edge between the vertices , . source vertex target vertex true if (, ) exists. u or v is a null reference Returns the number of out-degree edges of v vertex to test out-degree Returns an iterable collection of the out edges of v Gets a value indicating if the set of out-edges is empty true if the out-edge set is empty, false otherwise. v is a null reference A filtered edge list graph Returns an iterable collection of filtered edges Returns the number of filtered edges in the graph number of edges Gets a value indicating if the vertex set is empty true if the vertex set is empty, false otherwise. Wrapped filtered edge list Underlying incidence graph Underlying incidence graph Filtered enumerable collection of vertices Gets the filtered vertices count Gets a value indicating if the vertex set is empty true if the vertex set is empty, false otherwise. Gets a value indicating if the vertex is part of the list. vertex to test true if part of the list, false otherwize v is a null reference Default object comparer. Default swap class Default swap operation http://www.codeproject.com/csharp/csquicksort.asp Sorts the array. The array to sort. Abstract base class for Swap sort algorithms. This class is and so cannot be instantiated. Gets or sets the object Comparer object Set property, the value is a null reference Gets or set the swapper object The swapper. Swapper is a null reference Sorts the . Object swapper interface Swaps left and right in the list Event argument that contains two . Edge passed to the event Event argument that contains an . Edge passed to the event Utility class for graph color conversion This is a and so cannot be inherited or instantiated. Converts GraphColor to System.Drawing.Color graph color to convert alpha component corresponding Color Converts GraphColor to System.Drawing.Color graph color to convert corresponding Color Event argument that contains a . Vertex passed to the event Edge interface Edge identification number Source vertex Target vertex The Graph concept contains a few requirements that are common to all the graph concepts. Parallel edge handling Directed or undirected graph True if directed graph A port represents an anchor between an edge and a vertex Port identification number Gets or sets the parent vertex The parent instance The name of the port An edge with ports attachement Source vertex Source port Target vertex Target port A with . Gets a collection of associated to the vertex A of instance attached to the vertex Vertex interface Vertex unique identification number Edge port enumeration Unknown port Lower left port Lower right port Upper left port Upper right port Middle left port Middle right port Middle top port Middle bottom port Colors used to mark the vertex and edges in the algorithms White color, usually describes describes vertex. Black color, usually describes finished vertex. Gray color Delegate that handles an edge that sends a vertex. Delegate that handles an edge that sends a vertex. Delegate that handles an event that sends a vertex. IAlgorithm interface. Visited graph object Defines an algorithm that supports vertex distance recording. Add event handlers to the corresponding events. Distance recorder visitor Edge colorzing algorithm Edge color map Defines an algorithm that support edge predecessor recording. Register the predecessor handlers visitor Defines an algorithm that support predecessor recording. Register the predecessor handlers visitor Defines an algorithm that supports time stamping. An algorithm that implement TreeEdge event. Description résumée de IVertexColorizerAlgorithm. Vertex color map An edge enumerable collection Edge enumerable collection An edge enumerator Current edge A collection of instance enumerable collection Gets an instance A instance. An enumerator Current A vertex enumerable collection Edge enumerable collection An edge enumerator Current edge Description résumée de RandomGraph. This is a and so cannot be inherited or instantiated. Picks an edge randomly in the edge list edge list random generator randomaly chosen edge Generates a random graph Graph to fill number of vertices number of edges random generator self edges allowed Picks a vertex randomly in the vertex list vertex list random generator randomaly chosen vertex Returns the vertex provider Inserts the edge (u,v) into the graph, and returns the new edge. Remove all edges to and from vertex u from the graph. Remove the edge (u,v) from the graph. If the graph allows parallel edges this remove all occurrences of (u,v). source vertex target vertex Removes the edge e edge to remove Edge not found Description résumée de IMutableBidirectionalGraph. Remove all the in-edges of vertex u for which the predicate pred returns true. vertex edge predicate Remove all the edges from graph g for which the predicate pred returns true. edge predicate Clears the graph. Remove all the out-edges of vertex u for which the predicate pred returns true. vertex edge predicate A mutable tree-like graph Gets a value indicating if the tree allows cycles true if it allows cycle, false otherwise Adds a child vertex to the tree parent vertex created vertex parent is a null reference if AllowCycles is false and the edge creates a cycle Removes vertex and sub-tree vertex to remove v is a null reference Removing the vertex breaks the graph connectivity Fusion of and . Defines a graph that can be modified by adding or removing vertices. Returns the vertex provider Adds a new vertex to the graph. new instance Remove u from the vertex set of the graph. Note that undefined behavior may result if there are edges remaining in the graph who's target is u. Typically the ClearVertex function should be called first. vertex to clear u is a null reference A fusion of , Union of , A directed edge of a net which may connect a to a or a to a . Gets or sets a value indicating if the instance is a input arc. Gets or sets the instance attached to the . The attached to the . set property, value is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). Gets or sets the instance attached to the . The attached to the . set property, value is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). A High Level Petri Graph. Gets a collection of instances. A collection of instances. Gets a collection of instances. A collection of instances. Gets a collection of instances. A collection of instances. A vertex (node) of a Petri Graph. Gets or sets the name of the node A representing the name of the node. A Place in the HLPN framework A node of a net, taken from the transition kind. A boolean expression associated with the transition A predicate applied to an edge Tests the predicate and returns the result edge to test true if successful e is null A predicate applied to a vertex Tests the predicate and returns the result Vertex to test true if successful v is null A edge generator The edge full type. Returns an edge e=(u,v) Updates edge that has not been created with the provider vertex to update A vertex generator object The vertex full type. Generates a new vertex Updates a vertex that has not been created with the provider vertex to update Defines an instance that can be deserialized from a instance. Reads data from serialization info data holder info is a null reference info is serializing A serializable graph structure (graph, vertex or edge) Adds data to serialization info data holder info is null info is not serializing A class for adding and retreiving atomic data. Get a value indicating if the object is serializing true if serializing, false if deserializing Gets or sets a value from a key value identifier value associated with the key. If the key is not present in the data, null value is returned get,set property, key is a null reference Adds a new key-value pair value identifier value key is a null reference Gets a value indicating if the key is in the entry collection key to test true if key is in the dictionary, false otherwise key is a null reference Adds an edge to the graph edge to add Union of the , and interfaces. Add a vertex to the graph vertex to add A small helper class for traversals This is a and so cannot be inherited or instantiated. Returns the first edge of the graph graph first edge if any, otherwise a null reference Returns the first edge of the graph graph first edge if any, otherwise a null reference Returns the first source vertex of the enumerable enumerable collection of first source vertex if any, otherwise a null reference Returns the first vertex of the enumerable enumerable collection of first target vertex if any, otherwise a null reference Returns the first vertex of the enumerable enumerable collection of first vertex if any, otherwise a null reference Returns the first vertex of the graph graph first vertex if any, otherwise a null reference Returns the first vertex of the enumerable that matches the predicate. enumerable collection of vertex predicate first vertex if any, otherwise a null reference Returns the last edge of the edge collection edge collection last edge if any, otherwise a null reference Returns the last edge of the graph graph last edge if any, otherwise a null reference Returns the last source vertex of the enumerable enumerable collection of last source vertex if any, otherwise a null reference Returns the last vertex of the enumerable enumerable collection of last target vertex if any, otherwise a null reference Returns the first vertex of the enumerable enumerable collection of first vertex if any, otherwise a null reference Returns the last vertex of the graph graph last vertex if any, otherwise a null reference AdjacentGraph concept Returns a enumerable collection of adjacent vertices Adds access to in-edges. Gets a value indicating if the set of edges connected to v is empty true if the adjacent edge set is empty, false otherwise. v is a null reference Returns the number of in-edges plus out-edges (for directed graphs) or the number of incident edges (for undirected graphs) of vertex v in graph g. vertex to test out-degree Returns the number of in-edges (for directed graphs) or the number of incident edges (for undirected graphs) of vertex v in graph g. vertex to test out-degree Enumerable collection of in-edges Gets a value indicating if the set of in-edges is empty true if the in-edge set is empty, false otherwise. v is a null reference A fusion of and . A graph with clusters. Gets an enumerable collection of . Gets the number of clusters Gets a value indicating wheter the cluster is collapsed true if the cluster is colapsed; otherwize, false. Adds a new cluster to the graph. Added cluster Removes a cluster from the graph cluster to remove g is null Defines the union of EdgeListGraph and IncidenceListGraph. The EdgeListGraph concept refines the Graph concept, and adds the requirement for efficient access to all the edges in the graph. Returns an enumerator providing access to all the edges in the graph. Returns the number of edges in the graph. Gets a value indicating if the vertex set is empty true if the vertex set is empty, false otherwise. Gets a value indicating if the edge is part of the list. edge to test true if part of the list, false otherwize e is a null reference A bidirectional graph that supports filtered traversals Returns the collection of in-edges that matches the predicate Edge predicate enumerable colleciton of vertices that matches the criteron v or ep is null Returns the first in-edge that matches the predicate Edge predicate null if not found, otherwize the first Edge that matches the predicate. v or ep is null A edge list graph that supports filtered traversals Returns the collection of edges that matches the predicate Edge predicate enumerable colleciton of vertices that matches the criteron vp is null Returns the first Edge that matches the predicate Edge predicate null if not found, otherwize the first Edge that matches the predicate. vp is null An incidence graph that supports filtered traversals Returns the collection of out-edges that matches the predicate Edge predicate enumerable colleciton of vertices that matches the criteron v or ep is null Returns the first out-edge that matches the predicate Edge predicate null if not found, otherwize the first Edge that matches the predicate. v or ep is null Union of , and . A vertex list graph that supports filtered traversals Returns the first vertex that matches the predicate vertex predicate null if not found, otherwize the first vertex that matches the predicate. vp is null Returns the collection of vertices that matches the predicate vertex predicate enumerable colleciton of vertices that matches the criteron vp is null A graph defined by a out-edges method. Returns the out-degree edges of v vertex to test out-degree Returns an iterable collection of the out edges of v Gets a value indicating if the set of out-edges is empty true if the out-edge set is empty, false otherwise. v is a null reference Access to each vertex out-edges. Gets a value indicating if there is an edge between the vertices , . source vertex target vertex true if (, ) exists. u or v is a null reference A tree-like interface definition Gets an enumerable collection of child current An enumerable collection of adjacent vertices is a null reference Gets the first adjacent vertex current vertex first out-vertex is a null reference Gets a value indicating if the has out-edges to test true if has out-edges. is a null reference is a null reference Gets the parent. current vertex parent vertex if any, null reference otherwize is a null reference has multiple in-edges Defines the union of VertexListGraph and EdgeListGraph. The VertexListGraph concept refines the Graph concept, and adds the requirement for efficient traversal of all the vertices in the graph. Gets an iterator-range providing access to all the vertices in the graph. collection over the instances of the graph. Gets the number of in the graph. The number of in the graph Gets a value indicating if the vertex set is empty true if the vertex set is empty, false otherwise. Gets a value indicating if the vertex is part of the list. vertex to test true if part of the list, false otherwize v is a null reference A distance recorder visitor Visitor that records the edge predecessor from a vertex. Records edge predecessor Records end path edges Not used Visitor that records the edge predecessor from a vertex. Finished a vertex exploration Predecessor record Description résumée de ITimeStamperVisitior. Tree edge visitor A vertex colorizer visitor Exception throwed when not finding a vertex. Exception throwed when not finding a vertex. Not a acyclic graph execption Multiple In Edge exception Negative cycle execption Not a acyclic graph execption ParrallelEdgeNotAllowedException. Exception throwed when not finding a vertex. Exception throwed when not finding a vertex. A predicate that filter edge connecting two vertices Test if edge connects source and target vertex edge to test true if e connects source and target Edge predicate Applies the edge predicate to e and to it's vertices? edge to test EdgePredicate(e) && VertexPredicate(e.Source) && VertexPredicate(e.Target) e is null Predicate for checking that a vertex is in a collection Gets a value indicating if is in the collection. vertex to test true if is in the collection, false otherwize Predicate for checking that a vertex is in a collection Gets a value indicating if is in the collection. vertex to test true if is in the collection, false otherwize In edge predicate Applies the edge predicate to e and to it's source edge to test EdgePredicate(e) and VertexPredicate(e.Source) e is null Predicate that checks if a edge is an edge Predicate that checks if a edge is an inedge Predicate that always returns true Always returns true. Predicate that always returns true Always returns true. An predicate that checks that the edge is not in both circuit and temporary circuit. Edge circuit Temporary circuit Test method Not operator to predicate Out-edge predicate Applies the edge predicate to e and to it's target vertex edge to test EdgePredicate(e) and VertexPredicate(e.Target) e is null Static helper class for creating predicates This is a and so cannot be inherited or instantiated. Checks ep(e) && vp(e.Source) && vp(e.Target) predicate to apply to edge predicate to apply to edge source and target Check if a vertex is equal to v vertex to test predicate Check if vertex is in list Creates a predicate that check the edge and the edge source edge predicate to apply to the edge vertex predicate to apply to the edge source in-edge predicate Creates a predicate that checks wheter an edge is adjacent to a given vertex. vertex to test is adjacent predicate Creates a predicate that checks if an edge is an in-edge of a vertex. vertex to check in-edge predicate Creates a predicate that checks if an edge is an out-edge of a vertex. vertex to check out-edge predicate Returns a edge predicate that always returns true. Returns a vertex predicate that always returns true. Negates a predicate Creates a predicate that check the edge and the edge target edge predicate to apply to the edge vertex predicate to apply to the edge target out-edge predicate Source vertex prodicate Predicate that test if an edge is residual Residual capacities map Test if edge e has a positive residual capacity edge to test 0 < ResidualCapacities[e] e is null Predicate that test if an edge's reverse is residual Residual capacities map Reversed edges map Test if edge e has a positive residual capacity edge to test 0 < ResidualCapacities[e] e is null A predicate to test if a is a root vertex (no in-edges). Tests if the vertex is a root vertex to test true is the vertex has no in-edges, false otherwise A predicate to test if a is a root vertex (no in-edges). Tests if the vertex is a root vertex to test true is the vertex has no in-edges, false otherwise Predicate that checks to two vertex are equal Reference vertex Test if v == u vertex to test v == u Custom edge provider This class cannot be inherited. Returns typeof(CustomEdge) Creates a new edge Updates an edge that has not been created with the provider vertex to update Default custom vertex provider This class cannot be inherited. Returns typeof(CustomVertex) Creates a new vertex Updates a vertex that has not been created with the provider vertex to update Default edge provider This class cannot be inherited. Edge type. Creates a new edge Updates an edge that has not been created with the provider edge to update Named edge provider This class cannot be inherited. Returns typeof(NamedEdge) Creates a new edge Updates an edge that has not been created with the provider edge to update Default custom vertex provider This class cannot be inherited. Returns typeof(NamedVertex) Creates a new vertex Updates a vertex that has not been created with the provider vertex to update Default custom edge provider Returns typeof(CustomEdge) Creates a new edge Updates a edge that has not been created with the provider edge to update Default custom vertex provider Returns typeof(CustomVertex) Creates a new vertex Updates a vertex that has not been created with the provider vertex to update Vertex provider This class cannot be inherited. Vertex type. Creates a new vertex Updates a vertex that has not been created with the provider vertex to update Graph serializer to the GraphML format. Serializes g to xml xml writer graph to serialize writer or g are null g vertex or edge does not implement . Serializes the filtered graph g to xml xml writer "base" graph of g graph to serialize writer or g are null g vertex or edge does not implement . A data holder class Number of key-value pair in the data bag. True if serializing Gets or sets a data entry in the graph info collection set property,set a value while the graph info is deserializing get property, the requested key is not found Adds a new key-value pair value identifier value key Gets a value indicating if the key is in the data entries. key to test true if key is in the data collection, false otherwise Base class for Graph serializers. This class is and so cannot be instantiated. Created vertices table Created vertices table Deserializes data from Xml stream. xml stream deserialized data Formats the edge ID number edge e.ID formatted Formats the vertex ID number vertex v.ID formatted Returns qualifed type name of o Moves reader to element with name = name Moves reader to element with name = name Parses edge id of the form 'edd' where dd is the id number id identifier id number Parses vertex id of the form 'vdd' where dd is the id number id identifier id number Reads graph data and creates new graph instance xml reader opened on graph data created graph instance Reads vertex or edge data Serializes g to xml xml writer graph to serialize writer or g are null g vertex or edge does not implement . Serializes the filtered graph g to xml xml writer "base" graph of g graph to serialize writer or g are null g vertex or edge does not implement . Writes a vertex element and it's custom data stored in info. xml writer edge to store edge custom data Closes the graph element. xml writer Create the graph element and stores graph level data. xml writer "base" graph of g graph to serialize Writes a vertex element and it's custom data stored in info. xml writer vertex to store vertex custom data Graph serializer to the GXL format. Reads graph data and creates new graph instance xml reader opened on graph data created graph instance Reads custom info from GraphMl xml reader custom data Reads vertex or edge data Writes a vertex element and it's custom data stored in info. xml writer edge to store edge custom data Closes the graph element. xml writer Create the graph element and stores graph level data. xml writer "base" graph of g graph to serialize Writes custom info to GraphMl xml writer custom data Writes a vertex element and it's custom data stored in info. xml writer vertex to store vertex custom data Gets the dictionary of key-and-value pairs Data entries Reads no data from serialization info data holder info is null info is serializing Adds nothing to serialization info data holder info is null info is not serializing Gets the dictionary of key-and-value pairs Data entries Reads no data from serialization info data holder info is null info is serializing Adds nothing to serialization info data holder info is null info is not serializing A wrapper for serializings graphs Serialized graph Reads graph data from Xml and create the graph object. opened xml reader deserialized graph Serializes graph to xml. Serializes the graph to xml opened xml writer