# frozen_string_literal: true module Blacklight ## # Blacklight::Configuration holds the configuration for a Blacklight::Controller, including # fields to display, facets to show, sort options, and search fields. class Configuration < OpenStructWithHashAccess class_attribute :default_values, default: {} # Set up Blacklight::Configuration.default_values to contain the basic, required Blacklight fields class << self def property(key, default: nil) default_values[key] = default end def default_configuration(&block) @default_configurations ||= [] if block @default_configurations << block block.call if @default_configuration_initialized end @default_configurations end def initialize_default_configuration @default_configurations&.map(&:call) @default_configuration_initialized = true end def initialized_default_configuration? @default_configuration_initialized end end BASIC_SEARCH_PARAMETERS = [:q, :qt, :page, :per_page, :search_field, :sort, :controller, :action, :'facet.page', :'facet.prefix', :'facet.sort', :rows, :format, :view].freeze ADVANCED_SEARCH_PARAMETERS = [{ clause: {} }, :op].freeze # rubocop:disable Metrics/BlockLength default_configuration do property :logo_link, default: nil property :skip_link_component, default: Blacklight::SkipLinkComponent property :header_component, default: Blacklight::HeaderComponent property :full_width_layout, default: false # bootstrap_version may be set to 4 or 5 bootstrap_version = ENV['BOOTSTRAP_VERSION'].presence || "5" property :bootstrap_version, default: /(\d)(?:\.\d){0,2}/.match(bootstrap_version)[1].to_i # === Search request configuration # @!attribute http_method # @since v5.0.0 # @return [:get, :post] HTTP method used for search property :http_method, default: :get # @!attribute solr_path # @return [String] The path to send requests to solr. property :solr_path, default: 'select' # @!attribute default_solr_params # @return [Hash] Default values of parameters to send with every search request property :default_solr_params, default: {} # === Single document request configuration # @!attribute document_solr_request_handler # @return [String] The solr request handler to use when requesting only a single document property :document_solr_request_handler, default: nil # @!attribute document_solr_path # @since v5.2.0 # @return [String] The url path (relative to the solr base url) to use when requesting only a single document property :document_solr_path, default: 'get' # @!attribute json_solr_path # @since v7.34.0 # @return [String] The url path (relative to the solr base url) to use when using Solr's JSON Query DSL (as with the advanced search) property :json_solr_path, default: 'advanced' # @!attribute document_unique_id_param # @since v5.2.0 # @return [Symbol] The solr query parameter used for sending the unique identifiers for one or more documents property :document_unique_id_param, default: :ids # @!attribute default_document_solr_params # @return [Hash] Default values of parameters to send with every single-document request property :default_document_solr_params, default: {} # @!attribute fetch_many_documents_path # @since v8.4.0 # @return [String] The url path (relative to the solr base url) to use when requesting multiple documents by id property :fetch_many_documents_path, default: nil # @!attribute fetch_many_document_params # @since v7.0.0 # @return [Hash] Default values of parameters to send with every multi-document request property :fetch_many_document_params, default: {} # @!attribute document_pagination_params # @return [Hash] Default values of parameters to send when getting the previous + next documents property :document_pagination_params, default: {} ## # == Response models # @!attribute repository_class # @return [Class] Class for sending and receiving requests from a search index property :repository_class, default: Blacklight::Solr::Repository # @!attribute search_builder_class # @return [Class] class for converting Blacklight parameters to request parameters for the repository_class property :search_builder_class, default: ::SearchBuilder # @!attribute response_model # model that maps index responses to the blacklight response model # @return [Class] property :response_model, default: Blacklight::Solr::Response # @!attribute document_model # the model to use for each response document # @return [Class] property :document_model, default: ::SolrDocument # @!attribute document_factory # the factory that builds document # @return [Class] property :document_factory, default: Blacklight::DocumentFactory # @!attribute facet_paginator_class # Class for paginating long lists of facet fields # @return [Class] property :facet_paginator_class, default: Blacklight::Solr::FacetPaginator # @!attribute connection_config # repository connection configuration # @since v5.13.0 # @return [Class] property :connection_config, default: Blacklight.connection_config ## # == Blacklight view configuration # @!attribute navbar # @since v5.8.0 # @return [#partials] property :navbar, default: OpenStructWithHashAccess.new(partials: {}) # @!attribute bookmark_icon_component # @since v8.3.1 # component class used to render a document # set to Blacklight::Icons::BookmarkIconComponent to replace checkbox with icon property :bookmark_icon_component, default: nil # @!attribute index # General configuration for all views # @return [Blacklight::Configuration::ViewConfig::Index] property :index, default: ViewConfig::Index.new( # document presenter class used by helpers and views document_presenter_class: nil, # component class used to render a document document_component: Blacklight::DocumentComponent, sidebar_component: Blacklight::Search::SidebarComponent, dropdown_component: Blacklight::System::DropdownComponent, # solr field to use to render a document title title_field: nil, # solr field to use to render format-specific partials display_type_field: nil, # the "field access" key to use to look up the document display fields document_fields_key: :index_fields, # partials to render for each document(see #render_document_partials) partials: [], document_actions: NestedOpenStructWithHashAccess.new(ToolConfig), collection_actions: NestedOpenStructWithHashAccess.new(ToolConfig), # what field, if any, to use to render grouped results group: false, # additional response formats for search results respond_to: OpenStructWithHashAccess.new, # component class used to render the facet grouping facet_group_component: nil, # component class used to render search constraints constraints_component: nil, # component class used to render the search bar search_bar_component: nil, # component class used to render the header above the documents search_header_component: Blacklight::SearchHeaderComponent, # pagination parameters to pass to kaminari pagination_options: Blacklight::Engine.config.blacklight.default_pagination_options.dup ) # @!attribute show # Additional configuration when displaying a single document # @return [Blacklight::Configuration::ViewConfig::Show] property :show, default: ViewConfig::Show.new( # document presenter class used by helpers and views document_presenter_class: nil, document_component: Blacklight::DocumentComponent, # in Blacklight 9, the default show_tools_component configuration will # be Blacklight::Document::ShowToolsComponent show_tools_component: nil, show_header_tools_component: nil, document_header_component: Blacklight::Document::PageHeaderComponent, sidebar_component: Blacklight::Document::SidebarComponent, display_type_field: nil, # the "field access" key to use to look up the document display fields document_fields_key: :show_fields, # Default route parameters for 'show' requests. # Set this to a hash with additional arguments to merge into the route, # or set `controller: :current` to route to the current controller. route: nil, # partials to render for each document(see #render_document_partials) partials: [], document_actions: NestedOpenStructWithHashAccess.new(ToolConfig), header_actions: NestedOpenStructWithHashAccess.new(ToolConfig) ) # @!attribute action_mapping # @since v7.16.0 # @return [Hash{Symbol => Blacklight::Configuration::ViewConfig}] property :action_mapping, default: NestedOpenStructWithHashAccess.new( ViewConfig, default: { top_level_config: :index }, show: { top_level_config: :show }, citation: { parent_config: :show }, email_record: { top_level_config: :email }, sms_record: { top_level_config: :sms } ) # @!attribute sms # @since v7.21.0 # @return [Blacklight::Configuration::ViewConfig] property :sms, default: ViewConfig.new # @!attribute email # @since v7.21.0 # @return [Blacklight::Configuration::ViewConfig] property :email, default: ViewConfig.new # @!attribute # Configurations for specific types of index views # @return [Hash{Symbol => Blacklight::Configuration::ViewConfig}] property :view, default: NestedOpenStructWithHashAccess.new(ViewConfig, list: {}, atom: { if: false, # by default, atom should not show up as an alternative view partials: [:document], summary_component: Blacklight::DocumentComponent }, rss: { if: false, # by default, rss should not show up as an alternative view partials: [:document] }) ## # === Blacklight behavior configuration # @!attribute spell_max # Maxiumum number of spelling suggestions to offer # @return [Integer] property :spell_max, default: 5 # @!attribute max_per_page # Maximum number of results to show per page # @return [Integer] property :max_per_page, default: 100 # @!attribute per_page # Options for the user for number of results to show per page # @return [Array] property :per_page, default: [10, 20, 50, 100] # @!attribute default_per_page # @return [Integer] property :default_per_page, default: nil # @!attribute search_history_window # how many searches to save in session history # @return [Integer] property :search_history_window, default: 100 # @!attribute default_facet_limit # @since v5.10.0 # @return [Integer] property :default_facet_limit, default: 10 # @!attribute default_more_limit # @since v7.0.0 # @return [Integer] property :default_more_limit, default: 20 # @!attribute crawler_detector # proc for determining whether the session is a crawler/bot # ex.: crawler_detector: lambda { |req| req.env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] =~ /bot/ } # @since v7.0.0 # @return [] property :crawler_detector, default: nil # @!attribute autocomplete_suggester # @since v7.0.0 # @return [String] property :autocomplete_suggester, default: 'mySuggester' # @!attribute raw_endpoint # @since v7.0.0 # @return [#enabled] property :raw_endpoint, default: OpenStructWithHashAccess.new(enabled: false) # @!attribute track_search_session # { storage: false } value: do no tracking # @since v8.0.0 # @return [Blacklight::Configuration::SessionTrackingConfig] property :track_search_session, default: Blacklight::Configuration::SessionTrackingConfig.new # @!attribute advanced_search # @since v7.15.0 # @return [#enabled] property :advanced_search, default: OpenStruct.new(enabled: false) # @!attribute enable_search_bar_autofocus # @since v7.2.0 # @return [Boolean] property :enable_search_bar_autofocus, default: false # List the request parameters that compose the SearchState. # If you use a plugin that adds to the search state, then you can add the parameters # by modifiying this field. # @!attribute search_state_fields # @since v8.0.0 # @return [Array] property :search_state_fields, default: BASIC_SEARCH_PARAMETERS + ADVANCED_SEARCH_PARAMETERS # Have SearchState filter out unknown request parameters # # @!attribute filter_search_state_fields # @since v8.0.0 # @return [Boolean] property :filter_search_state_fields, default: true # Additional Blacklight configuration setting for document-type specific # configuration. # @!attribute fields_for_type # @since v8.0.0 # @return [Hash{Symbol => Blacklight::Configuration}] # @see [#for_display_type] property :fields_for_type, default: {}.with_indifferent_access end # rubocop:enable Metrics/BlockLength ## # Create collections of solr field configurations. # This will create array-like accessor methods for # the given field, and an #add_x_field convenience # method for adding new fields to the configuration include Fields # facet fields # @!macro [attach] define_field_access # @!attribute ${1}s # @return [Hash{Symbol=>$2}] # @!method add_${1}(config_key, hash_or_field_or_array) # @param [Symbol] config_key # @return [$2] # @overload add_${1}(config_key, options) # @param [Symbol] config_key # @param [Hash] options # @overload add_${1}(config_key, field) # @param [Symbol] config_key # @param [$2] field # @overload add_${1}(config_key, array) # @param [Symbol] config_key # @param [Array<$2, Hash>] array # @see #add_blacklight_field define_field_access :facet_field, Blacklight::Configuration::FacetField # solr fields to display on search results define_field_access :index_field, Blacklight::Configuration::IndexField # solr fields to display when showing single documents define_field_access :show_field, Blacklight::Configuration::ShowField # solr "fields" to use for scoping user search queries to particular fields define_field_access :search_field, Blacklight::Configuration::SearchField # solr fields to use for sorting results define_field_access :sort_field, Blacklight::Configuration::SortField # solr fields to use in text message define_field_access :sms_field, Blacklight::Configuration::DisplayField # solr fields to use in email message define_field_access :email_field, Blacklight::Configuration::DisplayField def initialize(hash = {}) self.class.initialize_default_configuration unless self.class.initialized_default_configuration? super(self.class.default_values.deep_transform_values(&method(:_deep_copy)).merge(hash)) yield(self) if block_given? @view_config ||= {} end # @return [Blacklight::Repository] def repository repository_class.new(self) end # @return [String] The destination for the link around the logo in the header def logo_link super || Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.root_path end # @return [Integer] def default_per_page super || per_page.first end # DSL helper # @yield [config] # @yieldparam [Blacklight::Configuration] # @return [Blacklight::Configuration] def configure yield self if block_given? self end # Returns default search field, used for simpler display in history, etc. # if not set, defaults to first defined search field # @return [Blacklight::Configuration::SearchField] def default_search_field @default_search_field ||= super || search_fields.values.find { |f| f.default == true } || search_fields.values.first end # Returns default sort field, used for simpler display in history, etc. # if not set, defaults to first defined sort field # @return [Blacklight::Configuration::SortField] def default_sort_field field = super || sort_fields.values.find { |f| f.default == true } field || sort_fields.values.first end # @return [String] def default_title_field document_model.unique_key || 'id' end # @param [String] field Solr facet name # @return [Blacklight::Configuration::FacetField] Blacklight facet configuration for the solr field def facet_configuration_for_field(field) # short-circuit on the common case, where the solr field name and the blacklight field name are the same. return facet_fields[field] if facet_fields[field] && facet_fields[field].field == field # Find the facet field configuration for the solr field, or provide a default. facet_fields.values.find { |v| v.field.to_s == field.to_s } || FacetField.new(field: field).normalize! end # @param [String] group (nil) a group name of facet fields # @return [Array] a list of the facet field names from the configuration def facet_field_names(group = nil) facet_fields_in_group(group).map(&:field) end # @param [String] group (nil) a group name of facet fields # @return [Array] a list of facet fields def facet_fields_in_group(group) facet_fields.values.select { |opts| group == opts[:group] } end # @return [Array] a list of facet groups def facet_group_names facet_fields.map { |_facet, opts| opts[:group] }.uniq end # Add any configured facet fields to the default solr parameters hash # @overload add_facet_fields_to_solr_request! # add all facet fields to the solr request # @overload add_facet_fields_to_solr_request! field, field, etc # @param [Symbol] field Field names to add to the solr request def add_facet_fields_to_solr_request!(*fields) if fields.empty? self.add_facet_fields_to_solr_request = true else facet_fields.slice(*fields).each_value { |v| v.include_in_request = true } end end # Add any configured facet fields to the default solr parameters hash # @overload add_field_configuration_to_solr_request! # add all index, show, and facet fields to the solr request # @overload add_field_configuration_to_solr_request! field, field, etc # @param [Symbol] field Field names to add to the solr request def add_field_configuration_to_solr_request!(*fields) if fields.empty? self.add_field_configuration_to_solr_request = true else index_fields.slice(*fields).each_value { |v| v.include_in_request = true } show_fields.slice(*fields).each_value { |v| v.include_in_request = true } facet_fields.slice(*fields).each_value { |v| v.include_in_request = true } end end # Provide a 'deep copy' of Blacklight::Configuration that can be modified without effecting # the original Blacklight::Configuration instance. # # Note: Rails provides `#deep_dup`, but it aggressively `#dup`'s class names too, turning them # into anonymous class instances. def deep_copy deep_transform_values(&method(:_deep_copy)) end # builds a copy for the provided controller class # @param [Class] klass configuration host class def build(klass) deep_copy.tap do |conf| conf.klass = klass end end alias_method :inheritable_copy, :build # Get a view configuration for the given view type + action. The effective # view configuration is inherited from: # - the configuration from blacklight_config.view with the key `view_type` # - the configuration from blacklight_config.action_mapping with the key `action_name` # - any parent config for the action map result above # - the action_mapping default configuration # - the top-level index/show view configuration # # @param [Symbol,#to_sym] view_type # @return [Blacklight::Configuration::ViewConfig] def view_config(view_type = nil, action_name: :index) view_type &&= view_type.to_sym action_name &&= action_name.to_sym action_name ||= :index if view_type == :show action_name = view_type view_type = nil end @view_config[[view_type, action_name]] ||= if view_type.nil? action_config(action_name) else base_config = action_config(action_name) base_config.merge(view.fetch(view_type, {})) end end # YARD will include inline disabling as docs, cannot do multiline inside @!macro. AND this must be separate from doc block. # rubocop:disable Layout/LineLength # Add a partial to the tools when rendering a document. # @!macro partial_if_unless # @param name [String] the name of the document partial # @param opts [Hash] # @option opts [Class] :component draw a component # @option opts [String] :partial partial to draw if component is false # @option opts [Symbol,Proc] :if render this action if the method identified by the symbol or the proc evaluates to true. The proc will receive the action configuration and the document or documents for the action. # @option opts [Symbol,Proc] :unless render this action unless the method identified by the symbol or the proc evaluates to true. The proc will receive the action configuration and the document or documents for the action. def add_show_tools_partial(name, opts = {}) opts[:partial] ||= 'document_action' add_action(show.document_actions, name, opts) klass && ActionBuilder.new(klass, name, opts).build end # Add a partial to the show page header when rendering a document. # @!macro partial_if_unless # @param name [String] the name of the document partial # @param opts [Hash] # @option opts [Class] :component draw a component # @option opts [String] :partial partial to draw if component is false # @option opts [Symbol,Proc] :if render this action if the method identified by the symbol or the proc evaluates to true. The proc will receive the action configuration and the document or documents for the action. # @option opts [Symbol,Proc] :unless render this action unless the method identified by the symbol or the proc evaluates to true. The proc will receive the action configuration and the document or documents for the action. def add_show_header_tools_partial(name, opts = {}) opts[:partial] ||= 'document_action' add_action(show.header_actions, name, opts) klass && ActionBuilder.new(klass, name, opts).build end # rubocop:enable Layout/LineLength # Add a tool for the search result list itself # @!macro partial_if_unless def add_results_collection_tool(name, opts = {}) add_action(index.collection_actions, name, opts) end # Add a partial to the tools for each document in the search results. # @!macro partial_if_unless def add_results_document_tool(name, opts = {}) add_action(index.document_actions, name, opts) end # Add a partial to the header navbar # @!macro partial_if_unless def add_nav_action(name, opts = {}) add_action(navbar.partials, name, opts) end ## # Add a section of config that only applies to documents with a matching display type def for_display_type display_type, &_block fields_for_type[display_type] ||= self.class.new fields_for_type[display_type].tap do |conf| yield(conf) if block_given? end end ## # Return a list of fields for the index display that should be used for the # provided document. This respects any configuration made using for_display_type # @deprecated def index_fields_for(display_types) Array(display_types).inject(index_fields) do |fields, display_type| fields.merge(for_display_type(display_type).index_fields) end end ## # Return a list of fields for the show page that should be used for the # provided document. This respects any configuration made using for_display_type # @deprecated def show_fields_for(display_types) Array(display_types).inject(show_fields) do |fields, display_type| fields.merge(for_display_type(display_type).show_fields) end end # @!visibility private def freeze each { |_k, v| v.is_a?(OpenStruct) && v.freeze } super end private def add_action(config_hash, name, opts) config = Blacklight::Configuration::ToolConfig.new opts config.name ||= name config.key = name yield(config) if block_given? config_hash[name] = config end # Provide custom duplication for certain types of configuration (intended for use in e.g. deep_transform_values) def _deep_copy(value) case value when Module then value when NestedOpenStructWithHashAccess then value.class.new(value.nested_class, value.to_h.deep_transform_values(&method(:_deep_copy))) when OpenStruct then value.class.new(value.to_h.deep_transform_values(&method(:_deep_copy))) else value.dup end end def action_config(action, default: :index) action_config = action_mapping[action] action_config ||= action_mapping[:default] if action_config.parent_config && action_config.parent_config != :default parent_config = action_mapping[action_config.parent_config] raise "View configuration error: the parent configuration of #{action_config.key}, #{parent_config.key}, must not specific its own parent configuration" if parent_config.parent_config action_config = action_config.reverse_merge(parent_config) end action_config = action_config.reverse_merge(action_mapping[:default]) if action_config != action_mapping[:default] action_config = action_config.reverse_merge(self[action_config.top_level_config]) if action_config.top_level_config action_config = action_config.reverse_merge(show) if default == :show && action_config.top_level_config != :show action_config.reverse_merge(index) end end end