require 'microsoft_kiota_abstractions' require_relative '../microsoft_graph' require_relative '../models/directory_role' require_relative '../models/directory_role_collection_response' require_relative '../models/o_data_errors/o_data_error' require_relative './count/count_request_builder' require_relative './delta/delta_request_builder' require_relative './directory_roles' require_relative './get_available_extension_properties/get_available_extension_properties_request_builder' require_relative './get_by_ids/get_by_ids_request_builder' require_relative './validate_properties/validate_properties_request_builder' module MicrosoftGraph module DirectoryRoles ## # Provides operations to manage the collection of directoryRole entities. class DirectoryRolesRequestBuilder < MicrosoftKiotaAbstractions::BaseRequestBuilder ## # Provides operations to count the resources in the collection. def count() return, @request_adapter) end ## # Provides operations to call the delta method. def delta() return, @request_adapter) end ## # Provides operations to call the getAvailableExtensionProperties method. def get_available_extension_properties() return, @request_adapter) end ## # Provides operations to call the getByIds method. def get_by_ids() return, @request_adapter) end ## # Provides operations to call the validateProperties method. def validate_properties() return, @request_adapter) end ## ## Instantiates a new DirectoryRolesRequestBuilder and sets the default values. ## @param path_parameters Path parameters for the request ## @param request_adapter The request adapter to use to execute the requests. ## @return a void ## def initialize(path_parameters, request_adapter) super(path_parameters, request_adapter, "{+baseurl}/directoryRoles{?%24skip,%24search,%24filter,%24count,%24orderby,%24select,%24expand}") end ## ## List the directory roles that are activated in the tenant. This operation only returns roles that have been activated. A role becomes activated when an admin activates the role using the Activate directoryRole API. Not all built-in roles are initially activated. When assigning a role using the Azure portal, the role activation step is implicitly done on the admin's behalf. To get the full list of roles that are available in Azure AD, use List directoryRoleTemplates. ## @param request_configuration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options. ## @return a Fiber of directory_role_collection_response ## def get(request_configuration=nil) request_info = self.to_get_request_information( request_configuration ) error_mapping = error_mapping["4XX"] = lambda {|pn| MicrosoftGraph::Models::ODataErrors::ODataError.create_from_discriminator_value(pn) } error_mapping["5XX"] = lambda {|pn| MicrosoftGraph::Models::ODataErrors::ODataError.create_from_discriminator_value(pn) } return @request_adapter.send_async(request_info, lambda {|pn| MicrosoftGraph::Models::DirectoryRoleCollectionResponse.create_from_discriminator_value(pn) }, error_mapping) end ## ## Activate a directory role. To read a directory role or update its members, it must first be activated in the tenant. The Company Administrators and the implicit user directory roles (**User**, **Guest User**, and **Restricted Guest User** roles) are activated by default. To access and assign members to other directory roles, you must first activate it with its corresponding directory role template ID. ## @param body The request body ## @param request_configuration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options. ## @return a Fiber of directory_role ## def post(body, request_configuration=nil) raise StandardError, 'body cannot be null' if body.nil? request_info = self.to_post_request_information( body, request_configuration ) error_mapping = error_mapping["4XX"] = lambda {|pn| MicrosoftGraph::Models::ODataErrors::ODataError.create_from_discriminator_value(pn) } error_mapping["5XX"] = lambda {|pn| MicrosoftGraph::Models::ODataErrors::ODataError.create_from_discriminator_value(pn) } return @request_adapter.send_async(request_info, lambda {|pn| MicrosoftGraph::Models::DirectoryRole.create_from_discriminator_value(pn) }, error_mapping) end ## ## List the directory roles that are activated in the tenant. This operation only returns roles that have been activated. A role becomes activated when an admin activates the role using the Activate directoryRole API. Not all built-in roles are initially activated. When assigning a role using the Azure portal, the role activation step is implicitly done on the admin's behalf. To get the full list of roles that are available in Azure AD, use List directoryRoleTemplates. ## @param request_configuration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options. ## @return a request_information ## def to_get_request_information(request_configuration=nil) request_info = request_info.url_template = @url_template request_info.path_parameters = @path_parameters request_info.http_method = :GET request_info.headers.add('Accept', 'application/json') unless request_configuration.nil? request_info.add_headers_from_raw_object(request_configuration.headers) request_info.set_query_string_parameters_from_raw_object(request_configuration.query_parameters) request_info.add_request_options(request_configuration.options) end return request_info end ## ## Activate a directory role. To read a directory role or update its members, it must first be activated in the tenant. The Company Administrators and the implicit user directory roles (**User**, **Guest User**, and **Restricted Guest User** roles) are activated by default. To access and assign members to other directory roles, you must first activate it with its corresponding directory role template ID. ## @param body The request body ## @param request_configuration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options. ## @return a request_information ## def to_post_request_information(body, request_configuration=nil) raise StandardError, 'body cannot be null' if body.nil? request_info = request_info.url_template = @url_template request_info.path_parameters = @path_parameters request_info.http_method = :POST request_info.headers.add('Accept', 'application/json') unless request_configuration.nil? request_info.add_headers_from_raw_object(request_configuration.headers) request_info.add_request_options(request_configuration.options) end request_info.set_content_from_parsable(@request_adapter, "application/json", body) return request_info end ## # List the directory roles that are activated in the tenant. This operation only returns roles that have been activated. A role becomes activated when an admin activates the role using the Activate directoryRole API. Not all built-in roles are initially activated. When assigning a role using the Azure portal, the role activation step is implicitly done on the admin's behalf. To get the full list of roles that are available in Azure AD, use List directoryRoleTemplates. class DirectoryRolesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters ## # Include count of items attr_accessor :count ## # Expand related entities attr_accessor :expand ## # Filter items by property values attr_accessor :filter ## # Order items by property values attr_accessor :orderby ## # Search items by search phrases attr_accessor :search ## # Select properties to be returned attr_accessor :select ## # Skip the first n items attr_accessor :skip ## ## Maps the query parameters names to their encoded names for the URI template parsing. ## @param original_name The original query parameter name in the class. ## @return a string ## def get_query_parameter(original_name) raise StandardError, 'original_name cannot be null' if original_name.nil? case original_name when "count" return "%24count" when "expand" return "%24expand" when "filter" return "%24filter" when "orderby" return "%24orderby" when "search" return "%24search" when "select" return "%24select" when "skip" return "%24skip" else return original_name end end end end end end