$html5-boilerplate-font-color: #444 !default; //looks better than black: twitter.com/H_FJ/statuses/11800719859
$html5-boilerplate-link-color: #607890 !default;
$html5-boilerplate-link-hover-color: #036 !default;
$html5-boilerplate-link-active-color: #607890 !default;
$html5-boilerplate-link-visited-color: #607890 !default;
$html5-boilerplate-selected-font-color: #fff !default;
$html5-boilerplate-selected-color: #FF5E99 !default;
// minimal base styles
@mixin html5-boilerplate-page {
body, select, input, textarea { color: $html5-boilerplate-font-color; }
h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 { @include bold-font; }
html {
@include font-smoothing;
@include force-scrollbar;
a, a:active, a:visited { color: $html5-boilerplate-link-color; }
a:hover { color: $html5-boilerplate-link-hover-color; }
ul { margin-left: 30px; }
ol { margin-left: 30px; list-style-type: decimal; }
small { @include small-font; }
strong, th { @include bold-font; }
td, td img { vertical-align: top; }
sub { vertical-align: sub; font-size: smaller; }
sup { vertical-align: super; font-size: smaller; }
@include accessible-focus;
@include quoted-pre;
@include align-input-labels;
@include hand-cursor-inputs;
@include selected-text;
@include webkit-tap-highlight;
@include ie-hacks;
// maxvoltar.com/archive/-webkit-font-smoothing
@mixin font-smoothing {
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
// Accessible focus treatment: people.opera.com/patrickl/experiments/keyboard/test
@mixin accessible-focus {
a:hover, a:active { outline: none; }
@mixin small-font {
font-size: 85%;
@mixin bold-font {
font-weight: bold;
// www.pathf.com/blogs/2008/05/formatting-quoted-code-in-blog-posts-css21-white-space-pre-wrap/
@mixin quoted-pre {
pre {
padding: 15px;
white-space: pre; // CSS2
white-space: pre-wrap; // CSS 2.1
white-space: pre-line; // CSS 3 (and 2.1 as well, actually)
word-wrap: break-word; // IE
// align checkboxes, radios, text inputs with their label
// by: Thierry Koblentz tjkdesign.com/ez-css/css/base.css
@mixin align-input-labels {
input[type="radio"] { vertical-align: text-bottom; }
input[type="checkbox"] { vertical-align: bottom; *vertical-align: baseline; }
.ie6 input { vertical-align: text-bottom; }
// hand cursor on clickable input elements
@mixin hand-cursor-inputs {
label, input[type=button], input[type=submit], button { cursor: pointer; }
// These selection declarations have to be separate.
// No text-shadow: twitter.com/miketaylr/status/12228805301
// Also: hot pink.
@mixin selected-text {
::-moz-selection{ background:$html5-boilerplate-selected-color; color: $html5-boilerplate-selected-font-color; text-shadow: none; }
::selection { background: $html5-boilerplate-selected-color; color: $html5-boilerplate-selected-font-color; text-shadow: none; }
// j.mp/webkit-tap-highlight-color
@mixin webkit-tap-highlight {
a:link { -webkit-tap-highlight-color: $html5-boilerplate-selected-color; }
// always force a scrollbar in non-IE
@mixin force-scrollbar {
overflow-y: scroll;
@mixin ie-hacks {
// make buttons play nice in IE:
// www.viget.com/inspire/styling-the-button-element-in-internet-explorer/
button { width: auto; overflow: visible; }
// bicubic resizing for non-native sized IMG:
// code.flickr.com/blog/2008/11/12/on-ui-quality-the-little-things-client-side-image-resizing/
.ie7 img { -ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic; }