#view.style-guide__subsection %h3= link_to_style_guide('components', 'view') %p Provides basic styling for every view. %p should provide visual styling for various view heading elements: .style-guide__example-block .view .view__header .grid.grid--middle .grid__cell.grid__cell--25 = link_to '#', class: 'view__back-button' do = inline_svg('workarea/admin/icons/navigate_before.svg', class: 'view__back-button-icon') %span Back .grid__cell.grid__cell--50 .view__heading = link_to "← Super Back", '#' %h1 View Heading %p should constrain the width and center content within it's container: .style-guide__example-block .view .view__container %p Claymore mine monofilament tiger-team skyscraper systemic gang paranoid soul-delay courier-ware sprawl girl-space. Nano-towards 3D-printed euro-pop into rifle BASE jump. Plastic military-grade face forwards long-chain hydrocarbons-ware film bomb man carbon silent office. Tower tattoo network tanto stimulate assault camera-space grenade faded concrete rain boy hacker. Wristwatch tiger-team construct j-pop office drone rain digital into jeans render-farm shoes fluidity sensory rifle numinous vehicle. #view--mixed-results.style-guide__subsection %h3= link_to_style_guide('components', 'view__mixed_results') %p Modifies the view to announce the page containes mixed search results. %p should show the <code>summary__type</code> element within summary cards: .style-guide__example-block .view--mixed-results = link_to '#', class: 'summary' do .summary__image-container = image_tag 'workarea/core/placeholder.png', size: '200x200', alt: 'Placeholder Image', class: 'summary__image' %span.summary__name Name of Summary .summary__info-container %span.summary__info 13 hours ago %span.summary__info 1234ABCD, 8 SKUS %span.summary__type{ title: 'Summary Type' } Summary Type