require 'thor' module Padrino module Cli class Launcher < Thor include Thor::Actions class_option :chdir, :type => :string, :aliases => "-c", :desc => "Change to dir before starting." class_option :environment, :type => :string, :aliases => "-e", :required => true, :default => :development, :desc => "Padrino Environment." class_option :help, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Show help usage" desc "start", "Starts the Padrino application (alternatively use 's')." map "s" => :start method_option :server, :type => :string, :aliases => "-a", :desc => "Rack Handler (default: autodetect)" method_option :host, :type => :string, :aliases => "-h", :desc => "Bind to HOST address (default:" method_option :port, :type => :numeric, :aliases => "-p", :desc => "Use PORT (default: 3000)" method_option :daemonize, :type => :boolean, :aliases => "-d", :desc => "Run daemonized in the background." method_option :pid, :type => :string, :aliases => "-i", :desc => "File to store pid." method_option :debug, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Set debugging flags." method_option :options, :type => :array, :aliases => "-O", :desc => "--options NAME=VALUE NAME2=VALUE2'. pass VALUE to the server as option NAME. If no VALUE, sets it to true. Run '#{$0} --server_options" method_option :server_options, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Tells the current server handler's options that can be used with --options" def start(*args) prepare :start require File.expand_path("../adapter", __FILE__) require File.expand_path('config/boot.rb') if options[:server_options] puts server_options(options) else Padrino::Cli::Adapter.start(args.last ? options.merge(:config => args.last).freeze : options) end end desc "stop", "Stops the Padrino application (alternatively use 'st')." map "st" => :stop method_option :pid, :type => :string, :aliases => "-p", :desc => "File to store pid", :default => 'tmp/pids/' def stop prepare :stop require File.expand_path("../adapter", __FILE__) Padrino::Cli::Adapter.stop(options) end private #\#L100 def server_options(options) begin info = [] server = Rack::Handler.get(options[:server]) || Rack::Handler.default(options) if server && server.respond_to?(:valid_options) info << "" info << "Server-specific options for #{}:" has_options = false server.valid_options.each do |name, description| next if name.to_s.match(/^(Host|Port)[^a-zA-Z]/) # ignore handler's host and port options, we do our own. info << " -O %-21s %s" % [name, description] has_options = true end return "" if !has_options end info.join("\n") rescue NameError return "Warning: Could not find handler specified (#{options[:server] || 'default'}) to determine handler-specific options" end end protected def prepare(task) if help(task.to_s) raise SystemExit end ENV["RACK_ENV"] ||= options.environment.to_s chdir(options.chdir) unless File.exist?('config/boot.rb') puts "=> Could not find boot file in: #{options.chdir}/config/boot.rb !!!" raise SystemExit end end def chdir(dir) return unless dir begin Dir.chdir(dir.to_s) rescue Errno::ENOENT puts "=> Specified Padrino root '#{dir}' does not appear to exist!" rescue Errno::EACCES puts "=> Specified Padrino root '#{dir}' cannot be accessed by the current user!" end end end end end