class ConsulUIManager { constructor(resourceURL) { this.resourceURL = resourceURL; } async fetchResource() { const response = await fetch(this.resourceURL); const result = await response.json(); = result; await this.initResource(result); } async initResource(data) {} } class SideSelector { constructor( filterElement, listElement, counterElement, URLLabelFilter, URLLabelSelected, activateFavorite ) { this.filterElement = filterElement; this.listElement = listElement; this.counterElement = counterElement; this.elements = {} this.filterElement.keyup(debounce('side-selector-filter-element-keyup', this.updateFilter.bind(this), 250)); this.URLLabelFilter = URLLabelFilter; this.URLLabelSelected = URLLabelSelected; this.selectedItem = new URL(location.href).searchParams.get( URLLabelSelected ); this.filterValue = new URL(location.href).searchParams.get(URLLabelFilter); if (this.filterValue == null) { this.filterValue = ""; } this.filterElement.val(this.filterValue); this.activateFavorite = activateFavorite; if (this.activateFavorite) { this.favorites = new Favorites("favorite_services"); } this.showProxies = false; } prepareData() { for (var key in { this.elements[key] = this.elementGenerator(key,[key]); } } updateFilter() { this.filterValue = this.filterElement.val(); updateURL(this.URLLabelFilter, this.filterValue); this.refreshList(); } refreshList() { this.listElement.html(""); var filter; try { filter = new RegExp(this.filterValue); } catch (e) { var safeReg = this.filterValue.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|]/g, "\\$&"); console.log( "Failed to compile regexp for '" + this.filterValue + "', using strict lookup due to: " + e ); filter = new RegExp(safeReg); } var selectItem = null; var selectElement = null; var elementTotal = 0; if (this.activateFavorite) { var favList = this.favorites.getAsArray(); var favDict = this.favorites.favorites; for (var i in favList) { if (favList[i] in { if (this.matchElement(favList[i],[favList[i]], filter)) { if (selectItem == null || this.selectedItem == favList[i]) { selectItem = favList[i]; selectElement = this.elements[favList[i]]; } elementTotal++; this.listElement.append(this.elements[favList[i]]); } } } } else { var favDict = {}; } for (var key in { if (!(key in favDict) && this.matchElement(key,[key], filter)) { if (selectItem == null || this.selectedItem == key) { selectItem = key; selectElement = this.elements[key]; } this.listElement.append(this.elements[key]); elementTotal++; } } this.elementTotal = elementTotal; this.counterElement.html(this.elementTotal); if (selectElement) { selectElement.scrollIntoView(); } this.selectItem(selectElement, selectItem); } onClickElement(source, selected) { this.selectItem(source, selected); } selectItem(element, item) { if (this.selectedElem != null) { this.selectedElem.classList.remove("active"); } this.selectedElem = element; if (element != null) { this.selectedElem.classList.add("active"); } this.selectedItem = item; updateURL(this.URLLabelSelected, item); } } class MainSelector { constructor(listElement, filterElement, counterElement, maxDisplayElement, URLLabelFilter, URLLabelStatus) { this.listElement = listElement; this.filterElement = filterElement; this.filterElement.keyup(debounce('main-selector-filter-element', this.updateFilter.bind(this), 250)); this.selectorStatus = {} this.counterElement = counterElement; this.maxDisplayElement = maxDisplayElement; this.maxDisplayElement.get(0).addEventListener("change", this.maxDisplaySelection.bind(this)); this.URLLabelFilter = URLLabelFilter this.URLLabelStatus = URLLabelStatus this.filterValue = new URL(location.href).searchParams.get(URLLabelFilter); if (this.filterValue == null) { this.filterValue = ""; } this.filterElement.val(this.filterValue) this.statusFilter = new URL(location.href).searchParams.get(URLLabelStatus); updateFilterDisplay(this.statusFilter); console.log("filter", this.statusFilter); this.maxDisplayed = this.maxDisplayElement.val(); } initSelector(data) { = data; for (var key in {[key]["element"] = this.elementGenerator([key]); } this.refreshList(); } maxDisplaySelection() { this.maxDisplayed = this.maxDisplayElement.val(); this.refreshList(); } refreshList() { this.listElement.html(""); try { var filter = new RegExp(this.filterValue); } catch (e) { var safeReg = this.filterValue.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|]/g, "\\$&"); console.log( "Failed to compile regexp for '" + this.filterValue + "', using strict lookup due to: " + e ); var filter = new RegExp(safeReg); } this.selectorStatus = {} var displayedCounter = 0 for (var key in { if (this.matchElement([key], filter)) { if (this.maxDisplayed == "all" ||  displayedCounter < this.maxDisplayed) { this.listElement.append([key]["element"]); displayedCounter++ } var state = this.getStatus([key]); this.selectorStatus[state] = (this.selectorStatus[state] || 0) + 1; this.selectorStatus['total'] = (this.selectorStatus['total'] || 0) + 1; } } this.counterElement.html(displayedCounter); this.updateStatusCounters(); } onClickFilter(source, status) { if (this.statusFilter == status) { this.statusFilter = null; } else { this.statusFilter = status; } updateURL(this.URLLabelStatus, this.statusFilter); updateFilterDisplay(this.statusFilter); this.refreshList(); } updateFilter() { //console.log('filter updated from ', this.filterValue, 'to', this.filterElement.val()); this.filterValue = this.filterElement.val(); updateURL(this.URLLabelFilter, this.filterValue); this.refreshList(); } } class CodeDisplayer { constructor(codeElement, titleElement) { this.codeElement = codeElement this.titleElement = titleElement } displayData(key, code) { this.titleElement.html(key); this.codeElement.text(code); this.codeElement.removeClass(); $('pre code').each(function(i, block) { hljs.highlightBlock(block); }); resizeWrapper('data-wrapper', 'kv-data'); } } class DisplayFlag { constructor(element, callback) { this.state = element.checked; this.callback = callback; this.element = element; var obj = this; element.addEventListener("click", function() { obj.onClickElement(); }); } onClickElement() { this.state = this.element.checked; this.callback(); } } class Favorites { constructor(favoriteKey) { this.key = favoriteKey; const all = (localStorage.getItem(this.key) || "") .split(",") .filter(e => e != ""); this.favorites = {}; for (var i in all) { this.favorites[all[i]] = true; } } saveFavorites() { let fav = []; for (var i in this.favorites) { if (!this.favorites[i]) { continue; } fav.push(i); } localStorage.setItem(this.key, fav.join()); } getAsArray() { return Object.keys(this.favorites); } buildButton(serviceName) { const btn = document.createElement("button"); btn.className = "favorite"; btn.setAttribute("title", "Add/Remove from favorites"); if (this.favorites[serviceName]) { btn.className += " favorited"; } var obj = this; btn.addEventListener("click", function() { obj.toggleFav(this, serviceName); }); return btn; } toggleFav(source, serviceName) { if (serviceName in this.favorites) { delete this.favorites[serviceName]; source.classList.remove("favorited"); } else { this.favorites[serviceName] = true; source.classList.add("favorited"); } this.saveFavorites(); } }