require 'spec_helper' describe TinyRails::Commands::Add do before do Dir.exist?('.tmp') ? FileUtils.rm_rf('.tmp/*') : Dir.mkdir('.tmp') @original_wd = Dir.pwd '.tmp' %w(.gitignore application_controller.rb boot.rb Gemfile).each do |file| `touch #{file}` end end after { @original_wd } let(:output) do fixtures_path = "#{@original_wd}/spec/fixtures" fixtures = %W( #{fixtures_path}/sample_addon_1.rb ../spec/fixtures/sample_addon_2.rb ) bundled_addon = 'activerecord' output = capture(:stdout) { described_class.start([fixtures, bundled_addon, bundled_addon].flatten) } output.gsub(/\e\[(\d+)m/, '') end it 'works with full path to file' do output.should =~ /gemfile\s+from-sample-addon-1/ end it 'works with relative path to file' do output.should =~ /gemfile\s+from-sample-addon-2/ end it 'works with bundled addons' do output.should =~ /gemfile\s+activerecord/ end it 'applies addon scripts only once' do output.scan(/gemfile\s+activerecord/).should have(1).item end end