package org.sunflow.core.light; import org.sunflow.SunflowAPI; import org.sunflow.core.Instance; import org.sunflow.core.IntersectionState; import org.sunflow.core.LightSample; import org.sunflow.core.LightSource; import org.sunflow.core.ParameterList; import org.sunflow.core.PrimitiveList; import org.sunflow.core.Ray; import org.sunflow.core.Shader; import org.sunflow.core.ShadingState; import org.sunflow.image.ChromaticitySpectrum; import org.sunflow.image.Color; import org.sunflow.image.ConstantSpectralCurve; import org.sunflow.image.IrregularSpectralCurve; import org.sunflow.image.RGBSpace; import org.sunflow.image.RegularSpectralCurve; import org.sunflow.image.SpectralCurve; import org.sunflow.image.XYZColor; import org.sunflow.math.BoundingBox; import org.sunflow.math.MathUtils; import org.sunflow.math.Matrix4; import org.sunflow.math.OrthoNormalBasis; import org.sunflow.math.Point3; import org.sunflow.math.Vector3; public class SunSkyLight implements LightSource, PrimitiveList, Shader { // sunflow parameters private int numSkySamples; private OrthoNormalBasis basis; private boolean groundExtendSky; private Color groundColor; // parameters to the model private Vector3 sunDirWorld; private float turbidity; // derived quantities private Vector3 sunDir; private SpectralCurve sunSpectralRadiance; private Color sunColor; private float sunTheta; private double zenithY, zenithx, zenithy; private final double[] perezY = new double[5]; private final double[] perezx = new double[5]; private final double[] perezy = new double[5]; private float jacobian; private float[] colHistogram; private float[][] imageHistogram; // constant data private static final float[] SOL_AMPLITUDES = {165.5f, 162.3f, 211.2f, 258.8f, 258.2f, 242.3f, 267.6f, 296.6f, 305.4f, 300.6f, 306.6f, 288.3f, 287.1f, 278.2f, 271.0f, 272.3f, 263.6f, 255.0f, 250.6f, 253.1f, 253.5f, 251.3f, 246.3f, 241.7f, 236.8f, 232.1f, 228.2f, 223.4f, 219.7f, 215.3f, 211.0f, 207.3f, 202.4f, 198.7f, 194.3f, 190.7f, 186.3f, 182.6f}; private static final RegularSpectralCurve SOL_CURVE = new RegularSpectralCurve(SOL_AMPLITUDES, 380, 750); private static final float[] K_OWAVELENGTHS = {300, 305, 310, 315, 320, 325, 330, 335, 340, 345, 350, 355, 445, 450, 455, 460, 465, 470, 475, 480, 485, 490, 495, 500, 505, 510, 515, 520, 525, 530, 535, 540, 545, 550, 555, 560, 565, 570, 575, 580, 585, 590, 595, 600, 605, 610, 620, 630, 640, 650, 660, 670, 680, 690, 700, 710, 720, 730, 740, 750, 760, 770, 780, 790,}; private static final float[] K_OAMPLITUDES = {10.0f, 4.8f, 2.7f, 1.35f, .8f, .380f, .160f, .075f, .04f, .019f, .007f, .0f, .003f, .003f, .004f, .006f, .008f, .009f, .012f, .014f, .017f, .021f, .025f, .03f, .035f, .04f, .045f, .048f, .057f, .063f, .07f, .075f, .08f, .085f, .095f, .103f, .110f, .12f, .122f, .12f, .118f, .115f, .12f, .125f, .130f, .12f, .105f, .09f, .079f, .067f, .057f, .048f, .036f, .028f, .023f, .018f, .014f, .011f, .010f, .009f, .007f, .004f, .0f, .0f}; private static final float[] K_GWAVELENGTHS = {759, 760, 770, 771}; private static final float[] K_GAMPLITUDES = {0, 3.0f, 0.210f, 0}; private static final float[] K_WA_WAVELENGTHS = {689, 690, 700, 710, 720, 730, 740, 750, 760, 770, 780, 790, 800}; private static final float[] K_WA_AMPLITUDES = {0f, 0.160e-1f, 0.240e-1f, 0.125e-1f, 0.100e+1f, 0.870f, 0.610e-1f, 0.100e-2f, 0.100e-4f, 0.100e-4f, 0.600e-3f, 0.175e-1f, 0.360e-1f}; private static final IrregularSpectralCurve K_OCURVE = new IrregularSpectralCurve(K_OWAVELENGTHS, K_OAMPLITUDES); private static final IrregularSpectralCurve K_GCURVE = new IrregularSpectralCurve(K_GWAVELENGTHS, K_GAMPLITUDES); private static final IrregularSpectralCurve K_WA_CURVE = new IrregularSpectralCurve(K_WA_WAVELENGTHS, K_WA_AMPLITUDES); public SunSkyLight() { numSkySamples = 64; sunDirWorld = new Vector3(1, 1, 1); turbidity = 6; basis = OrthoNormalBasis.makeFromWV(new Vector3(0, 0, 1), new Vector3(0, 1, 0)); groundExtendSky = false; groundColor = Color.BLACK; initSunSky(); } private SpectralCurve computeAttenuatedSunlight(float theta, float turbidity) { float[] data = new float[91]; // holds the sunsky curve data final double alpha = 1.3; final double lozone = 0.35; final double w = 2.0; double beta = 0.04608365822050 * turbidity - 0.04586025928522; // Relative optical mass double m = 1.0 / (Math.cos(theta) + 0.000940 * Math.pow(1.6386 - theta, -1.253)); for (int i = 0, lambda = 350; lambda <= 800; i++, lambda += 5) { // Rayleigh scattering double tauR = Math.exp(-m * 0.008735 * Math.pow(lambda / 1000.0, -4.08)); // Aerosol (water + dust) attenuation double tauA = Math.exp(-m * beta * Math.pow(lambda / 1000.0, -alpha)); // Attenuation due to ozone absorption double tauO = Math.exp(-m * K_OCURVE.sample(lambda) * lozone); // Attenuation due to mixed gases absorption double tauG = Math.exp(-1.41 * K_GCURVE.sample(lambda) * m / Math.pow(1.0 + 118.93 * K_GCURVE.sample(lambda) * m, 0.45)); // Attenuation due to water vapor absorption double tauWA = Math.exp(-0.2385 * K_WA_CURVE.sample(lambda) * w * m / Math.pow(1.0 + 20.07 * K_WA_CURVE.sample(lambda) * w * m, 0.45)); // 100.0 comes from SOL_AMPLITUDES begin in wrong units. double amp = /* 100.0 * */ SOL_CURVE.sample(lambda) * tauR * tauA * tauO * tauG * tauWA; data[i] = (float) amp; } return new RegularSpectralCurve(data, 350, 800); } private double perezFunction(final double[] lam, double theta, double gamma, double lvz) { double den = ((1.0 + lam[0] * Math.exp(lam[1])) * (1.0 + lam[2] * Math.exp(lam[3] * sunTheta) + lam[4] * Math.cos(sunTheta) * Math.cos(sunTheta))); double num = ((1.0 + lam[0] * Math.exp(lam[1] / Math.cos(theta))) * (1.0 + lam[2] * Math.exp(lam[3] * gamma) + lam[4] * Math.cos(gamma) * Math.cos(gamma))); return lvz * num / den; } private void initSunSky() { // perform all the required initialization of constants sunDirWorld.normalize(); sunDir = basis.untransform(sunDirWorld, new Vector3()); sunDir.normalize(); sunTheta = (float) Math.acos(MathUtils.clamp(sunDir.z, -1, 1)); if (sunDir.z > 0) { sunSpectralRadiance = computeAttenuatedSunlight(sunTheta, turbidity); // produce color suitable for rendering sunColor = RGBSpace.SRGB.convertXYZtoRGB(sunSpectralRadiance.toXYZ().mul(1e-4f)).constrainRGB(); } else { sunSpectralRadiance = new ConstantSpectralCurve(0); } // sunSolidAngle = (float) (0.25 * Math.PI * 1.39 * 1.39 / (150 * 150)); float theta2 = sunTheta * sunTheta; float theta3 = sunTheta * theta2; float T = turbidity; float T2 = turbidity * turbidity; double chi = (4.0 / 9.0 - T / 120.0) * (Math.PI - 2.0 * sunTheta); zenithY = (4.0453 * T - 4.9710) * Math.tan(chi) - 0.2155 * T + 2.4192; zenithY *= 1000; /* conversion from kcd/m^2 to cd/m^2 */ zenithx = (0.00165 * theta3 - 0.00374 * theta2 + 0.00208 * sunTheta + 0) * T2 + (-0.02902 * theta3 + 0.06377 * theta2 - 0.03202 * sunTheta + 0.00394) * T + (0.11693 * theta3 - 0.21196 * theta2 + 0.06052 * sunTheta + 0.25885); zenithy = (0.00275 * theta3 - 0.00610 * theta2 + 0.00316 * sunTheta + 0) * T2 + (-0.04212 * theta3 + 0.08970 * theta2 - 0.04153 * sunTheta + 0.00515) * T + (0.15346 * theta3 - 0.26756 * theta2 + 0.06669 * sunTheta + 0.26688); perezY[0] = 0.17872 * T - 1.46303; perezY[1] = -0.35540 * T + 0.42749; perezY[2] = -0.02266 * T + 5.32505; perezY[3] = 0.12064 * T - 2.57705; perezY[4] = -0.06696 * T + 0.37027; perezx[0] = -0.01925 * T - 0.25922; perezx[1] = -0.06651 * T + 0.00081; perezx[2] = -0.00041 * T + 0.21247; perezx[3] = -0.06409 * T - 0.89887; perezx[4] = -0.00325 * T + 0.04517; perezy[0] = -0.01669 * T - 0.26078; perezy[1] = -0.09495 * T + 0.00921; perezy[2] = -0.00792 * T + 0.21023; perezy[3] = -0.04405 * T - 1.65369; perezy[4] = -0.01092 * T + 0.05291; final int w = 32, h = 32; imageHistogram = new float[w][h]; colHistogram = new float[w]; float du = 1.0f / w; float dv = 1.0f / h; for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { float u = (x + 0.5f) * du; float v = (y + 0.5f) * dv; Color c = getSkyRGB(getDirection(u, v)); imageHistogram[x][y] = c.getLuminance() * (float) Math.sin(Math.PI * v); if (y > 0) { imageHistogram[x][y] += imageHistogram[x][y - 1]; } } colHistogram[x] = imageHistogram[x][h - 1]; if (x > 0) { colHistogram[x] += colHistogram[x - 1]; } for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { imageHistogram[x][y] /= imageHistogram[x][h - 1]; } } for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) { colHistogram[x] /= colHistogram[w - 1]; } jacobian = (float) (2 * Math.PI * Math.PI) / (w * h); } @Override public boolean update(ParameterList pl, SunflowAPI api) { Vector3 up = pl.getVector("up", null); Vector3 east = pl.getVector("east", null); if (up != null && east != null) { basis = OrthoNormalBasis.makeFromWV(up, east); } else if (up != null) { basis = OrthoNormalBasis.makeFromW(up); } numSkySamples = pl.getInt("samples", numSkySamples); sunDirWorld = pl.getVector("sundir", sunDirWorld); turbidity = pl.getFloat("turbidity", turbidity); groundExtendSky = pl.getBoolean("ground.extendsky", groundExtendSky); groundColor = pl.getColor("ground.color", groundColor); // recompute model initSunSky(); return true; } private Color getSkyRGB(Vector3 dir) { if (dir.z < 0 && !groundExtendSky) { return groundColor; } if (dir.z < 0.001f) { dir.z = 0.001f; } dir.normalize(); double theta = Math.acos(MathUtils.clamp(dir.z, -1, 1)); double gamma = Math.acos(MathUtils.clamp(, sunDir), -1, 1)); double x = perezFunction(perezx, theta, gamma, zenithx); double y = perezFunction(perezy, theta, gamma, zenithy); double Y = perezFunction(perezY, theta, gamma, zenithY) * 1e-4; XYZColor c = ChromaticitySpectrum.get((float) x, (float) y); // XYZColor c = new ChromaticitySpectrum((float) x, (float) y).toXYZ(); float X = (float) (c.getX() * Y / c.getY()); float Z = (float) (c.getZ() * Y / c.getY()); return RGBSpace.SRGB.convertXYZtoRGB(X, (float) Y, Z); } @Override public int getNumSamples() { return 1 + numSkySamples; } @Override public void getPhoton(double randX1, double randY1, double randX2, double randY2, Point3 p, Vector3 dir, Color power) { // FIXME: not implemented } @Override public float getPower() { return 0; } @Override public void getSamples(ShadingState state) { if (, state.getGeoNormal()) > 0 &&, state.getNormal()) > 0) { LightSample dest = new LightSample(); dest.setShadowRay(new Ray(state.getPoint(), sunDirWorld)); dest.getShadowRay().setMax(Float.MAX_VALUE); dest.setRadiance(sunColor, sunColor); dest.traceShadow(state); state.addSample(dest); } int n = state.getDiffuseDepth() > 0 ? 1 : numSkySamples; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { // random offset on unit square, we use the infinite version of // getRandom because the light sampling is adaptive double randX = state.getRandom(i, 0, n); double randY = state.getRandom(i, 1, n); int x = 0; while (randX >= colHistogram[x] && x < colHistogram.length - 1) { x++; } float[] rowHistogram = imageHistogram[x]; int y = 0; while (randY >= rowHistogram[y] && y < rowHistogram.length - 1) { y++; } // sample from (x, y) float u = (float) ((x == 0) ? (randX / colHistogram[0]) : ((randX - colHistogram[x - 1]) / (colHistogram[x] - colHistogram[x - 1]))); float v = (float) ((y == 0) ? (randY / rowHistogram[0]) : ((randY - rowHistogram[y - 1]) / (rowHistogram[y] - rowHistogram[y - 1]))); float px = ((x == 0) ? colHistogram[0] : (colHistogram[x] - colHistogram[x - 1])); float py = ((y == 0) ? rowHistogram[0] : (rowHistogram[y] - rowHistogram[y - 1])); float su = (x + u) / colHistogram.length; float sv = (y + v) / rowHistogram.length; float invP = (float) Math.sin(sv * Math.PI) * jacobian / (n * px * py); Vector3 localDir = getDirection(su, sv); Vector3 dir = basis.transform(localDir, new Vector3()); if (, state.getGeoNormal()) > 0 &&, state.getNormal()) > 0) { LightSample dest = new LightSample(); dest.setShadowRay(new Ray(state.getPoint(), dir)); dest.getShadowRay().setMax(Float.MAX_VALUE); Color radiance = getSkyRGB(localDir); dest.setRadiance(radiance, radiance); dest.getDiffuseRadiance().mul(invP); dest.getSpecularRadiance().mul(invP); dest.traceShadow(state); state.addSample(dest); } } } @Override public PrimitiveList getBakingPrimitives() { return null; } @Override public int getNumPrimitives() { return 1; } @Override public float getPrimitiveBound(int primID, int i) { return 0; } @Override public BoundingBox getWorldBounds(Matrix4 o2w) { return null; } @Override public void intersectPrimitive(Ray r, int primID, IntersectionState state) { if (r.getMax() == Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { state.setIntersection(0); } } @Override public void prepareShadingState(ShadingState state) { if (state.includeLights()) { state.setShader(this); } } @Override public Color getRadiance(ShadingState state) { return getSkyRGB(basis.untransform(state.getRay().getDirection())).constrainRGB(); } @Override public void scatterPhoton(ShadingState state, Color power) { // let photon escape } private Vector3 getDirection(float u, float v) { Vector3 dest = new Vector3(); double phi = 0, theta = 0; theta = u * 2 * Math.PI; phi = v * Math.PI; double sin_phi = Math.sin(phi); dest.x = (float) (-sin_phi * Math.cos(theta)); dest.y = (float) Math.cos(phi); dest.z = (float) (sin_phi * Math.sin(theta)); return dest; } @Override public Instance createInstance() { return Instance.createTemporary(this, null, this); } }