require 'helper' require 'rack/lobster' class TestVitrineInRackStack < Test::Unit::TestCase include Rack::Test::Methods, VitrineTesting def app td = temporary_app_dir outer = do # The outer app use Vitrine::App do |v| v.settings.set root: td end # And a lobster downstream map "/lobster" do run end end outer.to_app end def test_lobster get '/lobster' assert last_response.ok? assert_match /Lobstericious/, last_response.body, "Should have forwarded to downstream Lobster" end def test_fetch_static_file_sets_cache_control write_public('') do | f | f << 'window.alert "Hello Coffee"' end get '/' assert last_response.ok? assert last_response['Last-Modified'], 'Last-Modified should be set' assert_equal 'public, must-revalidate, max-age=3600', last_response['Cache-Control'] end def test_fetch_js write_public('') do | f | f << 'window.alert "Hello Coffee"' end get '/hello.js' assert last_response.ok? assert_include last_response.body, 'window.alert("Hello Coffee")', "Should include the JS fragment" end end