Randomization core extension methods.
This library extends Object, Array, String and Hash with randomization methods. Most of the methods are of one of two kinds. Either they "pick" a random element from the reciever or they randomly "shuffle" the reciever.
The most common example is Array#shuffle, which simply randmomizes the order of an array‘s elements.
[1,2,3].shuffle #=> [2,3,1]
The other methods do similar things for their respective classes.
- Ilmari Heikkinen <kig@misfiring.net>
- Christian Neukirchen <chneukirchen@gmail.com>
- Thomas Sawyer
Copyright (c) 2005 Ilmari Heikkinen, Christian Neukirchen, Thomas Sawyer
Ruby License
This module is free software. You may use, modify, and/or redistribute this software under the same terms as Ruby.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
- facets/hash/zipnew
- facets/string/shatter