if __FILE__ == $0 $:.unshift '../../lib' $:.unshift '..' $puppetbase = "../.." end require 'puppet' require 'puppet/server' require 'puppet/sslcertificates' require 'test/unit' require 'puppettest.rb' class TestPuppetCA < Test::Unit::TestCase include ExeTest def mkcert(hostname) cert = nil assert_nothing_raised { cert = Puppet::SSLCertificates::Certificate.new( :name => hostname ) cert.mkcsr } return cert end def runca(args) debug = "" if Puppet[:debug] debug = "-d " end return %x{puppetca --user=#{Puppet[:user]} #{debug} --group=#{Puppet[:group]} --confdir=#{Puppet[:confdir]} --vardir=#{Puppet[:vardir]} #{args} 2>&1} end def test_signing ca = nil Puppet[:autosign] = false assert_nothing_raised { ca = Puppet::Server::CA.new() } #Puppet.warning "SSLDir is %s" % Puppet[:confdir] #system("find %s" % Puppet[:confdir]) cert = mkcert("host.test.com") resp = nil assert_nothing_raised { # We need to use a fake name so it doesn't think the cert is from # itself. resp = ca.getcert(cert.csr.to_pem, "fakename", "") } assert_equal(["",""], resp) #Puppet.warning "SSLDir is %s" % Puppet[:confdir] #system("find %s" % Puppet[:confdir]) output = nil assert_nothing_raised { output = runca("--list").chomp.split("\n").reject { |line| line =~ /warning:/ } # stupid ssl.rb } #Puppet.warning "SSLDir is %s" % Puppet[:confdir] #system("find %s" % Puppet[:confdir]) assert_equal($?,0) assert_equal(%w{host.test.com}, output) assert_nothing_raised { output = runca("--sign -a").chomp.split("\n") } assert_equal($?,0) assert_equal(["Signed host.test.com"], output) signedfile = File.join(Puppet[:signeddir], "host.test.com.pem") assert(FileTest.exists?(signedfile), "cert does not exist") assert(! FileTest.executable?(signedfile), "cert is executable") uid = Puppet::Util.uid(Puppet[:user]) if Process.uid == 0 assert(! FileTest.owned?(signedfile), "cert is owned by root") end assert_nothing_raised { output = runca("--list").chomp.split("\n") } assert_equal($?,0) assert_equal(["No certificates to sign"], output) end end # $Id: puppetca.rb 1256 2006-06-13 15:57:06Z luke $