# frozen_string_literal: true require 'csv' module Bulkrax # TODO: We need to rework this class some to address the Metrics/ClassLength rubocop offense. # We do too much in these entry classes. We need to extract the common logic from the various # entry models into a module that can be shared between them. class CsvEntry < Entry # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength serialize :raw_metadata, JSON def self.fields_from_data(data) data.headers.flatten.compact.uniq end # there's a risk that this reads the whole file into memory and could cause a memory leak def self.read_data(path) raise StandardError, 'CSV path empty' if path.blank? CSV.read(path, headers: true, header_converters: :symbol, encoding: 'utf-8') end def self.data_for_entry(data, _source_id, parser) # If a multi-line CSV data is passed, grab the first row data = data.first if data.is_a?(CSV::Table) # model has to be separated so that it doesn't get mistranslated by to_h raw_data = data.to_h raw_data[:model] = data[:model] if data[:model].present? # If the collection field mapping is not 'collection', add 'collection' - the parser needs it # TODO: change to :parents raw_data[:parents] = raw_data[parent_field(parser).to_sym] if raw_data.keys.include?(parent_field(parser).to_sym) && parent_field(parser) != 'parents' return raw_data end def build_metadata raise StandardError, 'Record not found' if record.nil? raise StandardError, "Missing required elements, missing element(s) are: #{importerexporter.parser.missing_elements(keys_without_numbers(record.keys)).join(', ')}" unless importerexporter.parser.required_elements?(keys_without_numbers(record.keys)) self.parsed_metadata = {} add_identifier add_ingested_metadata add_visibility add_metadata_for_model add_rights_statement add_local self.parsed_metadata end def add_identifier self.parsed_metadata[work_identifier] = [record[source_identifier]] end def add_metadata_for_model if factory_class == Collection add_collection_type_gid elsif factory_class == FileSet add_path_to_file validate_presence_of_parent! else add_file unless importerexporter.metadata_only? add_admin_set_id end end def add_ingested_metadata # we do not want to sort the values in the record before adding the metadata. # if we do, the factory_class will be set to the default_work_type for all values that come before "model" or "work type" record.each do |key, value| index = key[/\d+/].to_i - 1 if key[/\d+/].to_i != 0 add_metadata(key_without_numbers(key), value, index) end end def add_file self.parsed_metadata['file'] ||= [] if record['file']&.is_a?(String) self.parsed_metadata['file'] = record['file'].split(/\s*[;|]\s*/) elsif record['file'].is_a?(Array) self.parsed_metadata['file'] = record['file'] end self.parsed_metadata['file'] = self.parsed_metadata['file'].map do |f| next if f.blank? path_to_file(f.tr(' ', '_')) end.compact end def build_export_metadata # make_round_trippable self.parsed_metadata = {} self.parsed_metadata['id'] = hyrax_record.id self.parsed_metadata[source_identifier] = hyrax_record.send(work_identifier) self.parsed_metadata['model'] = hyrax_record.has_model.first build_relationship_metadata build_mapping_metadata build_files unless hyrax_record.is_a?(Collection) self.parsed_metadata end def build_relationship_metadata # Includes all relationship methods for all exportable record types (works, Collections, FileSets) relationship_methods = { related_parents_parsed_mapping => %i[member_of_collection_ids member_of_work_ids in_work_ids], related_children_parsed_mapping => %i[member_collection_ids member_work_ids file_set_ids] } relationship_methods.each do |relationship_key, methods| next if relationship_key.blank? values = [] methods.each do |m| values << hyrax_record.public_send(m) if hyrax_record.respond_to?(m) end values = values.flatten.uniq next if values.blank? handle_join_on_export(relationship_key, values, mapping[related_parents_parsed_mapping]['join'].present?) end end def build_mapping_metadata mapping.each do |key, value| next if Bulkrax.reserved_properties.include?(key) && !field_supported?(key) next if key == "model" # relationships handled by #build_relationship_metadata next if [related_parents_parsed_mapping, related_children_parsed_mapping].include?(key) next if key == 'file' # handled by #build_files next if value['excluded'] object_key = key if value.key?('object') next unless hyrax_record.respond_to?(key.to_s) || object_key.present? if object_key.present? build_object(value) else build_value(key, value) end end end def build_object(value) data = hyrax_record.send(value['object']) return if data.empty? data = data.to_a if data.is_a?(ActiveTriples::Relation) object_metadata(Array.wrap(data)) end def build_value(key, value) data = hyrax_record.send(key.to_s) if data.is_a?(ActiveTriples::Relation) if value['join'] self.parsed_metadata[key_for_export(key)] = data.map { |d| prepare_export_data(d) }.join(' | ').to_s # TODO: make split char dynamic else data.each_with_index do |d, i| self.parsed_metadata["#{key_for_export(key)}_#{i + 1}"] = prepare_export_data(d) end end else self.parsed_metadata[key_for_export(key)] = prepare_export_data(data) end end # On export the key becomes the from and the from becomes the destination. It is the opposite of the import because we are moving data the opposite direction # metadata that does not have a specific Bulkrax entry is mapped to the key name, as matching keys coming in are mapped by the csv parser automatically def key_for_export(key) clean_key = key_without_numbers(key) unnumbered_key = mapping[clean_key] ? mapping[clean_key]['from'].first : clean_key # Bring the number back if there is one "#{unnumbered_key}#{key.sub(clean_key, '')}" end def prepare_export_data(datum) if datum.is_a?(ActiveTriples::Resource) datum.to_uri.to_s else datum end end def object_metadata(data) data = data.map { |d| eval(d) }.flatten # rubocop:disable Security/Eval data.each_with_index do |obj, index| next if obj.nil? # allow the object_key to be valid whether it's a string or symbol obj = obj.with_indifferent_access obj.each_key do |key| if obj[key].is_a?(Array) obj[key].each_with_index do |_nested_item, nested_index| self.parsed_metadata["#{key_for_export(key)}_#{index + 1}_#{nested_index + 1}"] = prepare_export_data(obj[key][nested_index]) end else self.parsed_metadata["#{key_for_export(key)}_#{index + 1}"] = prepare_export_data(obj[key]) end end end end def build_files file_mapping = mapping['file']&.[]('from')&.first || 'file' file_sets = hyrax_record.file_set? ? Array.wrap(hyrax_record) : hyrax_record.file_sets filenames = file_sets.map { |fs| filename(fs).to_s if filename(fs).present? }.compact handle_join_on_export(file_mapping, filenames, mapping['file']&.[]('join')&.present?) end def handle_join_on_export(key, values, join) if join parsed_metadata[key] = values.join(' | ') # TODO: make split char dynamic else values.each_with_index do |value, i| parsed_metadata["#{key}_#{i + 1}"] = value end parsed_metadata.delete(key) end end # In order for the existing exported hyrax_record, to be updated by a re-import # we need a unique value in system_identifier # add the existing hyrax_record id to system_identifier def make_round_trippable values = hyrax_record.send(work_identifier.to_s).to_a values << hyrax_record.id hyrax_record.send("#{work_identifier}=", values) hyrax_record.save end def record @record ||= raw_metadata end def self.matcher_class Bulkrax::CsvMatcher end def possible_collection_ids return @possible_collection_ids if @possible_collection_ids.present? collection_field_mapping = self.class.parent_field(parser) return [] unless collection_field_mapping.present? && record[collection_field_mapping].present? identifiers = [] split_titles = record[collection_field_mapping].split(/\s*[;|]\s*/) split_titles.each do |c_title| matching_collection_entries = importerexporter.entries.select { |e| e.raw_metadata['title'] == c_title } raise ::StandardError, 'Only expected to find one matching entry' if matching_collection_entries.count > 1 identifiers << matching_collection_entries.first&.identifier end @possible_collection_ids = identifiers.compact.presence || [] end def collections_created? possible_collection_ids.length == self.collection_ids.length end def find_collection_ids return self.collection_ids if collections_created? if possible_collection_ids.present? possible_collection_ids.each do |collection_id| c = find_collection(collection_id) skip = c.blank? || self.collection_ids.include?(c.id) self.collection_ids << c.id unless skip end end self.collection_ids end # If only filename is given, construct the path (/files/my_file) def path_to_file(file) # return if we already have the full file path return file if File.exist?(file) path = importerexporter.parser.path_to_files f = File.join(path, file) return f if File.exist?(f) raise "File #{f} does not exist" end end end