module Datapimp module Clients class Keen include Singleton def self.method_missing(meth, *args, &block) if client.respond_to?(meth) return client.send(meth, *args, &block) end super end def self.client(options={}) Keen end def options @options ||= {} end def with_options(opts={}) options.merge!(opts) self end def setup(options={}) access_token = options[:keen_read_key] || Datapimp.config.keen_read_key project_id = options[:keen_project_id] || Datapimp.config.keen_project_id unless access_token.to_s.length > 1 if respond_to?(:ask) access_token = ask("Enter a keen read key when you have one", String) end end unless project_id.to_s.length > 1 if respond_to?(:ask) project_id = ask("Enter a keen read key when you have one", String) end end Datapimp.config.set(:keen_read_key, access_token) if access_token.to_s.length > 1 Datapimp.config.set(:keen_project_id, project_id) if project_id.to_s.length > 1 end end end end