require 'test/unit' module TestCentricity class PageSection include Capybara::DSL include Capybara::Node::Matchers include Test::Unit::Assertions attr_reader :locator, :context, :name attr_accessor :parent def initialize(name, parent, locator, context) @name = name @parent = parent @locator = locator @context = context end def get_object_type :section end # Define a trait for this page section. # # @param trait_name [Symbol] name of trait (as a symbol) # @param block [&block] trait value # @example # trait(:section_locator) { "//div[@class='Messaging_Applet']" } # trait(:list_table_name) { '#Messages' } # def self.trait(trait_name, &block) define_method(trait_name.to_s, &block) end # Declare and instantiate a single generic UI Element for this page section. # # @param element_name [Symbol] name of UI object (as a symbol) # @param locator [String] CSS selector or XPath expression that uniquely identifies object # @example # element :undo_record_item, "//li[@rn='Undo Record']/a" # element :basket_header, 'div.basket_header' # def self.element(element_name, locator) class_eval(%(def #{element_name};@#{element_name} ||="#{element_name}", self, "#{locator}", :section);end)) end # Declare and instantiate a collection of generic UI Elements for this page section. # # @param element_hash [Hash] names of UI objects (as a symbol) and CSS selectors or XPath expressions that uniquely identifies objects # @example # elements profile_item: 'a#profile', # settings_item: 'a#userPreferencesTrigger', # log_out_item: 'a#logout' # def self.elements(element_hash) element_hash.each do |element_name, locator| element(element_name, locator) end end # Declare and instantiate a single button UI Element for this page section. # # @param element_name [Symbol] name of button object (as a symbol) # @param locator [String] CSS selector or XPath expression that uniquely identifies object # @example # button :checkout_button, 'button.checkout_button' # button :login_button, "//input[@id='submit_button']" # def self.button(element_name, locator) class_eval(%(def #{element_name};@#{element_name} ||="#{element_name}", self, "#{locator}", :section);end)) end # Declare and instantiate a collection of buttons for this page section. # # @param element_hash [Hash] names of buttons (as a symbol) and CSS selectors or XPath expressions that uniquely identifies buttons # @example # buttons new_account_button: 'button#new-account', # save_button: 'button#save', # cancel_button: 'button#cancel' # def self.buttons(element_hash) element_hash.each do |element_name, locator| button(element_name, locator) end end # Declare and instantiate a single text field UI Element for this page section. # # @param element_name [Symbol] name of text field object (as a symbol) # @param locator [String] CSS selector or XPath expression that uniquely identifies object # @example # textfield :user_id_field, "//input[@id='UserName']" # textfield :password_field, 'input#consumer_password' # def self.textfield(element_name, locator) class_eval(%(def #{element_name};@#{element_name} ||="#{element_name}", self, "#{locator}", :section);end)) end # Declare and instantiate a collection of text fields for this page section. # # @param element_hash [Hash] names of text fields (as a symbol) and CSS selectors or XPath expressions that uniquely identifies text fields # @example # textfields name_field: 'input#Name', # title_field: 'input#Title', # phone_field: 'input#PhoneNumber', # fax_field: 'input#FaxNumber', # email_field: 'input#Email' # def self.textfields(element_hash) element_hash.each do |element_name, locator| textfield(element_name, locator) end end # Declare and instantiate a single checkbox UI Element for this page section. # # @param element_name [Symbol] name of checkbox object (as a symbol) # @param locator [String] CSS selector or XPath expression that uniquely identifies object # @param proxy [Symbol] Optional name (as a symbol) of proxy object to receive click actions # @example # checkbox :remember_checkbox, "//input[@id='RememberUser']" # checkbox :accept_terms_checkbox, 'input#accept_terms_conditions', :accept_terms_label # def self.checkbox(element_name, locator, proxy = nil) class_eval(%(def #{element_name};@#{element_name} ||="#{element_name}", self, "#{locator}", :section, #{proxy});end)) end # Declare and instantiate a collection of checkboxes for this page section. # # @param element_hash [Hash] names of checkboxes (as a symbol) and CSS selectors or XPath expressions that uniquely identifies checkboxes # @example # checkboxes hazmat_certified_check: 'input#hazmatCertified', # epa_certified_check: 'input#epaCertified', # dhs_certified_check: 'input#homelandSecurityCertified', # carb_compliant_check: 'input#carbCompliant' # def self.checkboxes(element_hash) element_hash.each do |element_name, locator| checkbox(element_name, locator) end end # Declare and instantiate a single radio button UI Element for this page section. # # @param element_name [Symbol] name of radio object (as a symbol) # @param locator [String] CSS selector or XPath expression that uniquely identifies object # @param proxy [Symbol] Optional name (as a symbol) of proxy object to receive click actions # @example # radio :accept_terms_radio, "//input[@id='Accept_Terms']" # radio :decline_terms_radio, 'input#decline_terms_conditions', :decline_terms_label # def, locator, proxy = nil) class_eval(%(def #{element_name};@#{element_name} ||="#{element_name}", self, "#{locator}", :section, #{proxy});end)) end # Declare and instantiate a collection of radio buttons for this page section. # # @param element_hash [Hash] names of radio buttons (as a symbol) and CSS selectors or XPath expressions that uniquely identifies radio buttons # @example # radios visa_radio: 'input#payWithVisa', # mastercard_radio: 'input#payWithMastercard', # discover_radio: 'input#payWithDiscover', # amex_radio: 'input#payWithAmEx' # def self.radios(element_hash) element_hash.each do |element_name, locator| radio(element_name, locator) end end # Declare and instantiate a single label UI Element for this page section. # # @param element_name [Symbol] name of label object (as a symbol) # @param locator [String] CSS selector or XPath expression that uniquely identifies object # @example # label :welcome_label, 'div.Welcome' # label :rollup_price_label, "//div[contains(@id, 'Rollup Item Price')]" # def self.label(element_name, locator) class_eval(%(def #{element_name};@#{element_name} ||="#{element_name}", self, "#{locator}", :section);end)) end def self.labels(element_hash) element_hash.each do |element_name, locator| label(element_name, locator) end end # Declare and instantiate a single link UI Element for this page section. # # @param element_name [Symbol] name of link object (as a symbol) # @param locator [String] CSS selector or XPath expression that uniquely identifies object # @example # link :registration_link, 'a.account-nav__link.register' # link :shopping_basket_link, "//a[@href='shopping_basket']" # def, locator) class_eval(%(def #{element_name};@#{element_name} ||="#{element_name}", self, "#{locator}", :section);end)) end def self.links(element_hash) element_hash.each do |element_name, locator| link(element_name, locator) end end # Declare and instantiate a single table UI Element for this page section. # # @param element_name [Symbol] name of table object (as a symbol) # @param locator [String] CSS selector or XPath expression that uniquely identifies object # @example # table :payments_table, "//table[@class='payments_table']" # def self.table(element_name, locator) class_eval(%(def #{element_name};@#{element_name} ||="#{element_name}", self, "#{locator}", :section);end)) end def self.tables(element_hash) element_hash.each do |element_name, locator| table(element_name, locator) end end # Declare and instantiate a single select list UI Element for this page section. # # @param element_name [Symbol] name of select list object (as a symbol) # @param locator [String] CSS selector or XPath expression that uniquely identifies object # @example # selectlist :category_selector, 'select#search_form_category_chosen' # selectlist :gender_select, "//select[@id='customer_gender']" # def self.selectlist(element_name, locator) class_eval(%(def #{element_name};@#{element_name} ||="#{element_name}", self, "#{locator}", :section);end)) end def self.selectlists(element_hash) element_hash.each do |element_name, locator| selectlist(element_name, locator) end end # Declare and instantiate a single list UI Element for this page section. # # @param element_name [Symbol] name of list object (as a symbol) # @param locator [String] CSS selector or XPath expression that uniquely identifies object # @example # list :y_axis_list, 'g.y_axis' # def self.list(element_name, locator) class_eval(%(def #{element_name};@#{element_name} ||="#{element_name}", self, "#{locator}", :section);end)) end def self.lists(element_hash) element_hash.each do |element_name, locator| list(element_name, locator) end end # Declare and instantiate an single image UI Element for this page section. # # @param element_name [Symbol] name of image object (as a symbol) # @param locator [String] CSS selector or XPath expression that uniquely identifies object # @example # image :basket_item_image, 'div.product_image' # image :corporate_logo_image, "//img[@alt='MyCompany_logo']" # def self.image(element_name, locator) class_eval(%(def #{element_name};@#{element_name} ||="#{element_name}", self, "#{locator}", :section);end)) end def self.images(element_hash) element_hash.each do |element_name, locator| image(element_name, locator) end end # Declare and instantiate a single File Field UI Element for this page section. # # @param element_name [Symbol] name of file field object (as a symbol) # @param locator [String] CSS selector or XPath expression that uniquely identifies object # @example # filefield :attach_file, 's_SweFileName' # def self.filefield(element_name, locator) class_eval(%(def #{element_name};@#{element_name} ||="#{element_name}", self, "#{locator}", :section);end)) end def self.filefields(element_hash) element_hash.each do |element_name, locator| filefield(element_name, locator) end end # Declare and instantiate a cell button in a table column on this page section. # # @param element_name [Symbol] name of cell button object (as a symbol) # @param locator [String] XPath expression that uniquely identifies cell button within row and column of parent table object # @param table [Symbol] Name (as a symbol) of parent table object # @param column [Integer] 1-based index of table column that contains the cell button object # @example # cell_button :show_button, "a[@class='show']", :data_table, 5 # cell_button :edit_button, "a[@class='edit']", :data_table, 5 # def self.cell_button(element_name, locator, table, column) class_eval(%(def #{element_name};@#{element_name} ||="#{element_name}", self, "#{locator}", :section, #{table}, #{column});end)) end # Declare and instantiate a cell checkbox in a table column on this page section. # # @param element_name [Symbol] name of cell checkbox object (as a symbol) # @param locator [String] XPath expression that uniquely identifies cell checkbox within row and column of parent table object # @param table [Symbol] Name (as a symbol) of parent table object # @param column [Integer] 1-based index of table column that contains the cell checkbox object # @example # cell_checkbox :is_registered_check, "a[@class='registered']", :data_table, 4 # def self.cell_checkbox(element_name, locator, table, column) class_eval(%(def #{element_name};@#{element_name} ||="#{element_name}", self, "#{locator}", :section, #{table}, #{column});end)) end # Declare and instantiate a cell radio in a table column on this page section. # # @param element_name [Symbol] name of cell radio object (as a symbol) # @param locator [String] XPath expression that uniquely identifies cell radio within row and column of parent table object # @param table [Symbol] Name (as a symbol) of parent table object # @param column [Integer] 1-based index of table column that contains the cell radio object # @example # cell_radio :track_a_radio, "a[@class='track_a']", :data_table, 8 # def self.cell_radio(element_name, locator, table, column) class_eval(%(def #{element_name};@#{element_name} ||="#{element_name}", self, "#{locator}", :section, #{table}, #{column});end)) end # Declare and instantiate a list button in a row of a list object on this section object. # # @param element_name [Symbol] name of list button object (as a symbol) # @param locator [String] XPath expression that uniquely identifies list button within row of parent list object # @param list [Symbol] Name (as a symbol) of parent list object # @example # list_button :delete_button, "a[@class='delete']", :icon_list # list_button :edit_button, "a[@class='edit']", :icon_list # def self.list_button(element_name, locator, list) class_eval(%(def #{element_name};@#{element_name} ||="#{element_name}", self, "#{locator}", :section, #{list});end)) end # Declare and instantiate a list checkbox in a row of a list object on this section object. # # @param element_name [Symbol] name of list checkbox object (as a symbol) # @param locator [String] XPath expression that uniquely identifies list checkbox within row of parent list object # @param list [Symbol] Name (as a symbol) of parent list object # @example # list_checkbox :is_registered_check, "a[@class='registered']", :data_list # def self.list_checkbox(element_name, locator, list) class_eval(%(def #{element_name};@#{element_name} ||="#{element_name}", self, "#{locator}", :section, #{list});end)) end # Declare and instantiate a list radio in a row of a list object on this section object. # # @param element_name [Symbol] name of list radio object (as a symbol) # @param locator [String] XPath expression that uniquely identifies list radio within row of parent list object # @param list [Symbol] Name (as a symbol) of parent list object # @example # list_radio :sharing_radio, "a[@class='sharing']", :data_list # def self.list_radio(element_name, locator, list) class_eval(%(def #{element_name};@#{element_name} ||="#{element_name}", self, "#{locator}", :section, #{list});end)) end # Instantiate a single PageSection object within this PageSection object. # # @param section_name [Symbol] name of PageSection object (as a symbol) # @param class_name [String] Class name of PageSection object # @example # section :search_form, SearchForm # def self.section(section_name, class_name, locator = nil) class_eval(%(def #{section_name};@#{section_name} ||= #{class_name}.new("#{section_name}", self, "#{locator}", :section);end)) end def self.sections(section_hash) section_hash.each do |section_name, class_name| section(section_name, class_name) end end def get_locator if @locator.empty? && defined?(section_locator) locator = section_locator else locator = @locator end if @context == :section && !@parent.nil? && !@parent.get_locator.nil? "#{@parent.get_locator}|#{locator}" else locator end end def get_name @name end def set_parent(parent) @parent = parent end # Does Section object exists? # # @return [Boolean] # @example # navigation_toolbar.exists? # def exists? section, = find_section section != nil end # Is Section object enabled? # # @return [Boolean] # @example # bar_chart_section.enabled? # def enabled? !disabled? end # Is Section object disabled (not enabled)? # # @return [Boolean] # @example # bar_chart_section.disabled? # def disabled? obj, = find_element object_not_found_exception(obj, nil) obj.disabled? end # Is Section object visible? # # @return [Boolean] # @example # navigation_toolbar.visible? # def visible? section, = find_section exists = section visible = false visible = section.visible? if exists # the section is visible if it exists and it is not invisible exists && visible ? true : false end # Is Section object hidden (not visible)? # # @return [Boolean] # @example # navigation_toolbar.hidden? # def hidden? !visible? end # Wait until the Section object exists, or until the specified wait time has expired. # # @param seconds [Integer or Float] wait time in seconds # @example # navigation_toolbar.wait_until_exists(0.5) # def wait_until_exists(seconds = nil) timeout = seconds.nil? ? Capybara.default_max_wait_time : seconds wait = timeout) wait.until { exists? } rescue raise "Could not find Section object '#{get_name}' (#{get_locator}) after #{timeout} seconds" unless exists? end # Wait until the Section object no longer exists, or until the specified wait time has expired. # # @param seconds [Integer or Float] wait time in seconds # @example # navigation_toolbar.wait_until_gone(5) # def wait_until_gone(seconds = nil) timeout = seconds.nil? ? Capybara.default_max_wait_time : seconds wait = timeout) wait.until { !exists? } rescue raise "Section object '#{get_name}' (#{get_locator}) remained visible after #{timeout} seconds" if exists? end # Wait until the Section object is visible, or until the specified wait time has expired. # # @param seconds [Integer or Float] wait time in seconds # @example # bar_chart_section.wait_until_visible(0.5) # def wait_until_visible(seconds = nil) timeout = seconds.nil? ? Capybara.default_max_wait_time : seconds wait = timeout) wait.until { visible? } rescue raise "Could not find Section object '#{get_name}' (#{get_locator}) after #{timeout} seconds" unless visible? end # Wait until the Section object is hidden, or until the specified wait time has expired. # # @param seconds [Integer or Float] wait time in seconds # @example # bar_chart_section.wait_until_hidden(10) # def wait_until_hidden(seconds = nil) timeout = seconds.nil? ? Capybara.default_max_wait_time : seconds wait = timeout) wait.until { hidden? } rescue raise "Section object '#{get_name}' (#{get_locator}) remained visible after #{timeout} seconds" if visible? end # Click at a specific location within a Section object # # @param x [Integer] X offset # @param y [Integer] Y offset # @example # bar_chart_section.click_at(10, 10) # def click_at(x, y) section, = find_section raise "Section object '#{get_name}' (#{get_locator}) not found" unless section section.click_at(x, y) end def verify_ui_states(ui_states) ui_states.each do |ui_object, object_states| object_states.each do |property, state| case property when :class actual = ui_object.get_attribute(:class) when :exists actual = ui_object.exists? when :enabled actual = ui_object.enabled? when :disabled actual = ui_object.disabled? when :visible actual = ui_object.visible? when :hidden actual = ui_object.hidden? when :width actual = ui_object.get_width when :height actual = ui_object.get_height when :readonly actual = ui_object.read_only? when :checked actual = ui_object.checked? when :selected actual = ui_object.selected? when :value, :caption actual = ui_object.get_value when :maxlength actual = ui_object.get_max_length when :rowcount actual = ui_object.get_row_count when :columncount actual = ui_object.get_column_count when :placeholder actual = ui_object.get_placeholder when :options, :items, :list_items actual = ui_object.get_list_items when :optioncount, :itemcount actual = ui_object.get_item_count when :column_headers actual = ui_object.get_header_columns when :siebel_options actual = ui_object.get_siebel_options else if property.is_a?(Hash) property.each do |key, value| case key when :cell actual = ui_object.get_table_cell(value[0].to_i, value[1].to_i) when :row actual = ui_object.get_table_row(value.to_i) when :column actual = ui_object.get_table_column(value.to_i) when :item actual = ui_object.get_list_item(value.to_i) when :attribute actual = ui_object.get_attribute(value) when :native_attribute actual = ui_object.get_native_attribute(value) end end else props = property.to_s.split('_') case props[0].to_sym when :cell cell = property.to_s.delete('cell_') cell = cell.split('_') actual = ui_object.get_table_cell(cell[0].to_i, cell[1].to_i) when :row row = property.to_s.delete('row_') actual = ui_object.get_table_row(row.to_i) when :column column = property.to_s.delete('column_') actual = ui_object.get_table_column(column.to_i) when :item item = property.to_s.delete('item_') actual = ui_object.get_list_item(item.to_i) end end end if state.is_a?(Hash) && state.length == 1 error_msg = "Expected UI object '#{ui_object.get_name}' (#{ui_object.get_locator}) #{property} property to" state.each do |key, value| case key when :lt, :less_than ExceptionQueue.enqueue_exception("#{error_msg} be less than #{value} but found '#{actual}'") unless actual < value when :lt_eq, :less_than_or_equal ExceptionQueue.enqueue_exception("#{error_msg} be less than or equal to #{value} but found '#{actual}'") unless actual <= value when :gt, :greater_than ExceptionQueue.enqueue_exception("#{error_msg} be greater than #{value} but found '#{actual}'") unless actual > value when :gt_eq, :greater_than_or_equal ExceptionQueue.enqueue_exception("#{error_msg} be greater than or equal to #{value} but found '#{actual}'") unless actual >= value when :starts_with ExceptionQueue.enqueue_exception("#{error_msg} start with '#{value}' but found '#{actual}'") unless actual.start_with?(value) when :ends_with ExceptionQueue.enqueue_exception("#{error_msg} end with '#{value}' but found '#{actual}'") unless actual.end_with?(value) when :contains ExceptionQueue.enqueue_exception("#{error_msg} contain '#{value}' but found '#{actual}'") unless actual.include?(value) when :not_contains, :does_not_contain ExceptionQueue.enqueue_exception("#{error_msg} not contain '#{value}' but found '#{actual}'") if actual.include?(value) when :not_equal ExceptionQueue.enqueue_exception("#{error_msg} not equal '#{value}' but found '#{actual}'") if actual == value when :like, :is_like actual_like = actual.delete("\n") actual_like = actual_like.delete("\r") actual_like = actual_like.delete("\t") actual_like = actual_like.delete(' ') actual_like = actual_like.downcase expected = value.delete("\n") expected = expected.delete("\r") expected = expected.delete("\t") expected = expected.delete(' ') expected = expected.downcase ExceptionQueue.enqueue_exception("#{error_msg} be like '#{value}' but found '#{actual}'") unless actual_like.include?(expected) when :translate expected = I18n.t(value) ExceptionQueue.enqueue_assert_equal(expected, actual, "Expected UI object '#{ui_object.get_name}' (#{ui_object.get_locator}) translated #{property} property") end end else ExceptionQueue.enqueue_assert_equal(state, actual, "Expected UI object '#{ui_object.get_name}' (#{ui_object.get_locator}) #{property} property") end end end ExceptionQueue.post_exceptions end # Populate the specified UI elements in this Section object with the associated data from a Hash passed as an # argument. Data values must be in the form of a String for textfield and select list controls. For checkbox # and radio buttons, data must either be a Boolean or a String that evaluates to a Boolean value (Yes, No, 1, # 0, true, false) # # @param data [Hash] UI element(s) and associated data to be entered # @example # data = { prefix_select => 'Mr.', # first_name_field => 'Ignatious', # last_name_field => 'Snickelfritz', # gender_select => 'Male', # dob_field => '12/14/1957', # organ_donor_check => 'Yes', # dnr_on_file_check => 'Yes' # } # populate_data_fields(data) # def populate_data_fields(data) data.each do |data_field, data_param| unless data_param.blank? # make sure the intended UI target element exists before trying to set its value data_field.wait_until_exists(2) if data_param == '!DELETE' data_field.set('') else case data_field.get_object_type when :checkbox data_field.set_checkbox_state(data_param.to_bool) when :selectlist data_field.get_siebel_object_type == 'JComboBox' ? data_field.set("#{data_param}\t") : data_field.choose_option(data_param) when :radio data_field.set_selected_state(data_param.to_bool) when :textfield data_field.set("#{data_param}\t") when :section data_field.set(data_param) end end end end end def get_attribute(attrib) section, = find_section raise "Section object '#{get_name}' (#{get_locator}) not found" unless section section[attrib] end def get_native_attribute(attrib) section, = find_section raise "Section object '#{get_name}' (#{get_locator}) not found" unless section section.native.attribute(attrib) end private def find_section locator = get_locator tries ||= 2 attributes = [:id, :xpath, :css] type = attributes[tries] case type when :css locator = locator.delete('|') when :xpath locator = locator.delete('|') end obj = page.find(type, locator, :wait => 0.1) [obj, type] rescue retry if (tries -= 1) > 0 [nil, nil] end end end