
## Unreleased

## 1.0.2
* [#68]( Update dependency to allow grape v1. Thanks @chandeeland

## 1.0.1
* [#65]( Support for Doorkeeper 4.1 and 4.2. Thanks @daveallie

## 1.0
* [#61]( Travis cleanup Rails 4.1.x is EOL. Ruby 2.0 is unsupported.
* [#60]( Rails 5, Doorkeeper 4, grape 0.16.2 support. Thanks @texpert

## 0.5.1
* [#57]( Removed locks for doorkeeper
* [#56]( Grape 0.14.x support, removed locks.
* Tested against ruby 2.3.0

## 0.5.0
* [#50]( Grape 0.13.x support
* [#48]( Bind Doorkeeper error response into WineBouncer errors
* [#47]( Doorkeeper 3.0.x support

## 0.4.0
* [#42]( Added support for Doorkeeper 2.2
* [#41]( Added support for Grape 0.12.0, Removed support for Grape 0.8 and 0.9 (though they still work).
* [#39]( Add option to disable WineBouncer conditionally. Thanks @Fryie .

## 0.3.1
* [#31]( Improves support for default scopes trough DSL.
* [#30]( Restricted grape dependencies to the next minor level of grape.
* [#29]( Doorkeepers dependencies are restricted to minor levels. Thanks @nickcharlton
* [#27]( Fixes DSL default and protected strategy. Fixes #24 and #26.

## 0.3.0
* [#21]( Added an Easy DSL for WineBouncer. Thanks @masarakki .
* [#23]( Added support for Doorkeeper 2.1.1 and refactored strategies.

## 0.2.2
* [#17]( Added a new protected strategy. Thanks @whatasunnyday .

## 0.2.1
* [#12]( Added a rails generator to generate the WineBouncer configuration file. Thanks @whatasunnyday.
* [#7]( Added support for Doorkeeper 2.0.0 and 2.0.1. Thanks @whatasunnyday .

## 0.2.0
* [#4]( Support for newer versions of grape ( > 0.8 ).
* [#6]( Added the option to configure the resource owner.