require 'spec_helper' describe "Koala::Facebook::GraphAPI in batch mode" do before :each do @api = # app API @app_id = KoalaTest.app_id @app_access_token = KoalaTest.app_access_token @app_api = end describe "BatchOperations" do before :each do @args = { :url => "my url", :args => {:a => 2, :b => 3}, :method => "get", :access_token => "12345", :http_options => {}, :post_processing => lambda { } } end describe "#new" do it "makes http_options accessible" do == @args[:http_options] end it "makes post_processing accessible" do == @args[:post_processing] end it "makes access_token accessible" do == @args[:access_token] end it "doesn't change the original http_options" do @args[:http_options][:name] = "baz2" expected = @args[:http_options].dup @args[:http_options].should == expected end it "leaves the file array nil by default" do be_nil end it "raises a KoalaError if no access token supplied" do expect { => nil)) }.to raise_exception(Koala::KoalaError) end describe "when supplied binary files" do before :each do @binary = stub("Binary file") @uploadable_io = stub("UploadableIO 1") @batch_queue = [] Koala::Facebook::GraphAPI.stub(:batch_calls).and_return(@batch_queue) Koala::UploadableIO.stub(:new).with(@binary).and_return(@uploadable_io) Koala::UploadableIO.stub(:binary_content?).and_return(false) Koala::UploadableIO.stub(:binary_content?).with(@binary).and_return(true) Koala::UploadableIO.stub(:binary_content?).with(@uploadable_io).and_return(true) @uploadable_io.stub(:is_a?).with(Koala::UploadableIO).and_return(true) @args[:method] = "post" # files are always post end it "adds binary files to the files attribute as UploadableIOs" do @args[:args].merge!("source" => @binary) batch_op = batch_op.files.should_not be_nil batch_op.files.find {|k, v| v == @uploadable_io}.should_not be_nil end it "works if supplied an UploadableIO as an argument" do # as happens with put_picture at the moment @args[:args].merge!("source" => @uploadable_io) batch_op = batch_op.files.should_not be_nil batch_op.files.find {|k, v| v == @uploadable_io}.should_not be_nil end it "assigns each binary parameter unique name" do @args[:args].merge!("source" => @binary, "source2" => @binary) batch_op = # if the name wasn't unique, there'd just be one item batch_op.files.should have(2).items end it "assigns each binary parameter unique name across batch requests" do @args[:args].merge!("source" => @binary, "source2" => @binary) batch_op = # simulate the batch operation, since it's used in determination @batch_queue << batch_op batch_op2 = @batch_queue << batch_op2 # if the name wasn't unique, we should have < 4 items since keys would be the same batch_op.files.merge(batch_op2.files).should have(4).items end it "removes the value from the arguments" do @args[:args].merge!("source" => @binary)[:body].should_not =~ /source=/ end end end describe ".to_batch_params" do describe "handling arguments and URLs" do shared_examples_for "request with no body" do it "adds the args to the URL string, with ? if no args previously present" do test_args = "foo" @args[:url] = url = "/" Koala.http_service.stub(:encode_params).and_return(test_args)[:relative_url].should == "#{url}?#{test_args}" end it "adds the args to the URL string, with & if args previously present" do test_args = "foo" @args[:url] = url = "/?a=2" Koala.http_service.stub(:encode_params).and_return(test_args)[:relative_url].should == "#{url}&#{test_args}" end it "adds nothing to the URL string if there are no args to be added" do @args[:args] = {}[:access_token])[:relative_url].should == @args[:url] end it "adds nothing to the body" do[:body].should be_nil end end shared_examples_for "requests with a body param" do it "sets the body to the encoded args string, if there are args" do test_args = "foo" Koala.http_service.stub(:encode_params).and_return(test_args)[:body].should == test_args end it "does not set the body if there are no args" do test_args = "" Koala.http_service.stub(:encode_params).and_return(test_args)[:body].should be_nil end it "doesn't change the url" do test_args = "foo" Koala.http_service.stub(:encode_params).and_return(test_args)[:relative_url].should == @args[:url] end end context "for get operations" do before :each do @args[:method] = :get end it_should_behave_like "request with no body" end context "for delete operations" do before :each do @args[:method] = :delete end it_should_behave_like "request with no body" end context "for get operations" do before :each do @args[:method] = :put end it_should_behave_like "requests with a body param" end context "for delete operations" do before :each do @args[:method] = :post end it_should_behave_like "requests with a body param" end end it "includes the access token if the token is not the main one for the request" do params = params[:relative_url].should =~ /access_token=#{@args[:access_token]}/ end it "includes the other arguments if the token is not the main one for the request" do @args[:args] = {:a => 2} params = params[:relative_url].should =~ /a=2/ end it "does not include the access token if the token is the main one for the request" do params =[:access_token]) params[:relative_url].should_not =~ /access_token=#{@args[:access_token]}/ end it "includes the other arguments if the token is the main one for the request" do @args[:args] = {:a => 2} params =[:access_token]) params[:relative_url].should =~ /a=2/ end it "includes any arguments passed as http_options[:batch_args]" do batch_args = {:name => "baz", :headers => {:some_param => true}} @args[:http_options][:batch_args] = batch_args params = params.should include(batch_args) end it "includes the method" do params =[:access_token]) params[:method].should == @args[:method].to_s end it "works with nil http_options" do expect { => nil)).to_batch_params(nil) }.not_to raise_exception end it "works with nil args" do expect { => nil)).to_batch_params(nil) }.not_to raise_exception end describe "with binary files" do before :each do @binary = stub("Binary file") Koala::UploadableIO.stub(:binary_content?).and_return(false) Koala::UploadableIO.stub(:binary_content?).with(@binary).and_return(true) @uploadable_io = stub("UploadableIO") Koala::UploadableIO.stub(:new).with(@binary).and_return(@uploadable_io) @uploadable_io.stub(:is_a?).with(Koala::UploadableIO).and_return(true) @batch_queue = [] Koala::Facebook::GraphAPI.stub(:batch_calls).and_return(@batch_queue) @args[:method] = "post" # files are always post end it "adds file identifiers as attached_files in a comma-separated list" do @args[:args].merge!("source" => @binary, "source2" => @binary) batch_op = file_ids = batch_op.files.find_all {|k, v| v == @uploadable_io}.map {|k, v| k} params = batch_op.to_batch_params(nil) params[:attached_files].should == file_ids.join(",") end end end end describe "GraphAPI batch interface" do it "returns nothing for a batch operation" do Koala.stub(:make_request).and_return(, "[]", {})) @api.batch do |batch_api| batch_api.get_object('me').should be_nil end end describe "#batch" do before :each do @fake_response =, "[]", {}) Koala.stub(:make_request).and_return(@fake_response) end describe "making the request" do context "with no calls" do it "does not make any requests if batch_calls is empty" do Koala.should_not_receive(:make_request) @api.batch {|batch_api|} end it "returns []" do @api.batch {|batch_api|}.should == [] end end it "includes the first operation's access token as the main one in the args" do access_token = "foo" Koala.should_receive(:make_request).with(anything, hash_including("access_token" => access_token), anything, anything).and_return(@fake_response) do |batch_api| batch_api.get_object('me') batch_api.get_object('me', {}, {'access_token' => 'bar'}) end end it "sets args['batch'] to a json'd map of all the batch params" do access_token = "bar" op = => access_token, :method => :get, :url => "/") op.stub(:to_batch_params).and_return({:a => 2}) Koala::Facebook::BatchOperation.stub(:new).and_return(op) # two requests should generate two batch operations expected = MultiJson.encode([op.to_batch_params(access_token), op.to_batch_params(access_token)]) Koala.should_receive(:make_request).with(anything, hash_including("batch" => expected), anything, anything).and_return(@fake_response) do |batch_api| batch_api.get_object('me') batch_api.get_object('me') end end it "adds any files from the batch operations to the arguments" do # stub the batch operation # we test above to ensure that files are properly assimilated into the BatchOperation instance # right now, we want to make sure that batch_api handles them properly @key = "file0_0" @uploadable_io = stub("UploadableIO") batch_op = stub("Koala Batch Operation", :files => {@key => @uploadable_io}, :to_batch_params => {}, :access_token => "foo") Koala::Facebook::BatchOperation.stub(:new).and_return(batch_op) Koala.should_receive(:make_request).with(anything, hash_including(@key => @uploadable_io), anything, anything).and_return(@fake_response)"bar").batch do |batch_api| batch_api.put_picture("path/to/file", "image/jpeg") end end it "preserves operation order" do access_token = "bar" # two requests should generate two batch operations Koala.should_receive(:make_request) do |url, args, method, options| # test the batch operations to make sure they appear in the right order (args ||= {})["batch"].should =~ /.*me\/farglebarg.*otheruser\/bababa/ @fake_response end do |batch_api| batch_api.get_connections('me', "farglebarg") batch_api.get_connections('otheruser', "bababa") end end it "makes a POST request" do Koala.should_receive(:make_request).with(anything, anything, "post", anything).and_return(@fake_response)"foo").batch do |batch_api| batch_api.get_object('me') end end it "makes a request to /" do Koala.should_receive(:make_request).with("/", anything, anything, anything).and_return(@fake_response)"foo").batch do |batch_api| batch_api.get_object('me') end end it "includes any http options specified at the top level" do http_options = {"a" => "baz"} Koala.should_receive(:make_request).with(anything, anything, anything, hash_including(http_options)).and_return(@fake_response)"foo").batch(http_options) do |batch_api| batch_api.get_object('me') end end end describe "processing the request" do it "throws an error if the response is not 200" do Koala.stub(:make_request).and_return(, "[]", {})) expect {"foo").batch do |batch_api| batch_api.get_object('me') end }.to raise_exception(Koala::Facebook::APIError) end it "throws an error if the response is a Batch API-style error" do Koala.stub(:make_request).and_return(, '{"error":190,"error_description":"Error validating access token."}', {})) expect {"foo").batch do |batch_api| batch_api.get_object('me') end }.to raise_exception(Koala::Facebook::APIError) end it "returns the result status if http_component is status" do Koala.stub(:make_request).and_return(, '[{"code":203,"headers":[{"name":"Content-Type","value":"text/javascript; charset=UTF-8"}],"body":"{\"id\":\"1234\"}"}]', {})) result = @api.batch do |batch_api| batch_api.get_object(KoalaTest.user1, {}, :http_component => :status) end result[0].should == 203 end it "returns the result headers as a hash if http_component is headers" do Koala.stub(:make_request).and_return(, '[{"code":203,"headers":[{"name":"Content-Type","value":"text/javascript; charset=UTF-8"}],"body":"{\"id\":\"1234\"}"}]', {})) result = @api.batch do |batch_api| batch_api.get_object(KoalaTest.user1, {}, :http_component => :headers) end result[0].should == {"Content-Type" => "text/javascript; charset=UTF-8"} end end it "is thread safe" do # ensure batch operations on one thread don't affect those on another thread_one_count = 0 thread_two_count = 0 first_count = 20 second_count = 10 Koala.stub(:make_request).and_return(@fake_response) thread1 = do @api.batch do |batch_api| first_count.times {|i| batch_api.get_object("me"); sleep(0.01) } thread_one_count = batch_api.batch_calls.count end end thread2 = do @api.batch do |batch_api| second_count.times {|i| batch_api.get_object("me"); sleep(0.01) } thread_two_count = batch_api.batch_calls.count end end thread1.join thread2.join thread_one_count.should == first_count thread_two_count.should == second_count end end end describe "usage tests" do it "gets two results at once" do me, koppel = @api.batch do |batch_api| batch_api.get_object('me') batch_api.get_object(KoalaTest.user1) end me['id'].should_not be_nil koppel['id'].should_not be_nil end it 'makes mixed calls inside of a batch' do me, friends = @api.batch do |batch_api| batch_api.get_object('me') batch_api.get_connections('me', 'friends') end friends.should be_a(Koala::Facebook::GraphCollection) end it 'turns pageable results into GraphCollections' do me, friends = @api.batch do |batch_api| batch_api.get_object('me') batch_api.get_connections('me', 'friends') end me['id'].should_not be_nil friends.should be_an(Array) end it 'makes a get_picture call inside of a batch' do pictures = @api.batch do |batch_api| batch_api.get_picture('me') end pictures.first.should_not be_empty end it "handles requests for two different tokens" do me, insights = @api.batch do |batch_api| batch_api.get_object('me') batch_api.get_connections(@app_id, 'insights', {}, {"access_token" => @app_api.access_token}) end me['id'].should_not be_nil insights.should be_an(Array) end it "inserts errors in the appropriate place, without breaking other results" do failed_insights, koppel = @api.batch do |batch_api| batch_api.get_connections(@app_id, 'insights') batch_api.get_object(KoalaTest.user1, {}, {"access_token" => @app_api.access_token}) end failed_insights.should be_a(Koala::Facebook::APIError) koppel["id"].should_not be_nil end it "handles different request methods" do result = @api.put_wall_post("Hello, world, from the test suite batch API!") wall_post = result["id"] wall_post, koppel = @api.batch do |batch_api| batch_api.put_like(wall_post) batch_api.delete_object(wall_post) end end it "allows FQL" do result = @api.batch do |batch_api| batch_api.graph_call("method/fql.query", {:query=>"select first_name from user where uid=#{KoalaTest.user1_id}"}, "post") end fql_result = result[0] fql_result[0].should be_a(Hash) fql_result[0]["first_name"].should == "Alex" end describe "binary files" do it "posts binary files" do file =, "..", "fixtures", "beach.jpg")) Koala::Facebook::BatchOperation.instance_variable_set(:@identifier, 0) result = @api.batch do |batch_api| batch_api.put_picture(file) end @temporary_object_id = result[0]["id"] @temporary_object_id.should_not be_nil end it "posts binary files with multiple requests" do file =, "..", "fixtures", "beach.jpg")) file2 =, "..", "fixtures", "beach.jpg")) Koala::Facebook::BatchOperation.instance_variable_set(:@identifier, 0) results = @api.batch do |batch_api| batch_api.put_picture(file) batch_api.put_picture(file2, {}, KoalaTest.user1) end results[0]["id"].should_not be_nil results[1]["id"].should_not be_nil end end describe "relating requests" do it "allows you create relationships between requests without omit_response_on_success" do results = @api.batch do |batch_api| batch_api.get_connections("me", "friends", {:limit => 5}, :batch_args => {:name => "get-friends"}) batch_api.get_objects("{result=get-friends:$.data.*.id}") end results[0].should be_nil results[1].should be_an(Hash) end it "allows you create relationships between requests with omit_response_on_success" do results = @api.batch do |batch_api| batch_api.get_connections("me", "friends", {:limit => 5}, :batch_args => {:name => "get-friends", :omit_response_on_success => false}) batch_api.get_objects("{result=get-friends:$.data.*.id}") end results[0].should be_an(Array) results[1].should be_an(Hash) end it "allows you to create dependencies" do me, koppel = @api.batch do |batch_api| batch_api.get_object("me", {}, :batch_args => {:name => "getme"}) batch_api.get_object(KoalaTest.user1, {}, :batch_args => {:depends_on => "getme"}) end me.should be_nil # gotcha! it's omitted because it's a successfully-executed dependency koppel["id"].should_not be_nil end it "properly handles dependencies that fail" do data, koppel = @api.batch do |batch_api| batch_api.get_connections(@app_id, 'insights', {}, :batch_args => {:name => "getdata"}) batch_api.get_object(KoalaTest.user1, {}, :batch_args => {:depends_on => "getdata"}) end data.should be_a(Koala::Facebook::APIError) koppel.should be_nil end it "throws an error for badly-constructed request relationships" do expect { @api.batch do |batch_api| batch_api.get_connections("me", "friends", {:limit => 5}) batch_api.get_objects("{result=i-dont-exist:$.data.*.id}") end }.to raise_exception(Koala::Facebook::APIError) end end end end