# = AwesomeCodeblock
# This is a CodeRay plugin that allows you to output more awesome codeblocks.
# It was inspired by the code_ray_block plugin by git@codebykat.
# == Usage
# The most basic usage is just calling the code block. This will not do much more than
# the standard codeblock wrapper.
# {% awesome_codeblock %}
# code goes here
# {% endawesome_codeblock %}
# You can choose to have a title added to the code block. This is great if you want to
# display the filename or filepath for the code snippet.
# {% awesome_codeblock title:"path/to/file.rb" %}
# code goes here
# {% endawesome_codeblock %}
# You can set the language of the code block. The default is `:text` but you can specify
# any of the code formats that CodeRay supports.
# {% awesome_codeblock lang:ruby %}
# code goes here
# {% endawesome_codeblock %}
# You can choose to add line numbers as well. Refer to the documentation for
# CodeRay::Encoder::HTML for values that can be passed in.
# {% awesome_codeblock show_line_numbers:true %}
# code goes here
# {% endawesome_codeblock %}
# You can choose to highlight specific lines within your code block as well. Just supply
# a comma separated list of line numbers.
# {% awesome_codeblock highlight:"2,3,4,7" %}
# code goes here
# ...
# {% endawesome_codeblock %}
# If you want your line numbers to start at a specific number, you can do that too!
# {% awesome_codeblock start_at:25 %}
# code goes here
# ...
# {% endawesome_codeblock %}
# Author: Terry Schmidt
# Date: 21 May 2014
# License: [WTFPL](http://www.wtfpl.net/about/)
require 'liquid'
require 'coderay'
module Author
module Plugins
class AwesomeCodeblock < Liquid::Block
attr_accessor :title, :language, :markup, :options, :code
def initialize(tag_name, markup, tokens)
@markup = markup
def render(context)
@code = super
output = ''
output += header
output += tableized_code(code)
output += footer
def header
def wrapped_title
return '' unless title