# Files in the config/locales directory are used for internationalization
# and are automatically loaded by Rails. If you want to use locales other
# than English, add the necessary files in this directory.
# To use the locales, use `I18n.t`:
# I18n.t 'hello'
# In views, this is aliased to just `t`:
# <%= t('hello') %>
# To use a different locale, set it with `I18n.locale`:
# I18n.locale = :es
# This would use the information in config/locales/es.yml.
# To learn more, please read the Rails Internationalization guide
# available at http://guides.rubyonrails.org/i18n.html.
default: "%d-%m-%Y"
datepicker: "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M"
default: "%d-%m-%Y"
mokio/article: Article
mokio/pic_gallery: Photo Gallery
mokio/mov_gallery: Movie Gallery
mokio/contact: Contact
external_link: Url
go_back: Go back
site_preview: Your Site
no_records_found: No records found
cancel: Cancel
save: Save
save_and_create_new: Save and new
edit: Edit
delete: Delete
copy: Copy
clear: Clear
confirm: Do you really want to delete this element?
no_init_image: "Thumbnail not chosen"
required_field: "Field cannot be empty"
gallery: "Gallery"
edit_photo: Edit photo
file_upload: File upload
add_files: Add files
add_file: Add file
add: Add
start_upload: Start upload
cancel_upload: Cancel upload
content_home_page: This content is displayed on home page
close: Close
name: Name
intro: Description
active: Active
external_link: External Url
data_file: File
thumb: Thumbnail
thumb_exit: Close
thumb_crop: Crop
thumb_rotate: Rotate
thumb_cuts: Cut
you_are_here: You are here
actions: Actions
display_from_out_of_range: After display to date
search: Search
table_first: First
table_last: Last
table_previous: Prev
table_next: Next
table_positions_from: Records from
table_to: to
table_all: all
table_no_records: No records
table_filtring_from: "(filtered from"
table_available_positions: "available records)"
no_matching_indexes: "No matching indexes"
please_wait: "Please wait..."
table_positions: records
show: Show
language: language
english: english
polish: polish
all: all
size: Size
wait: Please wait
content_not_in_menu: "Content not assigned to any menu"
all_dashboard: "All:"
back: "Back"
menu_with_invisible: "Menu with invisible content (no content assigned, not active content, not displayed content)"
more: more
last_created_content: "Recently created content"
last_created: "Recently added:"
last_updated_content: "Recently updated content"
last_updated: "Recently changed:"
all: All
content_now: "Content"
mov_galleries_now: Movie galleries
pic_galleries_now: Photo Galleries
articles_now: Articles
contacts_now: Contact pages
find_in_backend: Find in backend
continue: Continue
back_to_edit: "Back to edit."
sign_up: Sign up
sign_in: Sign in
logout: Logout
change_password: Change Password
version: Version
dashboard: Dashboard
copy_suffix: (copy)
dashboard: Dashboard
user: Admins
sidebar_title: Sidebar
content_management: Content management
all: All
article: Articles
pic_gallery: Photo Galleries
mov_gallery: Movie Galleries
contact: Contact Pages
menu: Menu
static_module: Reusable Blocks
module_position: Positions
external_script: External script
lang: Languages
site_elements: Site elements
settings: Settings
only_loose: Content not assigned to any menu element
contents: Content management
add_content: Add content
menus: Menu management
menus_edit: Edit menu element
menus_new: New menu element
static_modules: Reusable blocks
static_modules_edit: Edit Reusable block
static_modules_new: New Reusable block
articles_new: New article
articles_edit: Edit article
pic_galleries_new: New photo gallery
pic_galleries_edit: Edit photo gallery
mov_galleries_new: New movie gallery
mov_galleries_edit: Edit movie gallery
contacts_new: New contact page
contacts_edit: Edit contact page
comments: Comments
users: Admins
users_new: New admin
users_edit: Edit admin
external_scripts: External script
external_scripts_new: Add external script
external_scripts_edit: Edit
module_positions: Positions
module_positions_new: New position
module_positions_edit: Edit position
langs: Language Management
langs_new: New language
langs_edit: Edit language
edit_password: Change password
update_password: Change password
copy: Copy
dashboard: Dashboard
articles: Articles
pic_galleries: Photo Gallery
mov_galleries: Movie Gallery
contacts: Contact pages
new: New
create: New
edit: Edit
update: Edit
copy: Copy
show: Show
content_management: Content management
page_elements: Site elements
settings: Settings
new_menu_position: New menu position
actions: Actions
active: Active
edit_title: Edit Reusable block
index_title: Reusable blocks
index_add_new: Add Reusable block
lang_id: Language
new_title: New Reusable block
position: Position
title: Title
module_position_ids: Position
updated_at: Updated at
edit_title: Edit Reusable block
created: "Reusable block '%{title}' has been created"
updated: "Reusable block '%{title}' has been saved"
deleted: "Reusable block '%{title}' has been deleted"
update_active_true: "Reusable block '%{title}' is active"
update_active_false: "Reusable block '%{title}' is not active"
copy_title: Copy Reusable block
name: Name / Id
actions: Actions
edit_title: Edit external script
index_title: External script
index_add_new: Add external script
new_title: New external script
title: Title
updated_at: Updated at
edit_title: Edit external script
created: "External script '%{title}' has been created"
updated: "External script '%{title}' has been saved"
deleted: "External script '%{title}' has been deleted"
copy_title: Copy external script
name: Name / Id
actions: Actions
edit_title: Edit position
index_title: Positions
index_add_new: Add position
new_title: New position
title: Title
updated_at: Updated at
edit_title: Edit position
created: "Position '%{title}' has been created"
updated: "Position '%{title}' has been saved"
deleted: "Position '%{title}' has been deleted"
copy_title: Copy position
name: Name
shortname: Short name
active: Active
actions: Actions
edit_title: Edit language
index_add_new: Add language
new_title: New language
index_title: Language settings
updated_at: Updated
edit_title: Edit language
created: "Language '%{title}' has been created"
updated: "Language '%{title}' has been saved"
deleted: "Language '%{title}' has been deleted"
copy_title: Copy language
not_deleted: "You can not remove the last language "
update_active_true: "Language '%{title}' is active"
update_active_false: "Language '%{title}' is not active"
active: Active
actions: Actions
edit_title: Edit article
article_type: Type
home_page: Home Page
index_title: Articles
index_add_new: Add new article
lang_id: Language
title: Title
updated_at: Updated at
intro: Introduction
content: content
display_from: "displayed from"
display_to: "displayed to"
main_pic: thumbnail
no_init_image: "Thumbnail not selected"
created: "Article '%{title}' has been created"
updated: "Article '%{title}' has been saved"
deleted: "Article '%{title}' has been deleted"
new_title: "New article"
edit_title: "Edit article"
update_active_true: "Article '%{title}' is active"
update_active_false: "Article '%{title}' is not active"
content_assoc: Menu position
slug: Link to menu
no_slug: a link to the menu will be visible after saving the menu
name: "name"
external_link: "url"
active: "active"
visible: "visible"
description: "description"
parent_menu: "Parent menu"
target: "target"
current_window_inside: "current window"
current_window_whole: "current window - whole screen"
new_window: "new window"
created: "Menu '%{title}' has been created"
updated: "Menu '%{title}' has been edited"
deleted: "Menu '%{title}' has been deleted"
not_created: "Menu '%{title}' has NOT been created"
not_updated: "Menu '%{title}' has NOT been saved"
not_deleted: "Menu '%{title}' has NOT beed deleted"
index_title: Menu management
index_add_new: Add menu element
new_title: "New menu element"
index_add_new_menu_position: Add menu position
edit_title: "Edit menu element"
copy_title: "Copy menu element"
save: Save
save_and_create_new: "Save and new"
content: content
sort_true: Menu structure has been saved
sort_false: Not all changes in menu structure were allowed - please refresh the page.
list: List
content_remove_confirm: Would you like to remove from this menu all content from previously selected language?
modules_remove_confirm: Would you like to remove from this menu all Reusable blocks from previously selected language?
confirm: Do you really want to delete this menu item?
menu_active_legend: "Active menu element - url works"
menu_non_active_legend: "Inactive menu element - url doesn't work"
menu_visible_legend: "Visible menu element"
menu_non_visible_legend: "Invisible menu element"
exclamation_legend: "Menu element without content or with content that is non-active or non-displayed - blank page appears when this menu element is clicked."
path: Path
legend: Legend
type: Type
filter: filter ...
blocks: "Reusable blocks"
new_menu_position_title: "New menu position"
active: Active
actions: Actions
type: Type
index_title: Picture galleries
index_add_new: Add new picture gallery
lang_id: Language
title: Title
updated_at: Updated at
cannot_add_files_now: "Adding photos will be allowed after saving the gallery"
created: "Gallery '%{title}' has been created. You can now add photos."
created_and_new: "Gallery '%{title}' has been created"
updated: "Gallery '%{title}' has been saved"
deleted: "Gallery '%{title}' has been deleted"
not_created: "Gallery '%{title}' has NOT been created"
not_updated: "Gallery '%{title}' has NOT been saved"
not_deleted: "Gallery '%{title}' has NOT been deleted"
active: Active
intro: Introduction
content: content
display_from: "displayed from"
display_to: "displayed to"
new_title: "New photo gallery"
edit_title: "Edit photo gallery"
update_active_true: "Gallery '%{title}' is active"
update_active_false: "Gallery '%{title}' is not active"
active: Active
actions: Actions
type: Type
index_title: Movie galleries
index_add_new: Add new movie gallery
lang_id: Language
title: Title
updated_at: Updated at
cannot_add_files_now: "Adding movies will be allowed after saving the gallery"
created: "Gallery '%{title}' has been created. You can now add movies."
created_and_new: "Gallery '%{title}' has been created"
updated: "Gallery '%{title}' has been saved"
deleted: "Gallery '%{title}' has been deleted"
not_created: "Gallery '%{title}' has NOT been created"
not_updated: "Gallery '%{title}' has NOT been saved"
not_deleted: "Gallery '%{title}' has NOT been deleted"
active: Active
intro: Introduction
content: content
display_from: "display from"
display_to: "display to"
new_title: "New movie gallery"
edit_title: "Edit movie gallery"
update_active_true: "Gallery '%{title}' is active"
update_active_false: "Gallery '%{title}' is not active"
active: Active
actions: Actions
edit_title: Edit contact page
type: Type
index_title: Contact pages
index_add_new: Add new contact page
lang_id: Language
title: Title
updated_at: Updated at
active: Active
actions: Actions
article_type: Type
title: Title
updated_at: Updated at
main_pic: Main picture
no_init_image: "No thumb"
created: "Contact page '%{title}' has been created."
updated: "Contact page '%{title}' has been saved."
deleted: "Contact page '%{title}' has been deleted."
new_title: "New contact page"
update_active_true: "Contact page '%{title}' is now active."
update_active_false: "Contact page '%{title}' is not inactive."
tpl: Message template
form_data: Form data
form_name: Name or company
form_email: E-mail address
form_title: Title
form_content: Content
edit_gallery_content: Edit content
edit_title: Edit
add_photos: Add photos
add_youtubes: Add movies
created: "Content '%{title}' has been created"
updated: "Content '%{title}' has been saved"
deleted: "Content '%{title}' has been deleted"
not_created: "Content '%{title}' has NOT been created"
not_updated: "Content '%{title}' has NOT been updated"
not_deleted: "Content '%{title}' has NOT been deleted"
add_external_link: "Add external photo"
active: Active
intro: Introduction
content: Content
display_from: Displayed from
display_to: Displayed to
title: Title
index_title: Content Management
index_add_new: Add content
update_active_true: "Content '%{title}' is active"
update_active_false: "Content '%{title}' is not active"
updated_at: Updated at
lang_id: Language
type: Type
add_tag: Add
tags: Tags
copy_title: Copy content
comma_separated: "comma separated"
Mokio::PicGallery: Photo Gallery
Mokio::Article: Article
Mokio::MovGallery: Movie Gallery
Mokio::Contact: Contact page
larger_image: larger
sorted: Order has been changed.
edit_photo: Edit
updated: "Photo '%{title}' has been updated"
created: "Photo '%{title}' has been created"
deleted: "Photo '%{title}' has been deleted"
not_updated: "Photo '%{title}' has NOT been updated"
not_created: "Photo '%{title}' has NOT been created"
not_deleted: "Photo '%{title}' has NOT been deleted"
edit_main_photo: Edit photo
edit_thumb: Edit thumbnail
thumb_updated: Thumbnail has been updated
thumb_not_updated: Thumbnail has NOT been updated
thumb_deleted: "Thumbnail '%{name}' has been deleted"
thumb_not_deleted: "Thumbnail '%{name}' has NOT been deleted"
add_or_drop_file: Add or drop file
add_file: Add file
mark_on_photo: Select area to crop
crop_success: Thumbnail has been cropped
rotate_photo: Rotate photo
rotated: "Photo '%{name}' has been rotated"
not_rotated: "Photo '%{name}' has NOT been rotated"
crop: "Thumbnail '%{name}' has been cropped"
not_crop: "Thumbnail '%{name}' has NOT been cropped"
rotated_thumb: "Thumbnail '%{name}' has been rotated"
not_rotated_thumb: "Thumbnail '%{name}' has NOT been rotated"
thumb: Thumbnail
show_photo: Show photo
add_own_thumb: Add own thumb
thumb_upload_info: "By default, thumbnail is created from original photo"
photos_from_external_links_error: "Photos from this urls has NOT been saved:"
links_upload_info: " urls - one per row (max 10)"
edit_youtube: Edit
updated: "Movie '%{title}' has been saved"
created: "Movie '%{title}' has been added"
deleted: "Movie '%{title}' has been deleted"
no_movie_found: 'No movie with given ID has been found'
add_youtube: Add movie
preview: Preview
search_youtube_id: Url or ID
add_file: Add file
add_own_thumb: Add your own thumb
thumb_from_net: Thumb from internet
thumb_own: Your own thumb
change_thumb: Change thumb
subtitle: Subtitle
movie_url_desc: "Url for a movie from Youtube, Vimeo or DailyMotion"
meta_google: Google meta tags
meta_google_desc: meta tags influence Google search results
meta_facebook: Facebook meta tags
meta_facebook_desc: meta tags are used when sharing or displaying the site on Facebook
auto_completed: Meta tags were automatically filed in.
gmap: Google map
index_add_new: Add new admin
index_title: Admins
new_title: New admin
new_user: New admin
add_user: Add
edit_user: Edit admin
save_user: Save
copy_title: Copy admin
edit_title: Edit admin
created: "Admin '%{title}' has been created"
updated: "Admin '%{title}' has been saved"
deleted: "Admin '%{title}' has been deleted"
not_created: "Admin '%{title}' has NOT been created"
not_updated: "Admin '%{title}' has NOT been saved"
not_deleted: "Admin '%{title}' has NOT been deleted"
roles: Roles
admin: Administrator
content_editor: Content management
menu_editor: Menu management
static_module_editor: Reusable blocks management
user_editor: Admins management
comment_approver: Comment approve
reader: Reader
edit_password: Change password
password_updated: Password has been updated
password_not_updated: Password has NOT been updated
next: next
welcome_title: Welcome in Mokio!
welcome_text: ""
dashboard_nav_title: Dashboard
dashboard_nav_text: "Here you can find last changes to content or menu and easily spot things that needs to be fixed, ie. content without menu or menu without any content attached."
contentmanagment_nav_title: Content management
contentmanagment_nav_text: "Manage content of your site (article, photo galleries, movies, etc.)."
content_nav_title: Add content
content_nav_text: "Add content to your site: article, photo galleries, movies, etc. Added content should be attached to any menu element if you want it to be displayed on your site."
menu_nav_title: Menu management
menu_nav_text: "Add menu elements and attach content to menu. You can also add Reusable blocks to given position on given subpage (one, some or all)."
static_module_nav_title: Reusable blocks
static_module_nav_text: "Add Reusable blocks, so pieces of HTML that should be displayed in various places of one, many or all of the subpages."
module_position_nav_title: Positions
module_position_nav_text: Add a position that later can be user for putting Reusable block or menu on the page.
external_script_nav_title: External script
external_script_nav_text: Add custom javascript to your page.
user_nav_title: Admins management
user_nav_text: "Add, delete or edit admins."
timeOnlyTitle: "Select time"
timeText: "Time"
hourText: "Hour"
minuteText: "Minute"
secondText: "Second"
millisecText: "Milisecond"
timezoneText: "Time Zone"
currentText: "Now"
closeText: "Done"
timeFormat: "hh:mm"
timeSuffix: ''
ampm: "0"
amNames: "AM,A"
pmNames: "PM,P"
closeText: "Done"
prevText: "Prev"
nextText: "Next"
currentText: "Today"
monthNames: "January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December"
monthNamesShort: "Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec"
dayNames: "Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday"
dayNamesShort: "Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat"
dayNamesMin: "Su,Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr,Sa"
weekHeader: "Wk"
mask: "99/99/9999 99:99"
dateFormat: "dd/mm/yy"
firstDay: "0"
isRTL: "0"
showMonthAfterYear: "0"
yearSuffix: ''
unauthorized: You are not authorized to perform this action
# ============================================ Activerecord ============================================================= #
blank: "Title cannot be blank"
blank: "Name cannot be blank"
not_match_parent: "Chosen parent element doesn't match chosern language"
blank: "Title cannot be blank"
invalid: Exceeds 'Display to' date.
blank: "Title cannot be blank"
invalid: Exceeds 'Display to' date
blank: "Name cannot be blank"
taken: Given short name is already used
blank: "Short name cannot be blank"
blank: "Title cannot be blank"
invalid: Exceeds 'Display to' date
blank: "Name cannot be blank"
blank: "Script cannot be blank"
blank: "Name cannot be blank"
blank: "Name cannot be empty"
blank: "Title cannot be blank"
invalid: Exceeds 'Display to' date
too_short: Password too short (min 8 characters).
blank: The password is not given
confirmation: Passwords do not match
taken: Given e-mail address is taken
blank: Email cannot be empty
invalid: Provided an incorrect e-mail address
not_permitted: Edit not allowed
record_invalid: Incorrect record
active: Active
intro: Introduction
content: Content
display_from: Displayed from
display_to: Displayed to
title: Title
type: Type
updated_at: Updated at
lang_id: Language
home_page: Home page
tag_list: Tags (sepparated by commas)
active: Active
intro: Introduction
content: Content
display_from: Displayed from
display_to: Displayed to
title: Title
type: Type
updated_at: Updated at
lang_id: Language
home_page: Home page
active: Active
intro: Introduction
content: Content
display_from: Displayed from
display_to: Displayed to
title: Title
type: Type
updated_at: Updated at
lang_id: Language
home_page: Home page
active: Active
intro: Introduction
content: Content
display_from: Displayed from
display_to: Displayed to
title: Title
type: Type
updated_at: Updated at
lang_id: Language
home_page: Home page
main_pic: Main Photo
name: Name / Id
script: Script
name: Name
shortname: Short name
active: Active
name: Name / Id
tpl: Template
active: Active
content: Content
title: Title
type: Type
updated_at: Updated at
lang_id: Language
recipient_emails: Recipients
home_page: Home Page
tpl: Message template
full_address: Address
active: Active
intro: Introduction
content: Content
display_from: Displayed from
display_to: Displayed to
title: Title
module_positions: Positions
always_displayed: Always displayed
updated_at: Updated at
lang_id: Language
name: Name
intro: Description
active: Active
external_link: External url
data_file: File
thumb: Thumbnail
remote_data_file_url: Links
subtitle: Subtitle
name: Name
intro: Description
active: Active
external_link: External url
data_file: File
thumb: Thumb
add_own_thumb: Add your own thumb
subtitle: Subtitle
g_title: Title
g_desc: Description
g_keywords: Keywords
g_author: Author
g_copyright: Copyright
g_application_name: Application name
f_title: Title
f_type: Page type
f_image: Image
f_url: Page url
f_desc: Description
password: Password
remember_me: Remember me
email: E-mail
password_confirmation: Confirm password
record_invalid : "Incorrect record"
lang_id: Language
name: Name
external_link: Url
active: Active
visible: Visible
description: Description
parent_id: Parent element
target: Target