require 'spec_helper' describe Undertexter do use_vcr_cassette "tt0499549" before(:each) do @use = Undertexter.find("tt0499549") end it "should return return at least 31 subtitles" do Undertexter.find("tt0499549").count.should >= 31 end it "should contain cds that is of the type Fixnum" do @use.each {|subtitle| subtitle.cds.class.should eq(Fixnum)} end it "should not contain cds with the value zero" do @use.each {|subtitle| subtitle.cds.should_not be(0)} end it "should not contain some amount of downloads" do @use.each {|subtitle| subtitle.downloads.class.should be(Fixnum)} end it "should contain some downloads" do @use.reject {|subtitle| subtitle.downloads <= 0}.count.should_not be(0) end it "should not be empty" do @use.should_not be_empty end it "should contain titles that does not have whitespace in the end of beginning" do @use.each {|subtitle| subtitle.title.should_not match(/^\s+.+\s+$/)} end it "should contain titles that isn't blank" do @use.each {|subtitle| subtitle.title.should_not be_empty} end it "should contain the right details" do @use.each {|subtitle| subtitle.details.should match(/^http:\/\/www\.undertexter\.se\/\d+\/$/)} end end describe Undertexter, "trying to find a non existing movie" do use_vcr_cassette "non-existing" it "should not return any subtitles" do Undertexter.find("some random name").count.should be(0) end end describe Undertexter, "trying to search for a movie using a title" do use_vcr_cassette "die-hard" before(:each) do @use = Undertexter.find("die hard") end it "should return some subtitles when searching for a movie with whitespace" do @use.count.should >= 41 end it "should have 6 die hard movies that does not contain any title" do @use.reject{|subtitle| ! subtitle.title.empty?}.count.should be(6) end it "should contain the right details, again" do @use.each {|subtitle| subtitle.details.should match(/^http:\/\/www\.undertexter\.se\/\d+\/$/)} end it "should have a movie title" do @use.each {|subtitle| subtitle.movie_title.should match(/die hard/i)} end it "should have a movie title that is not equal to the subtitle" do @use.each {|subtitle| subtitle.movie_title.should_not eq(subtitle.title)} end it "should not contain movie title that starts or ends with whitespace" do @use.each {|subtitle| subtitle.movie_title.should_not match(/^\s+.+\s+$/)} end it "should return the same id for every link" do @use.each_with_index do |subtitle, index| subtitle.url.match(/id=(\d+)$/)[1].should eq(@use[index].details.match(/^http:\/\/www\.undertexter\.se\/(\d+)\/$/)[1]) end end it "should only contain SContainer::Subtitle instances" do @use.each { |subtitle| subtitle.should be_instance_of(SContainer::Subtitle) } end it "should not contain any attributes that contain any html tags" do @use.each do |subtitle| [:details, :downloads, :cds, :title, :movie_title, :url].each do |method| subtitle.send(method).to_s.should_not match(/<\/?[^>]*>/) end end end end describe "deactivated" do it "should raise an error if trying to fetch an english subtitle" do lambda { Undertexter.find("tt0840361", :language => :english) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, "Support for english subtitles are deactivated - for now.") end end describe Undertexter, "should work when trying to fetch some english subtitles" do use_vcr_cassette "tt0840361" # Deactivated - for now - 2011-05-11 # # it "should return at least 48 subtitles" do # Undertexter.should have_at_least(48).find("tt0840361", :language => :english) # end # it "should return the right url when trying to fetch an english sub" do # Undertexter.find("tt0840361", :language => :english).first.url.should match(/http:\/\/eng\.undertexter\.se\/subtitle\.php\?id=\d+/i) # end it "should return at least 8 subtitles" do Undertexter.should have_at_least(8).find("tt0840361", :language => :strange) end it "should return at least 8 subtitles" do Undertexter.should have_at_least(8).find("tt0840361", :language => :swedish) end it "should return the right url when trying to fetch an swedish sub" do Undertexter.find("tt0840361", :language => :swedish).first.url.should match(/http:\/\/undertexter\.se\/laddatext\.php\?id=\d+/i) end end describe "bugs" do context "tt0122933" do use_vcr_cassette "tt0122933" it "should find something" do Undertexter.find("tt0122933").count.should_not be_zero end end end describe "errors" do before(:all) do WebMock.disable_net_connect! end it "should raise an error if the markup is changed" do stub_request(:get, "").to_return(:body =>"spec/fixtures/error.html"), :status => 200) lambda { Undertexter.find("tt0499549") }.should raise_error(SourceHasBeenChangedError) end after(:all) do WebMock.allow_net_connect! end end