module Netzke module Basepack # A FormPanel with paging toolbar. Allows browsing and editing records one-by-one. # # == Configuration # Besides +Netzke::Basepack::FormPanel+ config options, accepts: # * +scope+ - specifies how the data should be filtered. # When it's a symbol, it's used as a scope name. # When it's a string, it's a SQL statement (passed directly to +ActiveRecord::Relation#where+). # When it's a hash, it's a conditions hash (passed directly to +ActiveRecord::Relation#where+). # When it's an array, it's expanded into an SQL statement with arguments (passed directly to +ActiveRecord::Relation#where+), e.g.: # # :scope => ["id > ?", 100]) # # When it's a Proc, it's passed the model class, and is expected to return an ActiveRecord::Relation, e.g.: # # :scope => { |rel| rel.where( => 100).order(:created_at) } # # == ToDo # * Update the number of records after form submit class PagingFormPanel < FormPanel js_mixin :paging_form_panel # override def record @record ||= data_adapter.first end # Pass total records amount and the first record to the JS constructor def js_config super.merge({ :total_records => total_records }) end endpoint :get_data do |params| @record = data_adapter.get_records(params).first record_hash = @record && js_record_data {:records => record_hash && [record_hash] || [], :total => total_records(params)} end action :search do { :text => I18n.t(''), :tooltip => I18n.t('netzke.basepack.paging_form_panel.actions.search_tooltip'), :icon => :find, :select => true } end def configure_bbar(c) super c[:bbar] << :search.action end component :search_form do { :lazy_loading => true, :class_name => "Netzke::Basepack::SearchWindow", :model => config[:model] } end protected def total_records(params = {}) @total_records ||= data_adapter.count_records(params, []) end end end end