require 'errplane' require 'rails' module Errplane class Railtie < ::Rails::Railtie rake_tasks do namespace :errplane do task :test => :environment do if Errplane.configuration.api_key.nil? puts "Hey, you need to define an API key first. Run `rails g errplane ` if you didn't already." exit end Errplane.configure do |config| config.debug = true config.ignored_environments = [] end timestamp = data = "tests/#{timestamp} 1 #{timestamp}" if Errplane::Worker.post_data(data) puts "Test data sent successfully!" else puts "Test failed! Check your network connection and try again." end end task :diagnose => :environment do if Errplane.configuration.api_key.nil? puts "Hey, you need to define an API key first. Run `rails g errplane ` if you didn't already." exit end Errplane.configure do |config| config.ignored_environments = [] end class ::ErrplaneSampleException < Exception; end; require ::Rails.root.join("app/controllers/application_controller.rb") puts "Setting up ApplicationController.." class ::ApplicationController prepend_before_filter :raise_sample_exception def raise_sample_exception raise"If you see this, Errplane is working.") end def errplane_dummy_action; end end ::Rails.application.routes_reloader.execute_if_updated ::Rails.application.routes.draw do match "errplane_test" => 'application#errplane_dummy_action' end puts "Generating sample request.." env = ::Rack::MockRequest.env_for("/errplane_test") puts "Attempting to raise exception via HTTP.." response = 10.times do sleep 1 break unless Errplane.api.last_response.nil? end if response.try(:first) == 500 if Errplane.api.last_response.nil? puts "Uh oh. Your app threw an exception, but we didn't get a response. Check your network connection and try again." elsif Errplane.api.last_response.code == "201" puts "Done. Check your email or for the exception notice." else puts "That didn't work. The Errplane API said: #{Errplane.api.last_response.body}" end else puts "Request failed: #{response}" env["HTTPS"] = "on" puts "Attempting to raise exception via HTTPS.." response = if response.try(:first) == 500 if Errplane.api.last_response.nil? puts "Uh oh. Your app threw an exception, but we didn't get a response. Check your network connection and try again." elsif Errplane.api.last_response.code == "201" puts "Done. Check your email or for the exception notice." else puts "That didn't work. The Errplane API said: #{Errplane.api.last_response.body}" end else puts "Request failed: #{response}" puts "We didn't get the exception we were expecting. Contact and send them all of this output." end end end end end initializer "errplane.insert_rack_middleware" do |app| app.config.middleware.insert 0, Errplane::Rack end config.after_initialize do Errplane.configure(true) do |config| config.logger ||= ::Rails.logger config.environment ||= ::Rails.env config.application_root ||= ::Rails.root config.application_name ||= ::Rails.application.class.parent_name config.framework = "Rails" config.framework_version = ::Rails.version end ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_controller) do require 'errplane/rails/air_traffic_controller' include Errplane::Rails::AirTrafficController require 'errplane/rails/instrumentation' include Errplane::Rails::Instrumentation end if defined?(::ActionDispatch::DebugExceptions) require 'errplane/rails/middleware/hijack_render_exception' ::ActionDispatch::DebugExceptions.send(:include, Errplane::Rails::Middleware::HijackRenderException) elsif defined?(::ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions) require 'errplane/rails/middleware/hijack_render_exception' ::ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions.send(:include, Errplane::Rails::Middleware::HijackRenderException) end if defined?(ActiveSupport::Notifications) ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe "process_action.action_controller" do |name, start, finish, id, payload| if Errplane.configuration.instrumentation_enabled? timestamp = finish.utc.to_i controller_runtime = ((finish - start)*1000).ceil view_runtime = (payload[:view_runtime] || 0).ceil db_runtime = (payload[:db_runtime] || 0).ceil controller_name = payload[:controller] action_name = payload[:action] Errplane.queue.push({ :name => "controllers/#{controller_name}##{action_name}", :value => controller_runtime, :timestamp => timestamp }) Errplane.queue.push({ :name => "views/#{controller_name}##{action_name}", :value => view_runtime, :timestamp => timestamp }) Errplane.queue.push({ :name => "db/#{controller_name}##{action_name}", :value => db_runtime, :timestamp => timestamp }) end end end end end end