require 'kangaroo/model/dynamic_finder' module Kangaroo module Model class Relation include DynamicFinder # @private ARRAY_DELEGATES = %w( all? any? as_json at b64encode blank? choice class clone collect collect! combination compact compact! concat cycle decode64 delete delete_at delete_if detect drop drop_while dup duplicable? each each_cons each_index each_slice each_with_index each_with_object empty? encode64 encode_json entries enum_cons enum_for enum_slice enum_with_index eql? equal? exclude? extract_options! fetch fifth fill find_all find_index flatten flatten! forty_two fourth freeze frozen? grep group_by html_safe? in_groups in_groups_of include? index index_by indexes indices inject insert inspect instance_eval instance_exec instance_of? is_a? join kind_of? last many? map map! max max_by member? min min_by minmax minmax_by nitems none? one? pack paginate partition permutation pop presence present? pretty_inspect pretty_print pretty_print_cycle pretty_print_inspect pretty_print_instance_variables product push rassoc reduce reject reject! replace respond_to? returning reverse reverse! reverse_each rindex sample second shelljoin shift shuffle shuffle! slice slice! sort sort! sort_by split sum take take_while tap third to to_ary to_default_s to_enum to_formatted_s to_json to_matcher to_param to_query to_s to_sentence to_set to_xml to_xml_rpc to_yaml to_yaml_properties to_yaml_style transpose type uniq uniq! uniq_by uniq_by! unshift values_at yaml_initialize zip |).freeze # @private attr_accessor :target, :where_clauses, :offset_clause, :limit_clause, :select_clause, :order_clause, :context_clause, :reverse_flag alias_method :_clone, :clone alias_method :_tap, :tap delegate *(ARRAY_DELEGATES + [:to => :to_a]) # @private def initialize target @target = target @where_clauses = [] @select_clause = [] @order_clause = [] @context_clause = {} end # Submit the query def to_a @target.search_and_read @where_clauses, search_parameters, read_parameters end alias_method :all, :to_a # Return only the first record def first limit(1).to_a.first end # Return only the last record def last count = self.count offset(count - 1).limit(1).first end # Check if a record with fulfilling this conditions exist def exists?, search_parameters.merge(:limit => 1)).present? end # Find record(s) by id(s) def find ids records = where(:id => ids) Array === ids ? records.all : records.first end def find_in_batches batch_size = 100 objects_count = count batches_count = objects_count / batch_size + 1 objects = [] batches_count.times do |batch_no| objects += limit(batch_size).offset(batch_no * batch_size).all end objects end # Count how many records fulfill this conditions def count @target.count_by @where_clauses, search_parameters end alias_method :size, :count alias_method :length, :count # Reverse all order clauses def reverse if @order_clause.blank? _clone._tap do |c| c.reverse_flag = !c.reverse_flag end else _clone._tap do |c| c.reverse_flag = false c.order_clause = do |order| reverse_order order end end end end # Clone this relation and add the condition to the where clause # # @param [Hash, Array, String] condition # @return [Relation] cloned relation def where condition _clone._tap do |c| c.where_clauses += [condition] end end # Clone this relation and (re)set the limit clause # # @param [Number] limit maximum records to retriebe # @return [Relation] cloned relation def limit limit _clone._tap do |c| c.limit_clause = limit end end # Clone this relation and (re)set the offset clause # # @param [Number] offset number of records to skip # @return [Relation] cloned relation def offset offset _clone._tap do |c| c.offset_clause = offset end end # Clone this relation and add select expressions to select clause # # @param [Array, String, Symbol] selects fields to retrieve # @return [Relation] cloned relation def select *selects selects = &:to_s _clone._tap do |c| c.select_clause += selects end end # Clone this relation and add a context # # @param [Hash] context # @return [Relation] cloned relation def context context = {} _clone._tap do |c| c.context_clause = c.context_clause.merge(context) end end # Clone this relation and add an order instruction # # @param [String, Symbol] column field to order by # @param [boolean] desc true to order descending def order column, desc = false column = column.to_s column = column + " desc" if desc _clone._tap do |c| c.reverse_flag = true if column.downcase == 'id desc' c.order_clause += [column.to_s] end end # Shortcut to set limit and offset and execute queries immediately. # If {#limit} or {#offset} are already set, [] is equal to #to_a[] # # @overload [](n) # @param [Number] n # @return [Kangaroo::Model::Base] n-th record # @overload [](n, m) # @param [Number] n # @param [Number] m # @return [Array] m records, offset n # @overload [](n..m) # @param [Range] range n..m # @return [Array] records m to n def [] start_or_range, stop = nil if @limit_clause || @offset_clause return to_a[start_or_range, stop] if stop return to_a[start_or_range] end c = _clone c.offset_clause = if start_or_range.is_a?(Range) range_end = start_or_range.end range_end += 1 unless start_or_range.exclude_end? c.limit_clause = range_end - start_or_range.begin start_or_range.begin elsif stop c.limit_clause = stop start_or_range else c.limit_clause = 1 start_or_range end (stop.nil? && Integer===start_or_range) ? c.to_a.first : c.to_a end protected def search_parameters { :offset => @offset_clause, :limit => @limit_clause, :order => @order_clause.join(", "), :context => @context_clause } end def read_parameters { :fields => @select_clause, :context => @context_clause, :reverse_flag => @reverse_flag } end def reverse_order order if match = order.match(/(.*)\sdesc/i) match[1] else order + " desc" end end end end end