= ar_mailer_rails3 A two-phase delivery agent for ActionMailer which works for Rails 3 with feature for setting mail priority. https://github.com/yzhang/ar_mailer_rails3 and for forked additions https://github.com/gsoni-ror/ar_mailer_rails3/wikis == About Even delivering email to the local machine may take too long when you have to send hundreds of messages. ar_mailer allows you to store messages into the database for later delivery by a separate process, ar_sendmail. Now also allows to set priorities to the mails or skip mail from getting into the queue if required. == Installing ar_mailer_rails3 Don't need remove adzap-ar_mailer or ar_mailer, just install ar_mailer_rails3 $ sudo gem install prioritized_ar_mailer_rails3 == Usage Go to your Rails project: $ cd your_rails_project Create the migration, model and initializer: This shows the options which are only the model name, which defaults to Email ./script/generate ar_mailer_rails3 -h Then run with defaults ./script/generate ar_mailer email Or specify a custom model name ./script/generate ar_mailer newsletter See Alternate Mail Storage if you use a custom model name In your mailer class methods you must be sure to set the From address for your emails. Something like: def list_send(recipient) from 'no_reply@example.com' # ... And if you want to set the mail priority, add request level variable @priority Something like: def list_send(recipient) @priority = 5 # ... @priority could be any number, ar_mailer sort mails on priority and send it in the desc order. Just in case you want to skip any mail from getting into the queue[for Urgent mails], you can assign @priority = -1 :) Edit config/initializer/ar_mailer_rails3.rb and uncomment below line to use ar_mailer as default delivery method: ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :active_record Or if you need to, you can set each mailer class delivery method individually: class MyMailer < ActionMailer::Base self.delivery_method = :active_record end This can be useful when using plugins like ExceptionNotification. Where it might be foolish to tie the sending of the email alert to the database when the database might be causing the exception being raised. In this instance you could override ExceptionNofitier delivery method to be smtp or set the other mailer classes to use ARMailer explicitly. Then to run it: $ ar_sendmail_rails3 You can also run it from cron with -o, or as a daemon with -d. See ar_sendmail_rails3 -h for full details. === Alternate Mail Storage By default ar_mailer_rails3 assumes you are using an ActiveRecord model called Email to store the emails created before sending. If you want to change this you alter it in an intializer like so: ActionMailer::Base.add_delivery_method :active_record, ArMailer::ActiveRecord, :email_class => Newsletter === A Word on TLS If you are using Ruby >= 1.8.7, TLS will be enabled automatically if your SMTP server supports it. If you do not want it to automatically enabled then set the :tls option to false in your smtp_settings. If you are on Ruby <= 1.8.6, then the TLS patch included in this plugin will be loaded, so you don't need another TLS plugin to add the capability. This patch allows you to explicit set if the server supports TLS by setting the :tls option to true in your smtp_settings. === Help See ar_sendmail_rails3 -h for options to ar_sendmail_rails3. NOTE: You may need to delete an smtp_tls.rb file if you have one lying around. ar_mailer supplies it own. == Run as a service (init.d/rc.d scripts) For Linux both script and demo config files are in share/linux. See ar_sendmail.conf for setting up your config. Copy the ar_sendmail file to /etc/init.d/ and make it executable. Then for Debian based distros run 'sudo update-rc.d ar_sendmail defaults' and it should work. Make sure you have the config file /etc/ar_sendmail.conf in place before starting. For FreeBSD or NetBSD script is share/bsd/ar_sendmail. This is old and does not support the config file unless someone wants to submit a patch.